Child Observation: Middle Childhood Assignment

Child Observation: Middle Childhood Assignment Words: 1335

CHILD DEVELOPMENT CHART: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD (7-11 years) Early Childhood Development YOUR CHILD DEVELOPMENT CHART: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD (7–11 YEARS) SECTION 1: MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS | |[pic] [pic] | |BIOSOCIAL |Brief Description of Example | |Body Changes |1. Around the age of 6, there is a slowing down of the rate of growth. | | | | | | | |2. Children begin to take control over their motor skills, they also develop stronger muscles. | | | | | | | |Brain Development |1.

There is greater communication between neurons in the brain and also brain development increases. | | | | | | | | |2. The corpus callosum continues maturing, as well as the prefrontal cortex. | | | | | | | |[pic] [pic] | |COGNITIVE | | |Piaget’s Theory |1. Piaget believed middle childhood as the beginning of logical thinking and lessening of egocentrism which is more present in early childhood. | | | | | | | |2. The concepts of conversation, classification, identity and reversibility are concepts they begin to understand at this age. | | | | |Vygotsky’s Theory |1. Vygotsky’s Theory stressed the importance of the influence of culture and social context of learning. | | | | | | | |2. Vygotsky’s theory believed that economic and cultural forces were very influential in child development. | | | | |Information Processing |1.

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I. P was based on a computer model, examines each step of the thinking process. | | | | | | | | |2. In order to understand memory, perception and expression, this computer-based model can be used to explain these concepts. | | | | | | |Language Development |1. During middle childhood, there is great improvement in language, an expanding in vocabulary. | | | | | | | | |2.

Children begin logically linking words together. | | | | | | | | |[pic] [pic] | |PSYCHOSOCIAL | | |Self Concept |1. Children develop self-concept during middle childhood. | | | | | | | |2. Children develop a more realistic view of their own abilities. | | | | | | | |Resilience/Stress |1.

Children with social support, independent activities, religious faith and personal assets will be more resilient in the face of stress. | | | | | | | | |2. Families influence how children react to problems which arise in their life. | |Family Structure and Function |1.

There are five important functions to a supportive family structure some of which include, satisfying physical needs, the encouragement of learning, protecting| | |their self esteem and establishing self respect. | | | | | | | | |2. Parents needs provide a stable, safe and supportive home for their child. | | | |Friendships/Peers |1. Families play a pivotal role in helping children establish and maintain friendships. | | | | | | | | |2.

Children need close friendships in order to maintain a healthy development. | | | | SECTION 2: THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN DEVELOPMENTAL DOMAINS |Name of Developmental Instance: |Description of Interplay Between Domains: | | |Children learn from one another through imitation, observation and modeling.

Children also learn moral boundaries and concept such as| | |fairness and consequences. Peer relationships help foster cognitive, social and emotional development. | |Peer Relationships | | SECTION 3: WAYS TO FOSTER HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT |Name of Developmental Topic: |Brief description of how to foster healthy development: | | Treating children with respect helps them develop healthy self-esteem and self-worth. Middle childhood is a critical time for the | | |development of healthy self-esteem. | | | | |Foster Self-Esteem | |

SECTION 4: REFLECTION ON VIDEO: “The Journey through the Life Span” (Disc 2), Part 2: Middle Childhood (all three segments) |Brief Description of Selected Topic/Idea from Video |Personal Reflection | |DVD 2 Examines the physical, cognitive and social development of children during middle |I found it interesting that a study was used to match the impulsively shy child with the | |childhood.

Although physical development may begin to taper off, there are still large amounts |impulsively aggressive in child in order to help them improve their behavior. A also found it | |of growth in cognitive and social development. According to the video, by 5th grade, a child may|interesting that peer groups seem to have an even stronger effect on impacting children in | |already have 40,000 words. Children at this age can begin to understand another perspective and |middle childhood than parents.

The function of friendship in order to help a child learn | |what motivates another person. As children grow, they spend less time “under a parent’s watchful|autonomy, I never thought about this concept before. | |eye” and spend more time out in the world being independent and finding out what they like to | | |do. During this age, children can use imagination in order to understand different situations | | |and develop their own moral compass.

Peer groups have the strongest influence over how | | |school-age children learn different standards for governing their own behaviors. Males usually | | |play more physical games while girls use relational aggression in which relationships are the | | |vehicle of aggression rather than the use of physical aggression which is more common among | | |boys.

Peers help in pro-social behavior such as showing empathy and sympathy/concern for | | |others. | | | | | Walden University M. S. in Early Childhood Studies Formative Evaluative Criteria for Applications and Reflective Essays Quality of Work Submitted |A: Exemplary Work |B: Graduate Level Work |C: Minimal Work |F: Work Submitted but Unacceptable | | |A = 4. 00; A- = 3. 75 |B+ = 3. 50; B = 3. 00; | |F = 1. 00 | |Work reflects graduate-level critical,| |B- = 2. 75 |C+ = 2. 50; C = 2. 00; | | |analytical thinking. |All of the previous, in addition to |C- = 1. 75 | | | |All of the previous, in addition to |the following: | | | | |the following: | | | | |Adherence to Assignment Expectations | |Most parts of assignment are |Does not fulfill the expectations of | | | |All parts of the assignment are |completed. |the assignment. | |The extent to which work meets the |Assignment exceeds expectations, |completed, with fully developed | | | |assigned criteria. |integrating additional material and/or|topics. | | | |information. | | | | | | |The work is presented in a thorough |Topics are not fully developed. |Key components are not included. | | | |and detailed manner. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Assignment demonstrates exceptional |Assignment demonstrates appropriate |Assignment demonstrates minimal |Assignment lacks breadth and depth. | | |breadth and depth. |breadth and depth. |depth and breadth. | |Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas | | | | | | |Demonstrates the ability |Demonstrates a clear understanding of |Shows some degree of understanding of |Shows a lack of understanding of the | |The extent to which the work reflects |intellectually to explore and/or |the assignment’s purpose. |the assignment’s purpose. |assignment’s purpose. | |the student’s ability to- |implement key instructional concepts. | | | | | | | | | |Understand the assignment’s purpose; |Demonstrates exceptional inclusion of | | | | |Understand and analyze material in |major points, using creditable |Includes specific information from |Generally applies theories, concepts, |Does not apply theories, concepts, | |videos, readings, and |sources**, in addition to course |course videos or required readings to |and/or strategies correctly, with |and/or strategies | |discussions; |videos or required readings. |support major points. ideas unclear and/or underdeveloped | | |Apply presented strategies | | | | | |**May include, but are not limited to,|Demonstrates insightful reflection | | | | |scholarly articles, collegial |and/or critical thinking. | |Minimally includes specific |Does not include specific information | |discussions; information from | |Provides careful consideration of key |information from course videos or |from course videos or required | |conferences, in service, faculty | |instructional concepts. |required readings. readings. | |development, and/or meetings. . | | | | | |Written Expression and Formatting | | | | | | |Represents scholarly writing in a |Work is well organized with correct |Somewhat represents mature, scholarly,|The quality of writing and/or APA | |The extent to which scholarly, |correct APA format. |APA formatting throughout. graduate-level writing, with APA |formatting are not acceptable for | |critical, analytical writing is | | |generally followed. |graduate level work. | |presented in APA format; | | | | | | | | | |Major points do not reflect | |Standard Edited English ( i. e. correct| | | |appropriate elements of communication. | |grammar, mechanics). | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Work is unified around a central |Ideas are clearly and concisely | | | | |purpose with well-developed ideas, |expressed. |Ideas are not clearly and concisely |No effort to express ideas clearly and| | |logically organized in paragraph | |expressed. |concisely. | | |structure with clear transitions. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Effective sentence variety; clear, |Elements of effective communication |Elements of effective communication | | | |concise, and powerful expression are |such as an introduction and |such as an introduction and | | | |evident. |conclusion are included. |conclusion are not included. | | | | | | | | |Work is written in Standard Edited | | | | | |English. No prominent errors interfere| | | | | |with reading. |Work is written in Standard Edited |Work contains more than a few | | | | |English with few, if any, grammatical |grammatical, or mechanical errors. Work is not written in Standard Edited| | | |or mechanical errors | |English. Contains many grammatical or | | | | | |mechanical errors | |Final Assignment Grade |A: Exemplary Work |B: Graduate Level Work |C: Minimal Work |F: Work Submitted but Unacceptable | | |A = 4. 00; A- = 3. 75 |B+ = 3. 50; B = 3. 00; | |F = 1. 0 | | | |B- = 2. 75 |C+ = 2. 50; C = 2. 00; | | | | | |C- = 1. 75 | | It is expected that all applications and reflective essays will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member if contacted by the student prior to the due date describing extenuating circumstances. Updated: 11. 16. 06

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