Comm Syllabus Assignment

Comm Syllabus Assignment Words: 752

Much of the learning in a communication class comes from observing presentations and articulating in class discussions, so it is very important you attend every class. The University of Southern California prohibits the awarding of points solely on a student’s physical presence in a class. However, USC allows the use of unexcused absences and excessive tardiness to count against a grade. This includes leaving class early. Unexcused absences will lower your grade. Arriving late or leaving early counts as 1/3 unexcused absence per incident. The only acceptable excused 2. . 4. 5. 6. Absences are the following and must be corroborated in writing by the proper authority: (1) Personal illness that requires a doctor’s visit, (2) Serious illness or death of a close family member, (3) Serious natural disaster such as fire, earthquake, 1 or civic unrest, or (4) Court related obligation such as Jury duty, appearance, deposition, or subpoena. Absences (excused and unexcused) may result in a lower grade if work is not made up in a timely manner. 2 Arriving late or leaving early will also affect your participation points.

Your final course grade will be reduced after four (4) excused or unexcused absences. The amount of the reduction is calculated on the total number f absences. Your final course grade will be reduced after 2 unexcused absences. The amount of the reduction is calculated on the total number of unexcused absences. Students who are instant messaging, web surfing, Beckoning, or involved in other similar activities during class will be asked to leave and retroactively marked as absent for the day. Instructors are allowed to ban laptops in the classroom at their discretion.

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Students are to turn off cell phones during class. In order to make up an assignment (speech, test, or paper) without incurring a grade penalty, you must be blew to document your absence (e. G. , a doctor’s note). You must make up any missed assignments within one week of returning to school. Your participation in class activities will earn you points toward you final course grade. If you are not in class during these activities, you will receive no points – and these activities and points cannot be made up. A student must complete ALL assignments to pass the course.

All missed assignments must be made up in a timely manner. Discuss what is timely, under the unique circumstances of your absence, with your instructor the day you return to class. This discussion should take place during office hours, before or after class, and not take away from class time. Questions about grades should be addressed in a timely manner. There is a 24 – hour “wait period” after receiving a grade, but then you should address questions within the next 5 days. Student’s attire should be appropriate for a business setting on speech days. Casual dress negatively affects perceptions of credibility.

Speeches and papers must be the original work of the student and not used for any other course (this includes taking a “written” assignment and turning it into an “oral” assignment). Violation of this policy is an Academic Integrity Violation and can result in a student being expelled from the School of Communication. This is California. No one gets a “free pass” Just because there’s a little tremor: If the university is in session, you are required to attend class. 2 “Timely’ meaner within a day or two of your return to school, or by negotiated agreement with instructor.

It does NOT mean at the time near the end of the semester when you realize those points were important to your overall grade. A An outstanding speech. Clear goal well adapted to deeds and interests of the audience. Excellent content, well-organized, excellent wording and delivery and/or superior accomplishment on the criteria established for that speech. A speech approaching the qualities of an “A” speech. A good to very good speech, but not achieving a standard of excellence in any or enough areas to merit an “A”.

A good Job of meeting most or all established criteria for that speech. A satisfactory speech. Reasonably clear goal, adequate support, apparent organization, but may not be entirely clear to the entire audience; some problems in wording or livery or both; and/or some deficiencies in meeting the major criteria established for that speech. An unclear goal and serious deficiencies in some and perhaps all areas of content, organization, wording and delivery; and/or serious deficiencies in meeting major criteria established for that speech.

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Comm Syllabus Assignment. (2021, Mar 10). Retrieved March 5, 2025, from