Employee Motivation Assignment

Employee Motivation Assignment Words: 686

Implementation of position description, Job specification, systems and procedures guides and strict HRS policies and operational policies. Attendance and Punctuality Employees will be given a deduction from their salary for every minute of coming in late to their work. This policy will give a fair basis to all employees. Employee Rights Right of free consent -people have the right to be treated only as they knowingly and willingly consent to be treated. Right of privacy -people have the right to do as they wish in their private lives, and they have the right to control what they reveal about private activities.

Right of conscience -People have the right to refuse to do what violates their moral beliefs, as long as these beliefs reflect commonly accepted norms. Right of freedom of speech -People have the right to criticize an organizations ethics, if they do so in good omniscience and their criticism does not violate the rights of individuals in the organization. Right to due process -if people believe their rights are being violated, they have the right to a fair and impartial hearing. EYE (Equal employment opportunity) policy All individuals have equal opportunities in employment to all employees.

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No person shall be discriminated against regarding employment because of age, ancestry, color, Logistical, gender leant mar tall status, notational orally, parental status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, source of income, or veteran status. This policy includes the commitment to maintaining a work environment free from unlawful harassment. A staff employee who reports concerns that he/she has been discriminated against in violation of this policy shall not be subject to reprisal or retaliation for making such a report.

Staff employees should immediately bring to the attention of the Office of Employee/Labor Relations or the Affirmative Action Officer any complaint of retaliation. Guidelines: This policy applies to all terms, conditions, and privileges of employment including acquirement, hiring, probationary period, training and development, Job assignment, supervision, promotion or transfer, compensation, benefits, layoff and recall, social and recreational programs, termination, and retirement.

The Associate Vice President for Human Resources, reporting to the Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for ensuring that University policies regarding the fair and equitable treatment of staff employees are carried out, including this EYE policy. Department heads, managers, and supervisors have primary responsibility for insuring that employment decisions and the work environment are in compliance with this policy. Their own work performance will be evaluated, in part, on the basis of their efforts and results in the area of EYE.

A staff employee should bring any work-related issues regarding this policy to his/her supervisor, as with other types of employee concerns. A staff employee may also take such concerns to the Office of Employee/Labor Relations or to the Affirmative Action Officer. Every effort will be made to treat issues promptly, impartially, and confidentially with a view of arriving t fair resolutions. To express the continuing practice of nondiscrimination in employment.

Increase in morale Employees will become disciplined. Rebellion of employees against the policies Employees are more of obliged rather than motivated to go to work Policies can be a source of frustration for the employees because they may be misunderstood some policies. Implement a competency-oases succession planning program To implement the program, Tim Johnson must first identify the Jobs that are valued in the organization. This could be done through Job evaluation and recognizing the impassable factors of the company.

It is also important to develop a plan on what certain positions are to be followed by subordinates when a certain position becomes vacant. The subordinates who will fill up the position will be evaluated through measuring their Job performance, specifically by making comparison among the candidates who will occupy the position. Employees have a clear career path in the organization. This may motivate employees to work for the organization. Increase in loyalty of employees which will lead to a decrease in turnover rate. Time consuming

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Employee Motivation Assignment. (2018, Nov 25). Retrieved February 21, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/employee-motivation-case-study-1847/