Data Management Across the Continuum Assignment

Data Management Across the Continuum Assignment Words: 549

Explaining Hall’s role s a standard-setting organization and the need for semantic interoperability to meet HAL standards is also given good coverage by the article. Clinical document architecture (CAD) using standardized data sets is explained as one method to improve communication between IT systems. Several times, the author describes a parallel between the development of human to human language and computer to computer communication asserting that semantic interoperability is progressing much the same way that human language has evolved.

The general conclusion is that Involvement In semantic Interoperability can be objectively measured. I believe semantic interoperability is a great term to describe the necessity for standardized terminologies and data dictionary’s. Quality data becomes information that can be shared otherwise It Is limited to the space on one’s server. Superman, G. J. , Blair,J. S. , Franca, R. A. , Savviest, D. , & Low, A. F. (2010). Developing data content specifications for the Nationwide Health Information Trial Implementations.

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Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 17:6-12. This tactic describes the process of implementing content specifications for Interoperability within the Nationwide Health Information Network (INN)_ The constructs established by the Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITS) are described as a good starting point toward interoperability. Increased Interoperability leads to Increased value of the electronic healthcare record (ERR).

Although there have been tremendous technical advances the authors point out increasing interoperability has been hampered by a lack of centralized coordinated effort and poor health data standards. In response to President Bush’s mandate for an interoperable ERR by 2014, the HITS determined that common standards Is critical to the development of the INN. The Content Work Group (CSCW) developed data specifications for a test demonstration of the INN infrastructure. The authors provide several lessons learned following the successful test demonstration in 2008.

Organizations were able to implement content specifications without major problems. Although HITS standards were suitable as a starting point for patient record specifications, standardized vocabularies for metadata still need much improvement. The need for better mapping between terminologies was also identified from the demonstration. Last, the author states that the INN specifications are suitable as a technical foundation for vendors to build network solutions. Lee, M. K. , Park, H. -A. , & Ham, S. W. (2010). Evaluation of the Clinical Data Dictionary.

Healthcare Informatics Research, 16(2):82-8. The article begins by describing the importance of data standardization as the central building block that supports communication across different clinical information systems. Of particular appreciation was the authors description of semantic collisions leading to interoperable patient data. The study presented in the article describes the method of mapping the Clinical Data Dictionary (Acid) developed by the Center for Interoperable ERR (Icier) to local terms of a 500 bed hospital.

The results indicated that the Acid covered 72% of the local terms used by the hospital. Errors in medical terminology, spelling, grammar, and local abbreviations caused some terms to not match the Acid. Acid provide data definition which leads to standardization. The success of the mapping process does not equal the importance or necessity of a standard. The mapping project in the study was 72% successful. The need for data quality is 100%. Increased semantic interoperability through standardization was a constant theme throughout the research for this assignment.

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Data Management Across the Continuum Assignment. (2019, Jul 09). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from