Change in Rules in Lpu Assignment

Change in Rules in Lpu Assignment Words: 1614

Minimum Tate n dad n c e require ERM e nuts for stun De n t seen roll led in Full- time and P a r t time Regular Programmer : 1. A) Students of the University are expected and encouraged to attend all the classes of every course. A student should attend 80% or more in aggregate of delivered classes, in all registered courses of theory ( lectures and tutorial ) and practical (including workshops training, seminar, rejects, training etc. ) of the concerned term including optional / additional , elective / specialization and backlog courses. (b) A relaxation of 05% in attendance is granted to take care of a student’s absence due to medical reasons and other genuine exigencies. . It is mandatory for a student to have a minimum of 75% attendance in an individual course to earn marks for attendance in that course. Marks for attendance will be awarded to Full -time regular students only. 1 | Page Marks would be awarded as per the following table: Percentage Attendance 90% or more 85% or more but less than 90% 80% or more but sees than 85% 75% or more but less than 80% Marks (applicable for Full-time Programmer only) 5 4 3 2 No marks will be given for attendance below 75%. 3.

Shortage of attendance Upton a maximum of 10% may further be condoned in genuine cases, by a competent authority, based on the student’s past attendance more 85% or more but less than 90% 80% or more but less than 85% 75% or more but less than 80% 4. An aggregate attendance below 65% shall not be condoned. 5. For condoning the shortage of attendance, the competent authority following norms: (a) In case of Continuing students of Semester programmer: The aggregate attendance of the immediate two previous terms will be taken into consideration.

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Percentage shortage in attendance that may be condoned would be determined by taking the sum of the immediate two previous terms aggregate attendance as per table in point no. 3, subject to a maximum condoning of 10% in a term. Will be guided by the Percentage shortage in attendance that may be condoned* ( for Full-time and Part-time Programmer ) 10 8 6 4 21 Pa GE Illustration: A student of batch 2012-13 of B. Tech. (4 years) had an aggregate attendance of 82% in the Autumn Term (Term -l) of Session 2012-13 and 84% in the Spring Term (Term – II) of Session 2012-13.

If he/she falls sick in the Autumn Term of Session 2013-14 and has an aggregate attendance in this term of 67% I. E. He/she falls short of the minimum required attendance of 75%, then the shortage in attendance will be condoned based on his/her immediate previous two terms’ attendance. For the Autumn Term of Session 2012-13 he/she gets a benefit of 06% (as per table in point no. 3 the attendance was between 80% -85%) and for the Spring Term of Session 2012-13 he/she will get the benefit of 06% (as the attendance was between

The sum of these two percentages comes out to 12% (6+6) but the attendance shortage will be condoned Upton a maximum of 10%. By adding 10% to his/her attendance of 67% his attendance exceeds 75% thereby making him/her eligible for appearing in ET of all courses of that term. (b) For Freshmen students in the Autumn term of the first year of admission of Semester programmer: In the Autumn Term of the first year / year of admission, where previous two terms’ aggregate attendance is not available, aggregate attendance percentage will be calculated separately for ‘before MET’ and ‘after MET’ periods.

Percentage shortage in attendance that may be condoned would be determined by taking double of the higher of the two percentages as per table in point no. 3, subject to a maximum condoning of 10% in a term. (c) For students in the Spring term of the first year of admission of Semester programmer: In the Spring Term of the first year / year of admission, percentage shortage in attendance that may be condoned would be determined by taking double of the aggregate attendance percentage of the immediate previous term as per table in point no. , subject to a maximum condoning of 10% in a term. D) From the second year onwards, condoning would be done as in case of continuing students. (e) For Freshmen students of Annual programmer: In the first year / year of admission, where previous two years’ aggregate attendance is not available, aggregate point no. 3, 31 Pa GE subject to a maximum condoning of 10% in a year. The same will be applicable to annual programmer having d u RA t I o n of one year. (f) For Continuing students of Annual programmer: I.

In the second year, percentage shortage in attendance that may be condoned would be determined by taking double f the aggregate attendance percentage of the immediate previous year as per table in point no. 3, subject to a maximum condoning of 10% in a year. It. From the third year onwards, the aggregate attendance of the immediate two previous years will be taken into consideration. Percentage shortage in attendance that may be condoned would be determined by taking the sum of the immediate two previous years’ aggregate attendance as per table in point no. 3 subject to a maximum condoning of 10% in a year. . Shortage in attendance will be condoned on the basis of the attendance from the immediate revises term(s) and will be added to compute the attendance of the current term only if a student’s aggregate attendance in current term is more than or equal to 65%. In case a student’s aggregate attendance is less than 65%, he/she will be detained and awarded fail grades in all courses in that term. 7. The condoned shortage in attendance will be added in the aggregate attendance of the current term if a student is not able to meet the operational minimum attendance requirement as applicable to him/her.

If after adding the condoned attendance, a student satisfies the minimum attendance requirement, then the tuned will be allowed to appear in ET otherwise the condoned attendance is not added in the aggregate attendance but it is added in attendance of individual courses and the student will be allowed to appear in the ET of only those courses in which the student satisfies the attendance criteria after adding the condoned attendance. 8. The benefit of condoned attendance will only be for calculating the eligibility condition for appearing in ET.

Advantage of condoned attendance points will not be given for earning marks. 9. (a) A student will be considered eligible to appear in the End Term Examination as err the following conditions: I. If a student’s aggregate attendance after condoning, is registered in the term. 41 pa GE If a student’s aggregate attendance after condoning is less than 75 %, then he/she will be allowed to appear in ET of only those courses in which his/her attendance is equal to or more than 75%. In all other courses, he/she will be detained and awarded ‘F grades. B) Eligibility for appearing in the End Term Examination in courses with L- O T- O P- O I If the student is partially detained in a term, he/she would be allowed to appear in the Examination or Viva of the courses with L- O T- O P- O. I A student, who is fully detained in a term, will not be allowed to appear in Examination or Viva of such courses. Attendance of 75% in the Autumn Term (Term -l) of Session 2012-13 and 76% in the Session 2013-14 and his/her aggregate attendance in this term is 65% I. E. He/she falls will be condoned based on his/her immediate two previous terms’ attendance.

For the Autumn Term of Session 2012-13, he/she gets a benefit of 04% (as the attendance was between 75% -80%) and for the Spring Term of Session 2012-13 he/she will get the benefit of (as the attendance was between 75-80%). The sum of these two percentages comes out to 08% (4+4). By adding 08% to his/her attendance of 65% his attendance becomes 73%. In this case the student’s aggregate attendance after condoning is less than 75%, therefore he/she will be allowed to appear in ET of only those courses in which his/her attendance is more than 75%.

In all other courses, he/ she will be detained and awarded ‘F grades. Such a student will be partially detained and will be allowed to appear in the Exam or Viva of the courses with L- O T- O P- O. 10. If any regulatory authority has imposed stricter conditions on attendance for a reticular programmer, the same shall prevail. In case a regulatory body has imposed conditions on attendance which are less than the University’s minimum prescribed attendance requirement, the University attendance criteria shall prevail. 1 . Where a regulatory body requires that the attendance in practical and theory be computed separately, a student must meet the minimum prescribed attendance in aggregate in theory and practical separately. Papa GE 12. If any regulatory body, for any programmer, has imposed any other condition in eligibility for appearing in the End Term Examinations, the same shall be applicable. 13. These minimum attendance requirements will be applicable in case of late admitted students also.

No compensation for the loss of any component of evaluation such as CA, MET etc. Will be allowed, so if the assignment or any other component has been missed due to late registration/admission; a student will not get credit for that component. 14. The University may also prescribe stricter attendance norms for some course(s) egg: PEP courses or courses related to Live Projects etc. Or any other course as deemed fit by the University. The stricter attendance norms will be applicable in that particular course(s). Papa GE page

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Change in Rules in Lpu Assignment. (2021, Mar 18). Retrieved March 14, 2025, from