Changing Learning Styles in the Light of New Assignment

Changing Learning Styles in the Light of New Assignment Words: 2615

This definition holds the notion that gaining knowledge is an objective of earning (or a style) that is attainable if not already innate through either reasoning or experiences. It is known that learners create knowledge as they make attempts to understand their experience, as they are not empty vessels to be filled in with knowledge Instead learners are actively attempting to create meaning, they often select and pursue their own learning styles. Although it is believed that real life learning is messy and complex, but methods which emulate the fuzziness of this kind of learning is more effective for lifelong learning.

Earlier the life of knowledge is measured in decades but today as knowledge is growing exponentially, and there we may have such fields where the life of knowledge is measured in months and weeks. Today what is known may become obsolete after few weeks. According to (CAST) American Society of Training & Documentation the amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the past 1 0 years and is doubling every 10 months as a result this is responsible for the shrinking half life of knowledge.

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It is believed that because of these trends in the development of knowledge formal education remains no more the ultimate source of learning, rather earners are switching on to a variety of sources like personal networks, communities of practice and personal experiences. As we can no longer personally experience and acquire learning that we need to act in this digital age making connections has become necessary to keep moving the learning theories.

We may derive our learning, competence and expertise by forming connections with the experiences of others, as experience has long been considered the best teacher of knowledge, so here the quote “l store my knowledge in my friends mind” becomes an axiom for collecting knowledge y collecting people of varied experiences. Chaos is the new reality for the learners to attain knowledge, as with Chaos learners foster their understanding by deriving out the meaning of their task which has hidden patterns and their chaos unveil that meaning. Chaos as a science connects specialized communities and further it connects everything to anything.

It recognizes the adjacent patterns for new knowledge which is a key to learning. Since technology is getting advanced day by day thereby altering one brain, it further defines and shapes our thinking. In today knowledge economy it is accessory to form connection between the sources of information in order to develop useful informational patterns or a network, it can be computer or social networking which works on the simple principle that people groups systems nodes, entities all can be connected to create an integrated whole. This way sharing and exchanging of ideas may greatly lead to the notion of serendipity, innovation and creativity.

In their new learning styles if students are connected to their teachers, their peers, and with other social groups through various networks. It may be possible that they come up with new ideologies and experiences which will result in the enhancement of their learning, researches in the past have indicated that cognitive (interactive and experimental) learning is the result of “Mental Construction” in a collaborative learning environment. It is believed that 1. Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions. 2. Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes (experts) or information SOUrces. 3.

Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known. 4. Nurturing and maintaining connective bonds is needed to facilitate continual learning. 5. An ability to seek connections between fields, ideas and concepts is a skilful learning. 6. Updated knowledge is the index of all learning activities. Learners change as the knowledge keeps on changing from time to timer learning styles acknowledges the tectonic shifts in society where learning is no longer an internal individualistic activity and learners no more permissive sponges. It requires us to rethink and redesign our learning styles for the digital age.

This paper is an attempt to provide an insight into new form of learning style and tasks needed for learners to compete and flourish in this GE. Connections based on small efforts of many with the large efforts of few, where flow of knowledge starts when the individual enters into his social network, add something from the global nodes comes back to him. Radio and television, print media are just a one way preposition, they push their contents to us, but the web is a two way push and pull. It connects the learners directly to the sources it can be live as on line and offline too.

Web has the ability of two ways reciprocity, another important aspect of learning through web is that it is the medium that honors the notion of multiple intelligences as experts from all over the world are at an ease to contribute their knowledge at a single platform. Web has become a great tool for writers as they provide the learners learning with entertainment, it has multiple forms of intelligence abstract, textual, visual, musical social and kinesthesia. Learning through web has a chance to construct a medium that enables all young people to become engaged in their ideal way of learning.

The Web affords the match we need between a medium and how a particular person learns. One of the goal of Learner is to have course curricular to be offered in ultimate formats – teach Led, CD- Room, DVD, Video and internet , Mobile Phones, Spoken and written Information, Conferencing, Virtual Classrooms etc. The right technology used appropriately can greatly enhance the learning experience. The key to choosing the right technology to support learning is to match the technology to the learner and the learning context.

E-learning has a two way benefit for learners, one to have professional lessons from the experts and to have the lessons available at anytime as online subject matter of different courses is being delivered over the internet, and is available for al learners. The most common function used in online learning style is electronic mail that allows students and teachers to send and receive messages along with attached files. In addition web conferencing capabilities let participants conduct multi-person discussions, either in real time (chats) online or off time, combination of technology with personal contact and support is optimal for pedagogy.

If the faculty members of distant learning integrate technology into their teaching it will be of great help in mentoring and giving time to time support to the learners. Learning styles can be:- Motivational: – learners if connected to the experts through internet, they feel a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction as they get all their quarries answered, and time spent on task completion would be reduced by being connected to a number of experts and it brings in positive addiction among the learners.

Resource based:- E-resources have the potential to link the learner to varied variety of resources and provide a guided path through them. It takes the learners to the many primary sources, archival, materials, database etc. In order to facilitate learners’ original work. Collaborative:- the learners can go for a smooth learning in collaboration with their peers and distinct educators, they can communicate and share with ease as intellectual property increases by sharing.

Controlled:- Students can choose time place and pace of learning according to their capabilities and necessities, as everything is available at anytime. They can manage their own hours of learning in their own suitable settings. Thus the entire control Of learning is in the hands Of learners Interactive:- Learners while interacting with different sources develops the attention for choosing how to pursue and synthesis information, as a guest they will be enable to give their personal comments on available information, it can be used for self-assessment quizzes, for contributing information too.

Publication:- Learners can develop their own blobs and can post them for publication for their peers and for the word wide audience, they get back responses and remarks in return which may help them to improve upon their piece of knowledge Updated:- Online learning provides the learners to improve their study styles from time to time as they have to match their knowledge with that of the oral and also helps to timely update their current knowledge from the web. E- Learning based:- Using the advanced sources if E Learning in gaining knowledge and education, educators as well as learners can meet their varied needs.

Through E-learning real time lectures, quizzes, group discussions, E- book and journals and other achieved course material can be easily assessed at nearly anytime and at anyplace Effective Learning Management System: For connecting learners into a unified team for which there appears a need to develop skills in group dynamics, compromise, debate, persuasion, organization, leadership, and management skills, they should know how to work effectively as a team and enhance virtual and networked activities.

They should learn to work in global networked virtual teams, computer supported and collaborative learning enhances team performance through sharing each person’s ideas, structuring group dialogues, and recording the rationales, questions and answers. As command and control systems, disintegrate across the globe, academic institutions must become less regional and more flexible in their attempt to meet varied needs of learners.

Connecting Learners to Supplementary Links:- It becomes extremely easy to link learner to the various resources available elsewhere on the web. However, it is important that the links provided should be well conceptualized. It would be better to specify or target the links to particular topic or assignment, the educator should link only those sites which were evaluated by him for accuracy and suitability for the subject or courseware.

Learners self organize the information in a manner required by them. They develop the capacity to form connections between sources of knowledge and hereby create useful information patterns, this network can simply be defined as connections between entities. Learning styles based on computer networks, power grids and E -sources all function on the simple principle that people, groups, systems, modes, entities can be connected to create an integrated whole.

Learning can be a mind stretching activity on the part of learners, if they are involved in activities which engage them mentally, as this increases their power of concentration. Another method of indirect learning is when the learners who miss any session they are given video tapes of the re-recorded digital lessons on a media server, which includes the comments and questions from audience and answers from experts, the goal behind is to transform a lecture into a fleeting performance that can reach maximum number of students.

The matter on the tape is segmented, when this tape will be viewed by the subsequent audience they becomes part of knowledge performance (Knowledge Sharing) leading to additional layers of cumulative annotation and its meaning becomes socially constructed. Web is successful in creating a learning ecology. On web learners can have a full motion video along with audio, which rates huge opportunities for learners. It will be the learner who will drive this chaotic, transformation phenomenon, who will see the things differently challenge the background, assumptions and bring new possibilities into being.

The new challenge arise is to foster an approach towards creating new learning styles. Opportunities and environment are to be developed by making use of the unique capabilities of the web in order to globally connect the learners with the expertise and also with the peers. Today kids are always multiprocessing they do several things simultaneously -? listen to music use imputer and talk on cell phone and all the things go parallel unobtrusively.

By making this power of the young learners in use we make the new system of learning to be absorbed by them. This task is made an easier for them through web. New generation learners gets involved in various links on web, they look and watch how other people are doing things (Problem Solving) then they try it themselves in novice way, that is learning in situations so it becomes necessary to create such situations where students learn in their social settings, where learning becomes as much social as cognitive.

Web comes not only an informational and social resources but a learning medium where understandings are socially constructed and shared where learning is taken as a part of action and knowledge creation. Much of the knowing is brought forth in action through participation. In other words a lot of our know how or knowing comes into being through participating in our community of interactive programs on (Practice a simple way to connect pupils is a two way) radio, video, virtual lessons video conferencing, online chats etc, Teens don’t know what to do.

The problem is not necessarily one of motivation. For many high school students, they never learned how they best study; therefore, they do not know what to do beyond the five minutes they spend skimming through their textbooks. Hopefully, by providing some useful tips for teachers and strategies for parents at home, the problem of poor study habits of high school students will be on the decline. What teachers can do? Teaching the basic learning skills to students will improve their poor learning habits when required to be implemented.

The first and best requirement is to make students stay organized by keeping a planner that is graded. There are o many distractions from school that are far more interesting to students, so keeping up with their assignments is a must. When a planner is implemented and the student and parents both know it will be graded, there is a higher percentage of students who are successful. The most basic change in teaching style from a teacher-centered environment to a student-centered environment will improve the learning skills of high school students the fastest.

Students know teachers are going to give them everything that they need; often, this requires little more than regurgitation to be successful. Assignments such as multi-genre projects, independent and group research, mufti-part segmented assignments, require students to press into a subject and discover information on their own, as opposed to, aerobically reproducing an answer that requires no work to find. Teachers must empower their students to be successful learners with assistance only coming after effort was put forth on the part of the student.

How parents can help. For parents, you can start by having a required “study time” for your ward every night whether or not they have actual homework. Set aside a time here you can monitor this time and be of help if the need arises. Make study tools available for your child so they will feel empowered. Teachers have given them the basics of how to read, read for comprehension, work through problems, and such, but practice makes perfect.

Get them workbooks and flashcards for advanced study beyond what they are doing in school. If they do not have homework, then have them work to do research on a subject or historical event. Thus it can be conclude that as learners always compete for connections because links represent survival in an interconnected world. Advanced learning through computer mediated communications includes independence of specific time and place requirements ease the student in their learning scenario.

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Changing Learning Styles in the Light of New Assignment. (2021, Dec 16). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from