Education Unit Assignment

Education Unit Assignment Words: 2459

Assignment Statutory provisions are services that have to be available by law through legislation. (Tattoos, 2007, p. 25) A primary school is an example of a statutory provision service. If you do not send your child to primary school, you could get sent to Jail or finned by the government. Primary school children are usually aged from 5-11 years. They usually start Primary school aged 4 and continue this education until they’re aged 1 1 . They follow the National Curriculum.

During primary school, the children learn lots of efferent things. For example, they learn the alphabet, numbers, shapes and colors. The main purpose of this setting is to teach the children the main and basic things they need to make sure they make the progress they need to. An example off statutory provision for children under 5 would be a nursery. Someone would send their child to a nursery to ensure their child gets the education they need before they start primary school, so they don’t lag behind.

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They would start sometimes as young as 9 months and stay until they’re age 3-4. The main purpose for parents that send heir children to pre-school Is to make sure that the children get the basic skills they need to make sure they have the right start in primary school. Children attending nurseries follow the FEES. A private provision is owned by an individual or company and its aim is to make a profit (Beaver, 2008, pig 2). Some people that send their children to private provision are provided with funding which can help them pay for the fees.

A private nursery school for children aged under 5 years alms to provide private education that would allow the children to learn more because the education would be more efficient cause the learning would be taught in smaller classes which would allow them to get the support and help if they needed it, before they go onto going to primary school or a private prep school. The main difference Is a statutory nursery Is school hours and the term time only whereas private day care settings are open all year and for longer hours.

Private dance lessons for children aged 5 to 7 would be an example of a private provision. To go to private dance lessons parents have to pay fee but sometimes, parents might receive a fund to help them pay. Private dance lessons will be good for children because It will encourage them to get fitter. Parents might send their children to dance classes because they have to go to work, and they can’t find anyone to look after them. The dance teacher can chose who she wants to take on and times that she wants to work.

An example of a professional that works with children is a social worker whose role is to work with people who have been socially excluded or experiencing a time where they’re in a bad situation. They work with people and help them, and sometimes use heir experience to help them do that. Social workers work with a range of different people, such as young people who are drug and alcohol abusers, people with learning and physical disabilities, the homeless, the elderly.

Sometimes they work with young offenders, these people who have maybe committed a small crime that has got them into as bit of trouble and need to get back on their feet to prevent them from doing the thing they did again. They work with school non-attendees, so if your child does not attend school, you can get social services involved, if the situation is serious. Some social workers work in hospital settings, whilst others work closely with families. Social workers must be sensitive, objective and have good listening skills.

They have to be able to understand directions and information, whether spoken or read, as well as convey information effectively to others To become a social worker you have to have relevant qualifications, and “you will need either an honors or postgraduate degree in social work approved by the Health & Care Professions council (HCI)” It is important that the practitioner knows the settings’ confidentiality policy which usually says that they shouldn’t share information out of their setting, this is important because if they follow it, this will help build relationships with the parents and the other staff as they will know to trust you and it will give you a good reputation. Everything that you are told on the placement should be kept private and confidential, this means that you should not talk about the children outside of the placement.

Your placement will probably have forms that you have to sign that you agree that you will not share any information that you learn about the children and arenas. Your placement may also use a child identifier for their observations, you must keep to this and do not use the child’s actual name in the observations. When talking to the parents of the children you must not make them think that you are a staff member, anything that the parents tell you that you think is private and confidential, you must pass this onto another staff member, do not keep it to yourself. You might find yourself being asked to leave the room, if the other staff want to discuss something private, this is normal, so don’t feel offended. (Tattoos, 2007, p 16)

An example of when you should refer information about children and families to professionals in the setting is if the key worker sees some bruises on the child’s body, this may be an indication of physical abuse, it is important that you tell the person in charge that you have seen this on the child. When you have seen a child with bruises you should always as in a calm, friendly way, how it happened (Tattoos, 2007, p 123), if they tell you, you must share this information, if you are concerned for the child, it is important that the person in charge is the only person that you share this International Walt, you must not snare It Walt anyone else.

You nave to make sure you follow your safeguarding policy and report anything that you see to them. Another example of when you should refer information about children and their families to professionals in the setting is if the child has a specific allergy that the parents have just found out about, and they tell you, it is your Job to tell the person in charge that the child has the allergy Just in case the setting provides food and the child isn’t allowed to have that food because they are allergic. It is also important to check the ingredients labels of food as many ingredients, such as nuts, may be included even though they are not a major ingredient. ” (Tattoos, 2007, p 71).

Common symptoms for an allergic reaction would be rashes, or in more serious cases where the child is unable to breathe properly. A: It is important to keep all information that you receive confidential because you can get into serious trouble if you share information that you are not supposed to; there is a policy which is in the United Nations on the Rights of the Child (UNC) which is article 16, which explains that every child has the right to privacy. The law should protect the child’s private, home and family. This should be followed and you should follow it, if you do not follow your placements policy, you could get into serious trouble because you’re breaking the trust of your placement people.

Breaking confidentiality is a serious situation and it can get you into trouble. You will also break trust with the other staff members and the parents, and it will give you a bad reputation, that would mean that they might not be able to trust you again. “Don’t talk bout children, families and staff outside of the setting. ” (Beaver, 2008, p 13) Before starting your placement, you need to have knowledge about children and have a professional way of working with children and others and also it will be good if you set some goals before starting placement which may help you stay focused and you will also be able to make the most of opportunities that may arise while you are in the placement.

When you are in a placement you will probably be asked to do arts and crafts with the children, sometimes your placement will provide you with a ligament t-shirt, some settings allow you to wear Jeans while others don’t, you will be expected to follow the placements rules with the dress code. “Practical, easy-to- wash clothing is always best when working with young children. ” (Tattoos, 2007, pig 9) Every work placement will have its own code of behavior, so it’s a good idea to phone in advance to find out whether there is anything that you should not wear. (Tattoos, 2007, pig 9) 81 : It is very important to give a good first impression because most people will try and guess your personality on your first impression.

Remember that in your setting you will not get a second chance, you have to make sure that you’re smart, be polite, act appropriately Ana IT you give a TLS Impression It wall tell ten people Tanat you’re a good person and they will think that you’re a good person to work with. Make sure that you’re on time on your first day there, if you’re on time, it will show the setting that you’re punctual and you’re able to meet deadlines on the right time, it will also indicate to them, that you’re keen to be there and they will want to keep you on and not kick you off the placement. F you have a positive attitude, it will show that you’re keen to be there and that you want to be there. “Do Join in with activities in the placement, even if you feel a little shy at first. (Beaver, 2008, pig 10) When working in a childcare setting it is important to show positive attitudes because it will show the setting that you are genuinely interested in working there, if you do no show a positive attitude it will show them that you are not very interested and don’t want to work there. A few ways where you can show a positive attitude would e if you are given positive feedback, if you are given positive feedback from the people at your setting, this means that they are genuinely happy with you and probably would want to see you again, ways in which you could do that would be arriving to your setting, volunteering to do Jobs even when you don’t have to.

Another way in which you can show a positive attitude would be if you set a good example for the children, because children will often copy what you do, so you have to make sure you set a good example for them to follow. If you have good behavior, this also helps tit showing a positive attitude; you could help out and maybe stay back after to help tidy up. Mimi need to demonstrate a positive attitude whenever you’re working professionally’ (Beaver, 2008, pig 9) You have to make sure you treat each child as an individual and recognize their individual needs, all children have needs, but some children have additional needs and it is important that we recognize them. IOW will also have to think about children’s individual needs when you plan activities in the setting, and it is important to think about their interests too. (Tattoos, 2007, pig 19). You can find out individual needs for the children by doing some observations to find out where they will need extra support. For example, if a child in a setting is deaf, it is important that you adapt the activities around these children, because every child wants to be included in these activities. To adapt an activity around a deaf person, you could get them a brail book; they help the person work out what letters they are feeling. So they can work out what the word says.

Another example would be if the child with a disability, oh will need to consider the activities you do with the children to make sure the child with the disability can Join in; you will have to adapt your activities around them to make sure you include them. A* It is important to know what learning style you are to make sure that you have written up your notes effectively. Ana to Know now you study, tans wall Nell you Walt writing up your notes and studying for exams. The different learning styles are auditory processing by listening, Kinesthesia processing by moving or doing, and visual processing by watching. Tattoos, 2007, pig 25) My learning style is a mixture of all three which is a good thing because I am able to lean in three different ways, which will expand my learning further.

When thinking about what learning style to use when writing up notes, I usually think what would be the most effective and why. I think how will I be able to use these notes effectively and will I be able to use these notes again if I have to? It is important to recognize what learning style you prefer best because not everyone will learn in the exact same way, it is all about equality of opportunity, everyone learning the same thing but in a way that suits them the best. When doing lots of different activities you have to make sure you include everyone. You will need to find alternatives so that everyone is included in what you do. “Treating everyone the same means thinking about each child as an individual and treating them the same with the same concern and value. (Tattoos, 2007, pig 19) Remember treating children equally doesn’t mean treating them the same, it means meeting their individual needs to make sure that they include everyone in the activities. When you treat children individually, you may sometimes provide different activities or adapt equipment. An example of this would be meeting the needs of a Muslim because they’re not allowed to drink alcohol, you will need to find alternative to suit the individual needs of the child. Http://grassroots. About. Com/do/leatherette/f/crossword. Tm Date Accessed: 03/10/2013 ; -reasons P, 2007, CACHE Level 2 Childcare & Education, Henchman ; http://www. Prospects. AC. UK/social_worker_entry_requirements. HTML Date Accessed: 04/10/13 ; Beaver M, 2008, CACHE Level 2 Child care & Education, Nelson Thrones

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