One Organization Purposes Assignment

One Organization Purposes Assignment Words: 801

Organizations structure themselves and operate in ways that allow their objectives to be met. Every organization has a range of stakeholders whose interests need to be satisfied, but stakeholders have competing interests that may be hard to reconcile. Businesses operate in an environment shaped by the government, competitors, nonusers, suppliers, and international factors. Learners will understand that some influences on the business environment are direct and clear, for example taxation policies on corporate activities.

Other influences are less clear, perhaps coming from the international arena and sometimes with only an oblique impact on the national business environment. It is within this business environment that organizations function and have to determine strategies and a modus operandi that allow them to meet their organizational purposes in ways that comply with the relevant legal and regulatory frameworks. In addition, business markets take various forms and the structure of a market enables an understanding of how organizations behave.

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In this unit learners will consider how different market structures shape the pricing and output decisions of businesses, as well as other aspects of their behavior. Instructions 1 . This assignment brief contains two assignments 2. Assignment one covers learning outcomes one, and you are required to write a report 3. Assignment two covers learning outcomes two, three and four respectively and you are required to write an information document 4. The roommate assessment submission date for assignment one is 1st December 2014 and assignment two is 19th December 2014 5.

The summarize assessment (final) submission date for assignment one is 1 5th December 2014 and assignment two is 12th January 2015 6. Word process assignment two and justify the margins 7. Use 12 point on Times New Roman script and double line spacing in assignment two Assignment One criteria coverage (AC 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3, MI, MM, Del, DO & DB) Organizational purposes Scenario You work for an enterprise consultancy service that advises and supports both established businesses and start-ups.

As part of the regional development plan, your local council is hosting an event to attract businesses into the area. You are staffing an information stand and have been tasked to provide materials on organizational purposes for this. You will need to research and prepare a report on organizations in your area, their purposes and responsibilities as well as their different stakeholders and objectives of each stakeholder group, and the strategies employed and extent to which they meet the objectives of the different stakeholders.

To cover types of organizations you should select at least four different ones such as private, public, voluntary, government, and identify which sector these are in. To achieve MI, you will make effective judgments while researching and preparing the report on four different organizations in your area, their purposes and responsibilities as well as the variety of stakeholders they have.

To achieve MM the work you present will be presented in suitable business report format and use business terminology correctly To achieve D 1, you will have drawn conclusions which draw out organizational purposes To achieve DO, you will have demonstrated an effective approach to independent search and study and will have met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria To achieve DO, you will have generated ideas, taken decisions and solve problems in the report on the purpose of organizations, and the information document on influence on business Assignment Two Criteria coverage (AC 2. , 2. 2, 2. 3, 3. 1, 3. 2, 3. 3, 4. 1, 4. 2, 4. 3, MI , MM, MM, Del, DO & Influences on business You now need to provide materials for the event, which will have a practical focus, showing how the national business environment affects business organizations and the way they operate. Prepare an information document that examines: I. The nature of the national environment in which businesses operate including how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively, the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organizations and their activities II. He behavior of organizations in their market environment including how market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses, the way in which market forces shape organizational responses using a range of examples Ill. Assess the significance of the global factors that shape national business activities for UK business organizations including the impact of policies of the European Union, the significance of international trade and the impact of global factors IV. Or a selected organization evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on its activities and how the business and cultural environments shape the behavior of the organization To achieve MI, you will make effective judgments while showing how the national business environment affects business organizations and the way they operate. To achieve MM, you will have used suitable techniques/sources to outline a anger of the legislation and the variety of government policies that impact upon business, including competition policy.

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One Organization Purposes Assignment. (2021, Jan 22). Retrieved March 4, 2025, from