Current Market Conditions Assignment

Current Market Conditions Assignment Words: 507

Smartened industry as well as to remain competitive for years to come. History Apple Computer, Incorporated is our selection for this assignment. Apple computer Is one of the largest computer companies In the world. Steve Jobs and Steve Woozier founded the company In 1976. Both Jobs and Woozier dropped out of college In order to establish their company. The positions the two assumed was designer and manager, Jobs was the company manager and Woozier was the designer. Their first invention was to build a box that completed long distance calls for free.

They took replicas of this invention and sold them for profit. Apple was now a legitimate company and in 1982 it grossed over a million dollars in annual sales. In 1985 John Scullery was hired after there was a incident of conflicting business interest involving Jobs. This incident eventually led to the firing of Jobs. Mr.. Jobs did not allow this to deter his dream of owning his own business. Jobs decided to start his own computer company, he called it NeXT. His company had limited success, but enough to where in 1996 Apple bought Jobs’ company, and re-hired him as a special advisor.

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Jobs held that position until dodo where he was named Chief Executive Officer. Apple released the first Phone In 2007, It had all the classic bells and whistles and It did well In the market. Apple came out with the Phone EGGS In 2009, the sales for this version exceeded Two hundred million. The EGGS featured hundreds of applications and a touch screen; the phone was user friendly. Because it was user friendly it soared in the market, you did not have to have computer knowledge in order to use it. Each wireless service (Verizon, Sprint, AT;T, Etc…….. Offers similar application packages, reducing the cost of the phone if you select their many trying to get customer ratio up. Apple now actively competes with other smart phone developers who are in out opinion giving way to just as creative ideas. One of Apples strongest competitors is Samsung, who has developed the Samsung Galaxy phone. This smart phone although It Is much larger than the compact Phone has features and applications that the wireless customer base Is attracted. Current Market Conditions By uneaten computer is one of the largest computer companies in the world. Steve Jobs and Steve Woozier founded the company in 1976.

Both Jobs and Woozier dropped out of allege in order to establish their company. The positions the two assumed was Apple released the first phone in 2007, it had all the classic bells and whistles and it did well in the market. Apple came out with the phone ASS in 2009, the sales for this version exceeded Two hundred million. The ASS featured hundreds smart phone developers who are in out opinion giving way to Just as creative ideas. Galaxy phone. This smart phone although it is much larger than the compact phone has features and applications that the wireless customer base is attracted.

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