Case Study Assessment Plan Assignment

Case Study Assessment Plan Assignment Words: 2921

When you click on each of the side tabs from the Case Folder Overview page the current page), you will see guidelines, and examples, about the information to clued for that particular section of the assignment. For example, Tab 1 provides information about what to include in the Referral and Case History section, Tab 2 provides information about what to include in the Assessment Plan section and so on. When you click on the name of a client (at the top of the folder), then click on the side tabs, you will see information that has already been provided for that specific client.

It is your task to select one client and add information to the client’s case so that each of the categories (ICP components) within each section (side-tab) is complete and detailed. In order to do complete the assignment, it is recommended that you refer to the guidelines provided in the tabs on the Overview page, read all the information that has already been provided about your chosen client, and look through the information provided for other clients to get ideas about what you need to include.

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You will find useful information in the subject outline, and the resources section. When you have selected the case that you wish to complete, you can download a Microsoft Word document of the case by clicking on the words “save case as template” on the top right hand corner of the screen. This will enable you to add information to the case. SIDE-TABS Each case has the following side-tabs. These tabs are similar to those that you might find in speech pathology case files around the world and reflect the stages of contact Ninth a child with a speech impairment.

They also reflect the stages outlined in the Competency-Based Occupational Standards (C-BOOS) ( Speech Pathology Australia, 2001): Overview: Referral and Case History Obtaining background information about the children we see is the first step in the assessment process. This information is often collected during a telephone referral ND/or through a case history questionnaire, and relates to the child’s birth and development, and current skills, as well as details about the child’s family and friends.

In this section, think about the type of information that you would like or need to obtain regarding your case study child, before planning your assessment. Also think about why this information is important (e. G. , How might this information affect your assessment planning? How does this information relate to the child’s prognosis? ) Then, think about how you could collect this information and from whom. For your case study child: Make up background intimation * Provide a rationale for why you collected that information * You may like to provide additional information (e. G. Develop or complete a Case History questionnaire for your case study child) (see Resources) and include it as an Appendix. A Overview I Write a paragraph providing a rationale for the information {o collected and/or the modes you used to collect the information. I B Body Structure I Describe any impairments – particularly those related to oral or aural structures I C Body Function I Describe developmental milestones, and current levels of functioning. . G. , Based on parental report during an interview with Mrs. Chatterbox no problems were reported with Cameraman’s general development.

He was bottle-fed and used a dummy until 12 months. He sat at 6 months, crawled at 9 months and walked at 12 months. He was reported to talk a lot as a baby. First words Nerve reported to be mummy, bread and Toby (family dog). By the age of two, Mrs. Chatterbox reported that Cameron was putting words together. I D Activities and Participation I Describe activities that the child enjoys or finds difficult, and describe child’s interaction with different people. E. G. Although he was difficult to understand, Cameraman’s parents typically knew what he was talking about and would interpret for extended family and friends.

I E Environmental Factors I Describe significant people in child’s life and their attitudes towards child’s speech and Intervention. I F Personal Factors I Describe child’s personality and interests. I Assessment Plan “hen we have some background information about the child and their family (and En we have a free appointment in our diary! ) we organics an assessment. We use our knowledge of the child, provided in the case history, to plan an appropriate and unimpressive evaluation of the child’s communication skills.

In this section, think about what you want to discover about the communication skills of your case study Child and why that information is important. Then, think about how you can find out that information. Consider who should be involved in the assessment and where the assessment will take place. Remember, a comprehensive assessment often requires more than one session, and includes formal and informal measures. For your case study child: * List the assessment tools that you will use (with whom and where) * Check

Nether any results from any assessments have been provided in subsequent pages :e. G. , Assessment Results or Analysis sections) – and make sure you list those assessments too * Provide a rationale for your choice of assessments A Overview I Write a paragraph providing a rationale for the assessments that you plan to administer. I B Body Structure I List the tools you will use to investigate any impairments – particularly those related to oral or aural structures. I C Body Function I List the tools you will use to examine the child’s speech skills (and other communication or relevant skills).

I D Activities and Participation I Describe the tools/methods you will use to investigate the child’s participation in life activities. I E Environmental Factors I Describe the tools/methods you will use to learn more about the attitudes of others towards child’s speech and ability to engage in intervention. I F Personal Factors I List the tools you will use to investigate the ‘s personality and Assessment results interests Once we’ve planned the assessment, the next step is to administer the chosen tools in order to evaluate the child’s skills and determine whether intervention is appropriate.

In this section, provide the assessment results for your case study child. * Make up the results (scores) for each of the assessments that you planned to administer (bullet points are acceptable). * Make sure the results are consistent Ninth any other information provided about your case study child in subsequent pages (e. G. , Analysis, Report and Intervention Plan sections) * You may like to provide additional information (e. G. , provide actual speech transcription data or transcripts of interviews) (see Resources) and include this as an Appendix.

A Overview I Write a paragraph providing a summary of the results. I B Body Structure I List the child’s performance on assessments. I C Body Function I List the child’s performance on assessments. I D Activities and Participation I Outline Nat you found out about child’s participation in life activities. I E Environmental Factors I Outline what you found out or provide sample of results. E. G. , Cameraman’s preschool teacher had initiated the use of a communication book containing digital photos of important words.

Cameron used this at preschool to show teachers and Children what he was referring to. I F Personal Factors I Outline what you found out about the child’s personality and interests. . G. , Cameron showed persistence in his attempts to repeat his message following a communication breakdown. I Analysis En we have completed our assessment, we need to examine the results thoroughly to see what they tell us about the child’s communication skills, and to assist our intervention planning. A comprehensive analysis incorporates both independent and relational analyses.

An independent analysis enables us to see “hat communication skills the child has – for instance, we look at the sounds and syllable shapes that the child is already able to produce. A relational analysis enables AS to see what skills the child doesn’t yet have that we would expect at his/her age – for instance, we compare the assessment results to developmental norms. In this section, think about the results that you obtained (or created! ) from the assessment tasks. Examine the results in more detail (e. G. , Were there patterns in the child’s speech production?

Are results from different assessments or interviews consistent? ) Interpret the significance of the results (e. G. , How do the results compare to normative data? ) For your case study child: * Describe the child’s existing communication skills; that is, show evidence of an independent analysis * Examine the child’s performance in relation to normative data; that is, conduct a relational analysis * Make sure your interpretation of the results is consistent with any other information provided about your case study child :e. . , Report and Intervention Plan sections) * You may like to provide additional information (e. G. , provide actual analysis of child’s speech) (see Resources) and include this as an Appendix. A Overview I Write a paragraph providing a summary at the analysis. Y Structure Explain the child’s performance on assessments. I C Body Function I Explain the child’s performance on assessments. E. G. , Cameron responded to all sounds (500-GHz) presented to both ears at db, indicating that his hearing was within normal limits.

I D Activities and Participation I Describe what you found out about child’s participation in life I E Environmental Factors I Describe what you found out or provide activities. Sample of results. I F Personal Factors I Describe what you found out about the Child’s personality and interests. I Report En write a report to share the findings of our assessment and our recommendations for future management with the child’s parents and significant others involved in the Child’s care. This might include the child’s teacher, doctor and a referring agent (e. G. .NET surgeon). The report documents our contact with the child and family, and outlines plans for further speech pathology involvement. In this section, think about all the information you have obtained so far from your case history, from different assessments and from different people associated with your case study child. Think about the child’s communication skills and the impact of speech impairment on his/ her life. Summaries information about the child’s development and the assessment exults, and consider what type of intervention might be appropriate.

For your case * Write a report that summarizes the child’s communication skills and includes recommendations for intervention * Make sure your recommendations are consistent with information provided about your case study child in subsequent pages (e. G. , Intervention Plan and Intervention sections) * You may choose to write the report as a separate document (not using the template) and attach it as an Appendix (see Resources). You are welcome to do this; however, make sure that you have included information from each of the ICP sections listed below.

A Overview I Norte a paragraph describing the reason for the child’s referral to you and outlining En/where the assessment took place. Summaries case history information about the child’s development. I B Body Structure I List/explain the child’s performance on assessments. I C Body Function I List/explain the child’s performance on formal and informal assessments. I D Activities and Participation I Describe the impact of the speech impairment on the child’s participation in life activities.

I E Environmental Factors I Outline any information about environmental factors that ay impact on the child or on the ability to access therapy (e. G. , parental concern, school support) I F Personal Factors I Outline any pertinent information about the Intervention Plan Intervention is most appropriate and effective when we include the views of the child and significant others in our plans. They can tell us about their priorities for therapy, Inch we will take into account when selecting goals, intervention approaches, activities and reinforcement.

In this section, think about potential communication goals for your case study child. Think about these goals from the perspective of the hill and Tamil as well (e. G. , What would the child really like to be able to say? ) Consider the child’s strengths (as determined by the Independent analysis) and how these could be used to target any areas of difficulty (as determined by Relational analysis). For your case study child: * List your intervention goals * Provide a rationale for your choice of goals A Overview I Write a paragraph providing a rationale for the intervention goals. E. . , Cameraman’s receptive and expressive language skills are within normal limits and he has no apparent Oromo difficulties. He is motivated and is ‘slightly’ stimulate for / 1. Targeting initial Is/ clusters may facilitate the development of singleton sibilants :based on Geiger, 1998, 1999; and Hudson and Baden, 1991). | B Body Structure I List any goals related to improving body structure impairments, or identify that this Nas not an area of concern. E. G. , Cameron did not present with any impairment of his oral structures so intervention targeting this area is not required.

I C Body Function I List goals related to improving the child’s speech skills (and other communication skills). E. G. , Cluster reduction – initial Is/ clusters Monitor reduction ND simplification of II, r, w/ clusters I D Activities and Participation I List any goals related to improving the child’s participation in life activities. I E Environmental Factors I List any goals related to removing environmental barriers, such as raising awareness of typical development or improving recognition and responses to communication breakdowns.

I F Personal Factors I List any goals related to personal factors or demonstrate how your knowledge of the child’s personality and interests is reflected in intervention plans. I Intervention Once we’ve determined goals for intervention, we select priorities for intervention ND the most appropriate intervention approach based on the information provided by the family, the assessment results we obtained, and our knowledge of evidence- based practice. In this section, choose one of the goals that targets the speech of {Our case study child.

Think about different intervention approaches and consider the best approach for targeting this goal. Consider who should be involved in the intervention and where the intervention will take place. For your case study child: * Select 1 goal targeting speech production and re-write as a specific and measurable goal * Provide a rationale for selecting this goal, and describe the intervention approach that will be used to target this goal * Plan a session lunching activities, feedback, reinforcement and home practice) that targets this goal. You may choose to write the session plan as a separate document (not using the template) and attach it as an Appendix (see Resources). You are welcome to do this; however, make sure you demonstrate how each of the ICP sections (listed below) have been considered. * You may like to include examples of the activities as an Appendix. A Overview I Write a paragraph providing a summary of the intervention approach and the rationale for selecting that approach. I B Body Structure I Outline how body structure impairments will be targeted during the session, or identify that this was not an area of concern.

I C Body Function I Outline how the child’s speech will be targeted during the session. I D Activities and Participation I Outline now the child ‘s participation in elite activities (e. G. , interactions with family or friends) will be targeted during the session. I E Environmental Factors I Outline how environmental factors will be targeted during the session. I F Personal Factors I Outline how personal factors will be targeted during the session or how you will incorporate the child’s personality and interests.

I Outcomes After intervention has commenced, we make decisions about the need for ongoing therapy or discharge based on progress towards and achievement of the intervention goals, as well as feedback from the child, family and significant others. In this section, select a future date (e. G. , 6 months later, completion of therapy block) and think about how you would evaluate progress. Then, provide potential outcomes for your case study child at this time, and outline your decision regarding future speech pathology management and your rationale for this decision (e. G.

Will intervention continue? Will intervention goals change? ) For your case study child: * List the outcomes for your child and how these were obtained * Decide Nether intervention will continue and provide a rationale for your decision * You may like to demonstrate the outcome of intervention through including intervention data that you collected with the child over the course of your clinic sessions (e. G. , Intervention data chart) (see Resources) as an Appendix. A Overview I Write a paragraph outlining future speech pathology involvement and providing a rationale for your decision.

I B Body Structure I Describe the progress towards body structure goals and how progress was evaluated. I C Body Function I Describe the progress towards body function (particularly speech) goals and how progress was evaluated. I D Activities and Participation I Describe the progress towards activities and participation goals and how progress was evaluated. I E Environmental Factors I Describe the progress towards goals targeting environmental factors and how progress was evaluated. I F Personal Factors I Describe the progress towards goals targeting personal factors and how progress Nas evaluated. I

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