Assignments Master in Education Assignment

Assignments Master in Education Assignment Words: 2501

There are two assignments in each paper. Thus there are 16 assignments to be submitted by each student both In part one and part two. The assignment comprises 20% weight age of the total marks. The assignment questions of academic year 2008-09 is also valid for Second Half examination of 2009. It Is necessary & compulsory to submit the assignments before the deadline prescribed for that purpose, without which you will not be permitted to write the You are required to score a minimum of 6 marks out of 20 University examination. In the two assignments prescribed for each paper.

If you fall to score 6 marks in each paper or cannot submit the assignments in the stipulated time of that year, you will have to wait for the assignments meant for the next year and submit them afresh. Once you get 6 marks In one paper, you cannot resubmit It for improvement of marks. Assignments are not sent for re-evaluation. Assignment Questions Last date for submission of Assignments- 31st January 2009. Assignment for Part-I M. A. Education 2008-09 Paper-I Assignment No- I Compare the philosophy of Pragmatism and Idealism with reference to the process of education. Assignment No- II

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Assess the contribution of Étagère;s educational thought in the present context. Paper-II Differentiate between Science and Religion. Examine religion as a functional and dysfunctional factor in the contemporary society. Assignment No- II What is Woman Empowerment? Explain the role of Education In the empowerment of woman. Paper-Ill Define thinking. Illustrate different types of thinking with its educational implications. Assignment No- II Explain Coleman;s theory of emotional intelligence with its educational implications. Paper-IV ;objective type test can not replace essay type tests Justify.

Assignment No- II ;Value based learning is the need of the hour. ; Explain. Assignment for Part-II Paper-V What is Experimental research? Explain the different types of experimental design. ;While research report may differ considerably in scope and treatment, they are expected to follow a similar pattern of style and form that has become conventional in academic circles. ; Elaborate upon this statement with special reference to the writing a research report. Paper-VI Explain the scope of educational policymaking at the state and central gobo. Level with its implications. Assignment No- II

Show the relationship between education and economic system with reference educational planning. Paper-lax (CT) Explain the uses of computer in education and training with reference to CIA & CM Describe the importance and application of Internet to Education. Paper-X (Try. Eden. ) Explain the importance of networking and collaboration in teacher education programmer Assignment No- II Give your comments on the functioning of ONCE in teacher education programmer in the present scenario. Instructions regarding Assignments The answers to the assignments are to be written in the prescribed response whet.

Every students will be supplied 04 response sheets of 12 pages each. Additional sheets if required may be added to the response sheet. Fill up all the columns on the first page of your response sheet & retain the acknowledgement slip while submitting the response sheet at Room No. 108, DID Bldg. The answers to the assignment should be in your own words. You should not reproduce the study material or copy the information from other sources. Whenever you quote the text/ books/ Journals, you must give the reference.

Each assignment should have a suitable introduction and an apt conclusion. The answers should be precise, well documented and relevant to the questions raised in the assignments. Make sure that you have attempted to deal with all the main parts/ sections of the assignments & illustrate relating the content of the assignment to present day situations & with relevant current examples. Keep the word limit of a particular question in mind if mentioned. Slight variation in length does not matter much, but your answers should not be too short or too lengthy.

Write your answers in your own handwriting. If your handwriting is not legible & if you are convinced that others will have difficulty n reading your handwriting, you may type your responses. Please keep a copy of the assignment response which you send us. You may need them in case you have to resubmit them in a situation they may have been lost in postal transit or misplaced in the institute. Send your assignment response sheet well before the last date M. A. (Education) M. A. I I Name of the Papers I STUDY MATERIAL I M. A. II I Name of the Papers STUDY MATERIAL I I Eng.

I Mar. P- I I Philosophical Foundations of Education I Yes I No I P-V I Research Methodology in Education I Yes I No I P- II I Sociological Foundations of Education I Yes I No I P-VI I Politics & Economics of Education I Yes I No I P- Ill I Psychological Foundations of Education I Yes I No I P-IX I Information & Communication Technology(Elective Paper) I Yes I No I P- IV I Educational Evaluation and Measurement I Yes I No I P-X I Teacher Education (Elective Paper) I Yes I No I Note: Scheme of Examination: marks (external examination), 20 marks (internal assessment.

The internal assessment will comprise of two assignments in each paper (10 marks each). There will be 16 assignments in all having 160 marks. M. A. I Education Syllabus Paper- l, Philosophical Foundations of Education Course objectives To enable the students to develop an understanding about the: 1 . Contribution of Philosophy to the field of education. 2. Contribution of various Indian Schools of Philosophy to the field of education. 3. Impact of Western Philosophies on Indian Education. 4. Contribution of a few of the Great Indian Thinkers. Detailed Syllabus 1 .

Relationship between Education & Philosophy: Meaning Scope & functions of Philosophy of Education 2. Indian Schools of Philosophy : Gymkhanas, Pedant, Buddhism, Islamic Traditions with special reference to their educational implications. 3. Schools of Philosophy: Naturalism Idealism Pragmatism Realism Existentialism 4. Contributions of Vaccinated, Étagère, Robbing, and Earthshaking educational thought. 5. Educational provision in the Constitution of India. 6. Value Education : Concept, Need, Classification & Approaches. Paper II, Sociological Foundations of Education Course Objectives To enable the students to understand about: 1 .

Meaning, Nature, Need and Scope of Educational Sociology & Sociology of Education. 2. Social theories of education, and development of culture & values. 3. Various colonization processes including social change, social interactions & its educational implications. 4. Impact of education on the social phenomenon. 1 . Concept, Scope & Need of Sociology of Education. Development of Culture, Norms & Values, Family, Religion, Marriage, Custom, Peer Group, Primary & Secondary group with reference to education 4. Oscillation Process: Agencies, Stages & Group Dynamics 5. Education & Social Change: Stages, Processes and factors. . Polity Process in Education: National Integration, Women;s Empowerment, Mass literacy, Education & Inequality Books Recommended Joshua Ram (2003) ;social problems in India; New Delhi, Rat Publication Augural J. C. 2003) ;philosophical and Sociological perspectives on Educations;, New Delhi, Shiplap Publications. Latch, Turmoil and Transition: Higher Education and Student Politics in India;, Bombay, Alvin. Bell R. R. & Stub H. (sociologically of Education,; the Dorset Press, Illinois. Chancre, S. C. & Regard K. Sahara,(2002), ;sociology of Education;. Atlantic, New Delhi. Chiseler, M.

A, & William ;A Sociology of Education; Macmillan,New York. Druthers, E. (1966),Education and Sociology;, The Free Press, Illinois. Edition,A. & Books. Fletcher, R (1984), ;Education in Society;, Penguin Books, England. Gore M. S. , Ideas, I. P. And Chitin’s, S in the Sociology of Education;, NICER, New Delhi. Amateur S. S. (2004) ;A Sociological approach to Indian Education; Agar, Viand Pastas Mandarin. Marty S. K. (2003) ;philosophical and Sociological foundations of Education; Lithuania, Tendon Publications. Paper Ill, Psychological Foundations of Education To enable the students understand about: 1 .

The contribution of different schools of psychology to education. 2. Theories of teaching, learning & intelligence. 3. Thinking process, creativity & Problem solving Method. 4. The measurement and adjustment of personality. 5. Specific needs and traits of exceptional children. 1 . Contribution of the following Schools of Psychology to Education : Behaviorism, Constructivist, Psychoanalytical. 2. Theories of learning: Hull+s Reinforcement Theory, Dolman;s Theory of Learning. Chasubles Theory of Theory of Social Learning and Brenner;s Theory of Learning. 3.

Thinking, Problem Solving and Creativity: Types of thinking, Fostering thinking,strategies of Problem Solving, Development of creative thinking abilities. 4. Intelligence Theories:Gardner(Multiple Interchangeableness(Emotional Intelligence),and Perkins (Artificial Intelligence) 5. Personality Type and Trait theories, Mental health and Adjustment. 6. Inclusive Education: Mainstreaming of children with special needs such as Intellectual impairments; Sensory impairments Visual & Auditory; Learning disabilities; High intellectual capacities (Giftedness) Educational Psychology,Delhi, Visas Publishing House.

Devise G. A. & Rim S. B. (1985). Education of the Gifted and the Talented. London, Prentice Hall Inc. Decency J. P. (1989). Psychology of Learning and Instruction. New Delhi, Prentice Hall Inc. Dunham P. J. (1977). Experimental Psychology: Theory and Practice. New York, Harper & Row. Hillary E. R. & Atkinson R. C. (1967). Introduction to Psychology (4th De. ) New York,Harcourt Brace and World Inc. Warlock Elizabeth B. Development psychology: A Life span Approach New Delhi, Data McGraw-Hill publishing Company Kirk S. A. & Gallagher J. J. & Anastasia N. J. (1996) .

Educating Exceptional Children, Boston, Houghton Muffling Co. Morgan C. T. & King R. A. (1975) Introduction to Psychology, New Delhi, Data Mcgraw Hill. Paper IV, Educational Evaluation and Measurement 1 . The concept of Educational Evaluation & Measurement. 2. Types of Tests: Objective & Essay. 3. Use and Interpretation of Statistical Techniques. 1 . Concept of Educational Evaluation: Types(Formative & Summarize), Functions of Educational Evaluation. 2. Aims, Objectives & Specifications. Taxonomies of Educational Objectives. 3. Learning experiences : Concepts, Types & Sources Value based learning experiences. . Educational Testing & Measurement Purpose of testing Norm reference & Criterion reference tests. 5. Different types of tests I) Objective Type Test Items : Types, Merits & Limitations; Guidelines for it) Subjective Type Test Items : Merits & Limitations. Constructing test items Administering, Analyzing & Suggestions for Improvement of Subjective Tests, Marking Grading system. 6. Use and interpretation of Statistical Techniques. Frequency table, Graphical representation, data in different ways, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Variability, Normal Distribution, Percentile & Percentile rank.

Recommended Books Nastiest, Anne (1976) ;psychological Testing;, New York, McMillan Danker W. N. (2002) ;Evaluation in Schools;, Mocha Pranks. Garret, H. E. (1979) ;statistics in Psychology and Vigils Prefer and Simons Ground, Norman (1989), ;Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching; New York, McMillan Guilford, J. P. & B. Further (1978), ;Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education;, New York, McGraw Hill. Patella, R. N. (2001), ;Educational Evaluation;, Iambi, Himalaya Publications. Thornier, R. L. & E.

P Hagen, (1977), ;Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education;, New York, John Wiley. M. A. II Education Syllabus Paper V, Research Methodology In Education To enable the students to understand about the 1 . Nature, scope and limitations of educational research. 2. Modalities necessary for formulating research problem. Problem. 4. Major approaches that are available for conducting the educational search and preparing research report. Detailed Syllabus 1 . Nature and scope of educational research : Meaning, need, limitations and purpose.

Scientific enquiry & theory development. 2. Types of Research: I) Fundamental, applied & action research. It. ) Quantitative & Qualitative approaches. Iii) Paradigms of Research. 3. Formulation of Research Proposal. I. Criteria of identifying the problem. It. Variables : Aims, Objectives. Iii. Hypotheses ‘v. Limitations, Delimitation’s and Assumptions. V. Significance 4. Types of Research Design: Descriptive, Experimental & Historical. 5. Collection of ATA types of data, quantitative and qualitative. Probability & Non Probability sampling techniques and multi-stage. 6.

Analysis of data: Descriptive and inferential statistics, tests of significance, types of errors, one tailed and two tailed tests, co- efficient of co-relation, the t-test, the F-test (nova), Non parametric test (chi-square) 7. Writing research report and evaluation of research report: Format, Style & Mechanics of reporting,; Bibliography, Appendices & Footnotes. Recommended Books Bailey, K. D. (1982). Methods of Social Research. New York, The Free Press. Best J. W. (1988). Introduction of Methods of Social Science. Englewood Cliff: Prentice Hall. Borg, W. R. And Gall, M. D. (1983). Educational Research: An Introduction.

New York, Longing. Barman, A and Duncan C. (1990). Qualitative Data Analysis for Social Scientists. London, Rutledge Van Dolan, D. B. (1973). Understanding Educational Research; An Introduction, New York, McGraw Hill. Soul,Looked,(2002) ;Methodology of Educational Delhi Paper VI, Politics & Economics of Education 1 . Meaning, Nature, Need and Scope of Politics & Economics of Education. 2. Theories & ideologies involved in Politics & Economics of Education. . Agencies of Politics & Economics of Education which bring about human development leading to national development. Section- 1 Politics of Education 1.

Definition of Politics Political system nature & scope. 2. Relationship between Education & Politics. Political ideologies & their influence on education. 3. Policy making methods, Processes & Agencies of Policy making. Sources of Policies. I) Constitution, it) Legislation, iii) Judicial decisions, ‘v) Recommendations of Committees, Commissions & v) Manifestoes of Political Parties. Vi Politicians of Education. 4. Scope of Educational Policy making at the entrap and state government level & its implication. Section- 2 Economics of 1 . Definition of Economics of Education its meaning, scope, nature & functions.

Relationship between Education & Economic system Educational Planning its importance, principles, procedures and types. 2. Education & Development Concept of Economic Development, Economic growth and Human Resource Development : Concept and role of education. The problem of educated unemployment, underemployment, disguised employment & brain drain. 3. Education as personal, social & national investment and education as consumption. Internal and External efficiency of educational system. 4. Financing of Education Sources of income Grant in aid principles, practices & limitations, Self financing courses.

Prevarication & centralization of courses. Books Recommended Politics of Education Almond,G. A and Coleman, J. S(1960),; The Politics of Developing Areas;. Princeton University Press. Pater D. E of Modernization;. Chicago, the University of Chicago Press. Bayle, E. Et al (1971), ;politics of Education;. Harmonist, Penguin. Goanna, M, (1975), ;Educational Policy making: A study of Interest Groups and Parliament;. London, George Allen and Union. Palmer, N. D Indian Political Systems;. London, George Allen and Union. Rudolph, S. H. And Rudolph, L .

L (des) and Politics in India;. Delhi, Oxford University Press. Economics of Education Gradual, J. C (second De. ) (1972),Educational Administration, Inspection Planning and Financing in India;, New Delhi Book Depot. Beluga, M Introduction to the Economics of Education;. London, Allen Lane, the Penguin Press. Geol., S. C. And Economic Growth in India;, Delhi Macmillan. Miser Financing of Indian Education;. Bombay, Asia Publishing House. Musketeer, S. N. 1970), ;Administration of Education, Planning and Finance;. Abroad, Chary Book Depot. Knack Planning in India;.

Bombay, Allied Publishers. Perlman’s, R (1973),; The Economics of Education;. New York, Mcgraw-Hill Book Company. Premier, M. K (1972),; Educational Planning in India. ; Sullener, Sterling Publishers (P) Ltd. UNESCO, ;Educational Planning: A World Survey of Problems and Prospects;, Paris, UNESCO. Baizes, J (1973),; Economics of Education, London;, Macmillan. Paper ‘X, Information & Communication Technology (Elective Paper) To help the students understand about: 1 . The emerging trends of information and communication technology including electronic learning and virtual network 2.

The theories of communications. 3. Applications of Internet and other technology in the field of education 4. Minimum knowledge about the software in education including web page creation 1. Information & Communication Technology (CT): Concept scope & importance 2. Communication: Concept, Types, Models & Barriers 3. Emerging trends in ‘CT: Multi media, E learning, Virtual learning & Satellite communication. 4. Computers in Education & Training: CIA & CM, Simulation & Guidelines for course writing. . Internet & it;s application to Education: WWW,E mail, Chat rooms, Newsgroups & Message board. 7.

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