Business Communication Assignment

Business Communication Assignment Words: 4044

Business Communication Md. Tarikul Islam Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Topics Today q?? Topics Today u?? Course Outline §?? §?? §?? §?? Course introduction Topics included in the course Evaluation method What to expect and how to be prepared u?? Start of the course, if time allows © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course q?? Welcome!! u?? To the Course-Business Communication o? Course code: EMBA 501 o? To the students of EMBA Program o? This is a three credit course where one learns about §??

Basics of communication §?? Tools in communication o? For class schedule contact EMBA Coordination office © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Studying Communication means u?? Studying communication has three parts o? Theory o? Applying theories in real life o? Feedback on application mentioned above u?? Therefore we shall o? First study the theory o? Then would know how to use the theories in real life o? Finally we shall check the applications for effectiveness and efficiency © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Scope q?? Scope o?

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This course is about learning fundamentals of communications and then communicating effectively and efficiently with the available tools in communications §?? Therefore the course starts with the learning about communications followed by the lear ning and applications of communication tools available in place © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Book q?? Recommended Book o? We shall follow the book Business Communication by Lesikar §?? Buy the latest edition o? Any other materials will be provided in due time §?? Please remember that it would be more beneficial to go through more than one book §??

Almost all the communication books are more or less on same issues © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Contents No Topics 01 Basics of communication 02 Introduction to communication, types of 03 Verbal Communication 04 Culture and communication 05 Non verbal communication 06 Technology and communication 07 General letters and job related letters 08 Curriculum vitae 09 Memorandum 10 Long formal business report 11 Research proposal communication, mediums of communication Contents are subject to change http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ © Islam, M. T. The Course: Evaluation q??

Evaluation u?? There are two evaluations o? One by students and o? One by the course teacher u?? Evaluation by course teacher o? Final exam for 40 marks o? Continuous Assessment (CA) for 60 marks including class presence © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Final Exam (40 marks) q?? Final Exam u?? A comprehensive exam at the end of the semester o? Having 40 marks of value §?? You should be prepared for the conceptual question in most cases §?? Direct question would be the minimum or rare case u?? Questions in the final exam mainly will check o? Your overall understandings of the course o?

Whether you are able to interpret the theories or not o? Whether you can create something new or not © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: CA (60 marks) q?? Continuous Assessment u?? Combination of o? Class works, homework, assignments, presentations, case study, viva etc. o? Exams §?? Both quiz and class tests §?? Either announced or unannounced §?? Don’t miss as there won’t be any customization u?? Weights o? There won’t be any weights to any evaluation criteria. All will be converted into sixty. Final exam marks would be added to CA marks to decide on your grade in the course o?

Remember there is no best of © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: CA Details u?? CA Details o? Assignment: You would need to prove §?? You can write letter properly §?? You are familiar with different aspects of reports §?? You know about memorandum o? Presentations §?? You would be required to prove that you are familiar with the different aspects of presentations and you can apply them in real life © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: CA Details u?? CA Details o? Report writing as the final part §?? Build up groups according to directions §??

Write a long formal business report §?? Almost at the end of semester your group will present §?? Others will evaluate you including question and answer sessions §?? Participation by all is mandatory and beneficial!!! §?? Make sure you are NOT a sleeping member! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Sleeping Member u?? Sleeping Member o? Never and ever be a sleeping member o? You will be traced out and your grade will be severely damaged o? How? §?? On any of the works like assignments, presentations etc. you will be evaluated individually even though you work in the group §??

In time of evaluation if you fail to prove yourself, it would not matter how good you have been working in the group, you will not score maximum! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Group Formation Directions q?? Group formation directions u?? Form a group o? Of five members each o? Group number will be decided by me o? Each group would have a group leader and one female member at least! o? Submit the list within the next class! o? Once the list is given, it would be treated as final one. Anyone not included in the list will form a single member group and will be evaluated for 80% marks i. e. (60*40%)*80% ?? For what o? Can be for assignment, presentation, viva, case study, article reading, term paper etc. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ © Islam, M. T. Evaluation: Group Works q?? Group Works u?? You work in group but will be evaluated individually; therefore you have the chance to prove yourself to advance your grade! u?? However, what would be seen when you work in group is… o? You accumulate all the possibilities at maximum o? You have a mentionable group chemistry o? Don t try to be a leader by yourself o? Rather try to be a spontaneous leader! o? By the way what is group work and why to work in group? © Islam, M. T. ttp://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Report Theme u?? What to write about? o? Theme of the report §?? You want to introduce a new venture in your area. Before you take the final decision you like to check the different aspects of the proposed venture. Write a formal report about those different aspects following the formalities in report writing. o? You can include whatever you want based on your imagination or the real life facts o? You will be graded based on your communication capability and your compliance with the report writing formalities! §?? We shall discuss different formalities of report throughout the course Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Some Points to Mind! q?? Some Points to Mind o? In group works you will be graded individually, but your group chemistry contributes to your earnings o? Never be a sleeping member o? In case of presentation §?? Quality of the presenter §?? Quality of the presentation §?? Quality of the presentation content §?? Quality of the group works…. ALL WILL BE CONSIDERED o? There is a probability that all group works will be followed by either viva or presentation; be ready for that! o? Each group will present one topic of the course; will be detailed later on! Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation Summary…. q?? To mind for evaluation o? There would be no best of o? All would be converted in to 60 o? There is special treatment for class presence o? Honesty is extremely expected and dishonesty will be severely penalized §?? In case of dishonesty you will be informed and your answer script will not be evaluated! o? You MUST prove yourself or your group; make me feel that you deserve the marks §?? I would expect higher level maturity, integrity, creativity, and professionalism in all of your works! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/

Class Presence+/Participation u?? Not class presence but class participation §?? I might assign some marks for the participation and presence in class depending on the situation §?? Maximum five marks would be given for this purpose §?? Be in class in time if you don’t want to miss the class §?? Late coming is strongly discouraged © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Evaluation: Grading Scale q?? Grading Scale o? Grading §?? Unless otherwise specified the grading policy is according to the UGC rules © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Teaching Method: Overall Approach q?? Overall Approach ?? Approach o? Always we-we with win-win solution rater than I-we approach u?? Evaluation o? I never believe in the memorizing and vomiting in the exam o? You have a head up your shoulder; you have to use that o? I want something original for you; at the end of the course that would be the sole benefit for you and me o? Most importantly I want an honest and disciplined manner © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Teaching Method: Contact q?? Contact u?? In the class o? You can stop me at any time in the class o? Please keep asking as long as you are not fully satisfied with a topic u?? Outside class ? Mail me at kjworld_bd@yahoo. com o? I strongly suggest this one as I am pretty regular in mail; please don t expect answer of your problem over cell or instantly u?? Course related communication o? At http://sites. google. com/site/kjcourses/ © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Brief Summary q?? Brief Summary o? The course §?? EMBA 501: Business Communication §?? Three credit hour course o? Evaluation §?? Continuous assessment of 60 marks §?? Final exam of 40 marks o? Recommended book §?? Business Communication by Lesikar, latest edition preffered o? Course Related communication §??

At http://sites. google. com/site/kjcourses/ © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Use your head! q?? Start thinking u?? What is very important is o? Use your head o? Don t bother about the head of Mr. Lesikar o? Use your head from the point where Lesikar stopped §?? To become innovative §?? To become successful §?? To have or to secure an open mind §?? Most specifically to earn good grade in the exam!! §?? I never believe in memorizing and vomiting in the exam! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Any Question? u?? Coming up…….. o? Course contents o? Basics of communication © Islam, M.

T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Course © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ The Course: Contents No Topics 01 Basics of communication 02 Introduction to communication, types of 03 Verbal Communication 04 Culture and communication 05 Non verbal communication 06 Technology and communication 07 General letters and job related letters 08 Curriculum vitae 09 Memorandum 10 Long formal business report 11 Research proposal communication, mediums of communication Contents are subject to change http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ © Islam, M. T. Course Contents u?? Basics of communication §?? ?? §?? §?? Defining communication Types of communication Why to read communication at all? Actors in communication u?? Verbal communication §?? Informal oral communication §?? Formal oral communication §?? Technology in the oral communication © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Course Contents u?? Cross cultural communication o? Difference in culture §?? What is culture? §?? What are the various dimensions of culture? §?? How culture can influence the communication? u?? Non verbal communication §?? Types §?? Creativity in communication © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/

Course Contents u?? Letters and memorandum §?? §?? §?? §?? Introduction to memorandum How to write memorandum Introduction to letters How to write formal letter »? Job related letters u?? Long Formal Business Report §?? Report writing §?? Different aspects of report writing © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Course Contents u?? Curriculum Vitae §?? CV and Resume §?? Writing CV and resume u?? Research Proposal §?? Various elements of research proposal §?? How to write a research proposal © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Course Contents: Presentation u?? Presentation §??

One/two group presentation(s) would be followed by after the completion of each topic. §?? After the formation of group we shall fix who presents what §?? What you do is… »? You prepare slides »? You simply summarize the topic »? Others question you »? But you don t present or copy my slides!! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Something missing? u?? Yes, its WRITING o? This is one of the most important aspects of communication o? Because of the greater importance of the topic we shall not study this as one single topic o? Rather we shall talk about writing throughout the whole course under various topics o?

Try to grab any materials on writing from any source for the betterment of you! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Any Question? u?? Coming up…….. o? Basics of communication © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Basics of © Islam, M. T. Communication http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Basics of communication q?? Contents of the topic o? What is communication? o? Different aspects of communication §?? Actors/components in the process §?? Mediums §?? Methods §?? Constraints etc. o? Why communication to read formally? o? Communication in the business place o? Summarizing the topic! © Islam, M.

T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ No me-you, always we-we!! Speak up! Try to communicate in the class! Your participation will be counted!! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ What is communication? What does communication mean to you? Any idea? © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ De? ning communication u?? Communication defined o? Communication is the process of sharing our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with other people and having those ideas, thoughts and feelings understood by the people we are communicating with u?? Components in communication process o? Message sender o?

Message receiver o? Message itself o? Medium o? Method o? Noise etc. © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Key features in communication u?? Communication is successful when the message is received as the same one that has been sent §?? Therefore understanding is the key element u?? It s a both way process which is continuous © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Methods of communication q?? Methods in communication o? Verbal o? Written o? Electronic o? Audio o? Visual o? Meetings o? Notice board o? Text!! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Mediums of communication q??

Mediums in communication o? Letters o? Memo o? Reports o? Fax o? Telephone o? Email o? o? o? o? o? Notice board Internet Video/video conferencing Body language Face to face © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Which medium to use? q?? Available mediums o? Letters o? Memo o? Reports o? Fax o? Telephone o? Email o? Notice board o? Internet o? V i d e o / v i d e o conferencing o? Body language o? Face to face q?? Choice of medium is affected by u?? Need for record u?? Direction of the information flow u?? Number of people to be reached u?? Confidentiality u?? Nature of the informationlength, complexity, emergency need u??

Cost of the medium etc. © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Why communication fails? u?? Did any of your communication failed? u?? How did that happen to you? Was that just miscommunication or lack of understanding? © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Constraints to successful communication q?? Internal o? Fatigue o? Poor listening skills o? Poor communication skills o? Attitude toward the sender or information o? Mistrust o? Fear o? Past experience o? Halo effect o? Perception © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Constraints to successful communication q?? External o?

Noise o? Distractions o? Technical problems (email, internet, phone service) o? Time o? Environment © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Why to read communication? u?? Information is power and basis for almost all success stories o? But….. §?? Information gathering and processing matters; demand learning of communication §?? Communication skills helps one to »? Gather and process information properly and in time »? Solve problem easily through improved decision making »? Work in a team effectively and efficiently §?? Information must be communicated in a proper way; so »? Communication capability works »?

Communication in professional life requires something different than the usual communication practice © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Why to read communication? q?? Careers in communication o? In Bangladesh still a narrow one and not recognized yet! o? But in developed part of the globe quite recognized! o? Because of specialization practice a good prospect is waiting ahead!! §?? Examples include customer service, tourism, government administration, advertising, media, and event management etc. © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication in business q?? Business Communication ? Transferring information from one part of the business to another that leads to some outcome, changed behaviour or changed practice §?? It can be formal or informal, upward or downward © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication in business Finance Dept Change in payment systems E-mail Sender or Instigator Channel Medium Feedback Receiver © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Types of communication u?? Communication can be of different types considering the situation. Some of them are here §?? Formal and informal §?? Upward and downward §?? Internal and external u??

However we are basically concerned of the overall classification of communications §?? Verbal: presentation, audio, voice message, face to face etc. §?? Non verbal: written, letter, memorandum, report, email, fax etc. © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Barriers to successful communication in business q?? Barriers to Successful Communication o? Ability of the sender – how much the sender understands of the message they are trying to send o? Content – including technicalities and jargon o? Method of communication – including style and body language where appropriate! o? Skills and attitude of the receiver o?

Organisational factors – complexity of the organisation, scope of the organisation o? Cultural attitudes o? Perceptions, prejudices and stereotypes o? Inappropriate target for the message o? Technical capabilities – ICT! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication @ © Islam, M. T. Workplace http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Workplace Communication u?? By workplace communication we actually mean business communication o? Business communication §?? Transferring information from one part of the business to another that leads to some outcome, changed behaviour or changed practice §??

It can be formal or informal, upward or downward §?? Scope of the business communication includes all the business activities corporations involve themselves © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication in the workplace u?? Importance of communication §?? Business needs it extensively because of expanding need of coordination, effectiveness, and efficiency §?? Specialization has made the field of communication a recognized one! §?? But unfortunately most people don t communicate well!!! u?? Coordination, effectiveness, and efficiency §?? Think about Unilever §?? Information flows in the company Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Major forms of business communication q?? Two major types of communication in workplace u?? Operational o? According to operational plan, to attain some goals or to handle some situations to convert them in favor! o? Again two types are here §?? Internal operational communication »? Communication among the people inside an organization »? To perform the main business activities »? These are kind of routine business activities like instructions from the teammates »? Computer and intranet are two major technology being used! §?? External operational communication ? Communication with the people that are outside of the organization »? It helps company to develop a better image »? Communication with suppliers, public relations activities etc. © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Major forms of business communication u?? Personal o? Not according to operational plan, simple one to one or one to many communication in an organization §?? Examples can be personal communication, gossiping, joking, story telling, communication sitting at the company dining room etc. o? Can be an outstanding source of innovation! §?? Innovation »? What and why? »?

What are the alternatives in case you can’t innovate? o? Will you allow this kind of communication while it costs you? §?? Does it cost? How? How much? © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication networks in organizations u?? Formal network §?? A simplified form of information flow network transmits information in all directions (upward, downward, and lateral) §?? These flow is defined formally u?? Informal network §?? A quite complex information flow network mainly based on personal communication §?? This is affected by individual s involvement and membership in various groups and entities © Islam, M. T. ttp://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Upward/downward/lateral communication u?? Upward communication §?? Communication that originate from the bottom of the organization and heading to top of the organization u?? Downward communication §?? Communication heading to the bottom of the organization after being originated at the top u?? Lateral communication §?? This is the communication in between people in the same level or group © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ A situation to react ! q?? Some organizations are quite central in decision making. All the decisions are coming from the top of the organization o?

Does that mean that in those organizations there are not upward communication? o? If there are any kind of upward communication in those organizations, would there be any difference in decision making? o? Are there any difference at all in between communication and decision making? © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ How much to communicate? q?? Does all the sender send full message? u?? Unfortunately NO o? What do you do when you communicate? §?? You communicate fully? Why or why not? o? What does the companies do in Bangladesh? Give some examples! o? How much a company should disclose? §??

Can a company disclose all at a certain time? o? Remember the negative effects of incomplete message is sometime dangerous §?? Also mark the gap between ‘company can’t disclose’ and ‘company does not disclose’ © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication process u?? Sender sends the message §?? Sender prepares the message and decides on the methods and mediums §?? He/she sends the message u?? Message in the sensory world §?? Once the message is sent, its in the world of lots of other messages along with noises §?? Messages waits to be detected © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/

Communication process u?? Message is detected o? Receiver detects the message o? Based on the ability to decode receiver decodes the message o? How much of the original message will be detected depends on lots of factors including §?? Noise §?? Past experiences §?? Knowledge §?? Perceptions, prejudices, stereotyping o? The message may not get the original shape! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Communication process u?? Giving meaning to the message §?? Receiver gives meaning to the received message §?? Once again it depends how he/she will give meaning to the message! u?? Reply is sent §??

Receiver replies to the sender §?? This is called feedback which makes the whole process continuous §?? But not necessarily reply is always sent! »? How would you feel in that case? »? Why feedback is so important? o? The process continues © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Oral vs Written communication q?? Oral vs Written §?? Written communication is likely to include more creative efforts §?? Written communication is normally lengthier than the oral communication §?? Written communication usually involves a limited number of cycles © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ Some facts of communication ?? Meanings sent are not always received §?? No two minds have identical filters §?? But closer the meaning more success are gained §?? What can you do to bring the more synergy? u?? Meaning is in the mind §?? Meaning comes up from mind rather than words or symbols used §?? What to do? u?? The symbols of communication are imperfect §?? Symbols don’t have unique meanings §?? Meaning of symbols varies to receiver; nodding §?? Across culture symbols have different meanings © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/ q?? Thank You! q?? Any Question?! © Islam, M. T. http://sites. google. com/site/kjatbd/

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Business Communication Assignment. (2021, Sep 04). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from