Assessment Guide – Amb202 Integrated Marketing Communication Assignment

Assessment Guide – Amb202 Integrated Marketing Communication Assignment Words: 3699

Assessment Guide – AMB202 Integrated Marketing Communication This guide provides you with information and criteria sheets for AMB202 Integrated Marketing Communication assessment items. There are three criterion referenced assessment items within this unit: hot topic oral presentation, an IMC Evaluation project and poster (group). Hot topic Pecha Kucha oral presentation – individual 25% This assessment item is designed to build skills both in research analysis and interpretation of an IMC topic, as well as building oral presentation skills. This assessment item requires you to choose one (1) IMC topic and review it in class.

Presentations will begin from week 5. It needs to be HOT and current. Presentations are no longer than 7 (seven) minutes. A Pecha Kucha style presentation ensures that you have a specific time limit. They should be informative but interesting. We don’t want to be lectured. Have fun with it. It is your seven minutes of fame (see Warhol). You will need to submit proof that your topic is hot, so please attach a copy of newspaper, journal, trade publication article, or website print out. Please also attach a Bibliography to show us your research sources. Major project

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Assessment three: IMC Plan – group 20% plus 20% Poster (or computer simulation) You will choose one organisation, person or a brand from a range presented to you (or you may choose your own – just speak with your tutor about this, but we don’t encourage it). Next, you are required to investigate your topic and its environment and define organisational and marketing communication issues through primary and secondary sources. Using the Consistency Triangle as a framework, analyse if your chosen client is undertaking consistency, or if there are inconsistencies in their marketing communication messages.

You are required to review the situation ie a situational analysis, undertake a SWOT analysis , define and justify the problem/s if any that exist, research and collect marketing communication material – both planned and unplanned, identify target audiences and provide marketing communication recommendations to the organisation. Your response is to be based on the facts provided to you by your client, as well as secondary research that you MUST conduct. It will also be supported by academic literature. 1. Define the Company, person or brand Define the main marketing communication issues regarding your case by conducting secondary research. . Identify critical factors/issues relating to the Company or brand In relation to your chosen case, identify critical factors or issues that relate to the situation and will affect, positively or negatively, the organisation’s management of the situation. In this section, you could consider points including the internal and external environment, the organisation’s operations, goals, performance, and public opinion. This section is more than a list of facts. It requires you to interpret facts and explain their relevance to the situation. 3. Identify target audiences

Identify and characterise target audiences. Identify key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and draw links between external and internal aspects. Are any being neglected? Recommend how your choice of marketing communication can aid your client. 4. Identify a range of solutions to the defined problem Based on an understanding of any problems and the critical factors/issues facing your case, develop a range of marketing communication solutions to the defined problem. These solutions require you to interpret environmental or organisational factors and develop appropriate communication responses.

You are to identify a possible of three solutions that relate to integrated marketing communications (ie direct marketing, viral marketing, sponsorship, Internet and PR etc). 5. Justify your best solution Why have you chosen these possible solutions and how can you see them working? 6. Is the Consistency Triangle being used successfully by your chosen Company, person or brand? To answer this question, you are to provide reasons and justification as to if your findings have found that your case is confirming what they do and say is aligned.

You may want to provide a table or diagram showing specific marketing communication that either addresses target audiences and what channels it is being communicated within. The consistency triangle is a simple way to analyse brand messages and how they relate to each other. Strategic brand consistency exists when a brand does what is says from the customer’s perspective. What the brand says and what it does are reinforced by what others say about it. Based on the marketing communication problems identified, develop responses or strategies that address target audiences and meet organisational goals.

You must incorporate evidence in this process. Use additional academic journal or text book references to support your decisions. This is your opportunity to be creative in identifying solutions for your organisation. Remember to link your ideas to your argument for marketing communication significance. Poster and Best in Show events will be held in the last week of semester. This is where each group will showcase their marketing communication ideas to the client. The best 3 groups work will be chosen as winners. You will want to present your ideas as concisely as possible to the client.

Each group will talk to the client and you will be marked on your ability to present your ideas. It will not be a formal presentation. NEW IMC STRTAEGY Executive Summary Contents Stakeholder Analysis (this includes target market analysis) • Who are the key stakeholders • What internal/external power do they have • Analyse communications for each – does the brand consider all of these? • How do they interact with stakeholders? Message and Contact Point Analysis • What planned messages do they have? • What unplanned messages have they experienced? • What product/service messages do they have?

Brand Consistency Analysis • What is current branding (logos, slogans), positioning • How is the brand communicated to targets? • Does it align with • Consistency • Clarity • Contribution Key Marketing Issues • Major Issues (Prioritise, Describe, Impact of Each) • Minor Issues (Prioritise, Describe, Impact of Each) IMC Solutions • IMC Strategy – why adopt it? • What communications/tactics mix will you employ? • Details for each – how will they be target stakeholders? • Why select these? • Implementation Schedule • How will the campaign evolve? • How much will the campaign cost? References Appendices

AMB202 Integrated Marketing Communication Assessment 1: Hot topic oral presentation (25%) Name: __________________________ | |7 (range 85 – 90 – 100) |6 (range 75 – 80 – 84) |5 (range 65 – 70 – 74) |4 (range 50 – 57 – 64) |3-1 (range 0-25-49%) | |Presentation style |Student shows strong familiarity with topic , |Student shows familiarity with topic and is |You show familiarity with topic, and |You show some familiarity with topic, |You read notes and fails to show | | |only refers to your notes slightly, and are |creative. Your group selects and uses |use mostly relevant technology |referring to notes as prompts only, but |familiarity with topic.

You show no | | |creative. You select and use technology to |appropriate technology to support your |effectively and somewhat creative. |uses technology to lead the presentation. |creativity. | | |enhance your presentation. |presentation. | |You are slightly creative. | | |Structure of the |The presentation flows and the information is |The presentation begins with an opening which |The presentation begins with an |The presentation begins with an overview |The presentation includes some | |Presentation |seamlessly imparted.

The presentation begins |gains our attention. It includes an overview |overview and includes most relevant |and includes most relevant information. |relevant information, but is poorly | | |with an opening which gains our attention. It |and follows a logical sequence to include all |information. |Appropriate timing is not given to key |structured and organised. Timing is | | |includes an overview and follows a logical |relevant information. | |parts of the presentation. |not appropriate. | | |sequence to include all relevant information. | | | | |Quality of argument|Argument is very substantial, with significant|Argument is sound and substantial, although not|Argument is let down by occasional |Argument is sometimes trivial, confused or|Your groups either present no | | |elements of originality. |original. |confusion of flaws. |flawed. |discernible or, is seriously flawed | | | | | | |academic argument. | |Information |Students use diverse sources of information. |Students use diverse sources of information. |Students use some sources of |Students use sources of information.

The |Students’ sources of information are | | |The usefulness and relevance of information |The usefulness and relevance of information |information. The usefulness and |usefulness and relevance of information |poor. The usefulness and relevance of| | |obtained is assessed to an excellent standard. |obtained is assessed to a high standard. |relevance of information obtained is |obtained is assessed to a good standard. |information obtained is assessed to a| | | | |assessed to an above average standard. | |poor standard. |Content |Content is very relevant to IMC and student |Evidence of extensive knowledge of the relevant|Evidence that relevant IMC content is |Evidence that relevant IMC content is |Little of no evidence of familiarity | | |provides superior evidence, comprehensive and |IMC content, without major misapprehensions. |adequately understood, but with some |broadly understood, but with significant |with IMC content. Or content is not | | |deep knowledge of the relevant content. | |gaps or misapprehensions. |gaps or misapprehensions. |relevant to topic discussed. |Theoretical |Evidence of thorough critical appreciation and|Evidence of good critical appreciation and |Evidence of a general critical stance, |Evidence of limited critical evaluation in|Little of no evidence of critical | |application , |evaluation of relevant theory and research and|evaluation of relevant theory and research and |although some material not evaluated. |some areas, with some lost opportunities |thinking. No structured arguments | |critical thinking, |a systematic and creative/innovative attempt |a systematic approach to relate it to the |Your research is up to somewhat up to |or misunderstandings. Your research is |that do not follow any sequence. Your| |up to date topic |to relate it to the topic. Your research is up|topic. Your research is up to date. |date. |out- dated. |research is not up to date. | | |to date. | | | | |Media proof and |You include media proof via a recent |Only slightly read notes. |Your topic was slightly hot. |No in-presentation referencing is used. |You do not include media proof via a | |references + |newspaper, journal or trade press article to | | | |recent newspaper, journal or trade | |Bibliography |prove that your hot topic is hot. You provide |Your topic was somewhat hot. |Some evidence of research other than |Read notes. |press article relevant to your hot | | |a Bibliography. | |your textbook.

Related solutions to | |topic. Nor a Bibliography. | | | |Evidence of research other than your textbook. |theory somewhat well. |Your topic was not very hot. | | | |Up to date in-presentation referencing is |Related solutions to theory well. | | |You do not have 20 slides per 20 | | |used. | | |Slight evidence of research other than |second format. | | | | |your textbook. Related solutions to theory|Read notes. | | |Did not read. Your topic was HOT. | | |only just. |Your topic was NOT hot. | | | | | | | | | |Evidence of research other than your textbook. | | |Evidence of research other than your | | |Related solutions to theory very well. | | | |textbook. Did not relate solutions to| | | | | | |theory. | Grade: Contained required elements: Y / N Total marks / 7 = Grade. AMB202 Integrated Marketing Communication Poster Session (20%) Group names: _______________________________________ |7 (range 85 – 90 – 100) |6 (range 75 – 80 – 84) |5 (range 65 – 70 – 74) |4 (range 50 – 57 – 64) |3-1 (range 0-25-49%) | |Creative |Your poster shows creativity, is visually |Your poster shows a lot of creativity, but |Your poster shows some creativity |Your presentation shows no creativity |Your presentation shows no | | |appealing and has flair by having creative |creative pieces lack flair. | |relevant to the topic. |creativity relevant to the topic. | | |pieces (eg DM (or similar) examples, props, | | | | | | |copy, other). | | | | |Effective |Your group provides a well structured, |Your group provides a well structured and |Your group provides a well structured |Your group provides a well structured |Your group does not provide a well | |communication |compelling and comprehensive poster which is |comprehensive poster which is effective in |poster which makes key points clearly but|poster but some structure and information |structured poster and is not | | |highly effective in making key points clear. |making key points clear. |some information missing. |unclear. |effective in making key points | | | | | | |clear. | |Presentation |Your strategy makes sense and tactics would |Your strategy makes sense and actics would |Your strategy makes some sense but you |Your strategy does not make sense and has |You try to deliver too much or not | | |work well for client objectives. |appear to work for client objectives. |have trouble conveying client objectives |trouble conveying client objectives and |enough information. Strategy does | | | | |and success. |success. |not make sense to solve problems. | |Presentation |Clear and very professional layout and |Clear and professional presentation. |Not particularly clear. |Presentation lacks professionalism. |Poor layout and presentation. | | |presentation. | | | | |Response to client |Your group responds well to client, |Your group responds well to client and is |Your group responds well to client |Your group answers the client questions. |Your group is dismissive or | | |anticipates needs and is articulate and |articulate and responsive to client questions|questions and feedback. | |disrespectful to client questions or| | |responsive to client questions and feedback. |and feedback. | | |does not respond to feedback. |Information |The usefulness and relevance of information to|The usefulness and relevance of information |The usefulness and relevance of |The usefulness and relevance of |The usefulness and relevance of | | |client needs is presented and well thought out|to client needs is presented and well thought|information to client needs is presented |information to client needs is presented |information presented is of a poor | | |and to an excellent standard. |out and to a high standard. |and quite well thought out to an above |to a fair standard. |standard. | | | | |average standard. | | |Content |Content is very relevant to IMC and group |Evidence of extensive knowledge of the |Evidence that relevant IMC content is |Evidence that relevant IMC content is |Little of no evidence of familiarity| | |provides superior evidence, comprehensive and |relevant IMC content, without major |adequately understood that somewhat |broadly understood, but with significant |with IMC content. Or content is not | | |deep knowledge that supports your client |misapprehensions that supports your client |supports your client objectives, but with|gaps or misapprehensions in relation to |relevant to client objectives. | | |objectives. |objectives. |some gaps or misapprehensions. |supporting your client objectives. | |Theoretical |Evidence of thorough critical appreciation and|Evidence of good critical appreciation and |Evidence of a general critical stance, |Evidence of limited critical evaluation in|Little of no evidence of critical | |application & |evaluation of relevant theory and research and|evaluation of relevant theory and research |although some material not evaluated or |some areas, with some lost opportunities |thinking. No structured arguments | |critical thinking |a systematic and creative/innovative attempt |and a systematic approach to relate it to IMC|follow IMC processes. or misunderstandings in relation to IMC |that do not follow any sequence or | | |to relate it to IMC processes. |processes. | |processes. |IMC processes. | |Group processes |Group members work collectively to respond to |Group members present as a coherent group for|Group members are coordinated but have |Group members are coordinated but there is|The group fails to be coherent or | | |poster session and support each other. |the poster session and attempt to support |some lapses in their support during the |little support for team members during the|fail to support one another. | | |each other. |poster session. |poster session. | | |Group participation |Your entire group is present. | | | |Your group is missing members. | Grade: Contained required elements: Y / N Grade. Total /100 divided by 5 = /20 AMB202 Integrated Marketing CommunicationAssessment 4: IMC Strategic Evaluation(20%) Name: ____________________________________________________________ _______________Tutorial time: ______________ |7 (range 85 – 90 – 100) |6 (range 75 – 80 – 84) |5 (range 65 – 70 – 74) |4 (range 50 – 57 – 64) |3-1 (range 0-25-49%) | |Problem or |You define and analyse marketing |You define and analyse marketing |You define and analyse marketing |You define and analyse some marketing |You fail to define and analyse | |opportunity |communication issues strongly for your |communication issues somewhat well for your |communication issues fairly well |communication issues strongly for your |marketing communication issues for | |statement |case/client. |case/client. |missing out some information for your |case/client, but miss key elements. |your case/client. | | | | |case/client. | | | |Situation analysis |Detailed background of case provided with |Detailed background of case provided with |Detailed background of case provided |Background of case provided with |Unclear client brief provided. Poor | |and research |relevant theory on the advisory role IMC |relevant theory on the dvisory role IMC |with relevant theory on the advisory |theoretical support on the advisory IMC|coverage of research findings with | | |plays in addressing client need. Situation |plays in addressing client need. Situation |role IMC plays in addressing client |plays in addressing client needs. |little or no analysis provided and/or| | |analysis supported by SWOT, clear summary of|analysis supported by clear summary and |need. Situation analysis supported by |Basis coverage of research findings |no SWOT. Limited relevant theory | | |research findings and a comprehensive |analysis of relevant research findings |SWOT, clear summary of relevant |with some analysis as well as a SWOT |provided. | |analysis of overall research to provide a |provided with SWOT to provide a foundation |research findings and a basic analysis |provided. | | | |foundation for planning. |for planning. |overall. | | | |Critical factors |You list, prioritise, describe and show |You list, prioritise, describe and show |You list, prioritise and describe most |You list and prioritise some critical |You fail to identify critical factors| | |relevance of critical factors to problem or |relevance of most critical factors to |critical factors for marketing |factors for marketing communication. that affect the problem or | | |opportunity and marketing communication |problem or opportunity for marketing |communication. | |opportunity for marketing | | |significance. |communication. | | |communication. | |Target publics |You list and describe target publics using |You list and describe target publics using |You translate stakeholders into limited|You describe and prioritise |You fail to identify relevant | | |appropriate categories, explaining them. appropriate categories. |target publics. |stakeholders. |stakeholders or publics. | |Quality of argument|Argument is very substantial, with |Argument is sound and substantial, although |Argument is let down by occasional |Argument is sometimes trivial, confused|Your groups either present no | | |significant elements of originality. |not original. |confusion of flaws. |or flawed. |discernible or, is seriously flawed | | | | | | |academic argument. |Ethical Issues |Students recognise information is |Students recognise information is |Students somewhat recognise information|Students slightly recognise information|Students do not recognise information| | |underpinned by values and beliefs with an |underpinned by values and beliefs with an |is underpinned by values and beliefs |is underpinned by values and beliefs |is underpinned by values and beliefs | | |acknowledgement of cultural, ethical and |acknowledgement of cultural, ethical and |with an acknowledgement of cultural, |with an acknowledgement of cultural, |with an acknowledgement of cultural, | | |socioeconomic issues related to IMC. |socioeconomic issues related to IMC. |ethical and socioeconomic issues |ethical and socioeconomic issues |ethical and socioeconomic issues | | | | |related to IMC. |related to IMC. |related to IMC. |Theoretical |Evidence of thorough critical appreciation |Evidence of good critical appreciation and |Evidence of a general critical stance, |Evidence of limited critical evaluation|Little of no evidence of critical | |application , |and evaluation of relevant theory and |evaluation of relevant theory and research |although some material not evaluated. |in some areas, with some lost |thinking. No structured arguments | |critical thinking, |research and a systematic and |and a systematic approach to relate it to |Your research is up to somewhat up to |opportunities or misunderstandings. |that do not follow any sequence. Your| |up to date opic |creative/innovative attempt to relate it to |the topic. Your research is up to date. |date. |Your research is out- dated. |research is not up to date. | | |the topic. Your research is up to date. | | | | | |Information sources|Use of a wide variety of very appropriate & |Use of a wide range of appropriate sources. |Use of a range of appropriate sources, |Limited and uncritical use of a |Sources not used to support | |& up to date |diverse sources. The information is current. You correctly use APA referencing that is |but without critical evaluation, or |restricted range of sources. You |substantive assertions or argument. | | |You correctly use APA referencing. |current. |missing some significant items. You |sometimes use APA referencing in the |You do not correctly use APA | | | | |correctly use APA referencing and most |correct format. Some is current. |referencing. Your references are not | | | | |is current. |up to date. | |Information search |You assess the usefulness of information and|You assess the usefulness of information and|You assess the usefulness of |You somewhat assess the usefulness of |You do not assess the usefulness of | | |the relevance of information obtained to a |the relevance of information obtained to a |information and the relevance of |information and the relevance of |information and the fail to see the | | |very high standard. |high standard. |information obtained most of the time. |information obtained to a satisfactory |relevance of information obtained. | | | | |standard. | | |Written |You organise content clearly and logically, |You organise content clearly and make very |You organise content clearly and make |You attempt to organise content and |You present content in an incoherent | |presentation |and make no technical errors. You use |few technical errors. You use correctly APA |few technical errors. You use correctly|make some technical errors throughout |way and make frequent technical | | |correctly APA referencing. |referencing. |APA referencing. |paper. You use correctly APA |errors throughout paper.

You do not | | | | | |referencing. |use APA referencing correctly. | |New knowledge and |Students recognise inter-relationships |Students recognise inter-relationships |Students recognise inter-relationships |Students recognise inter-relationships |Students do not recognise | |new understanding |between concepts and draw strong conclusions|between concepts and draw conclusions |between concepts and draw some |between concepts and occasionally draw |inter-relationships between concepts | | |relevant to their topic. |relevant to their topic. |conclusions relevant to their topic. |conclusions.

Student uses only textbook|and draw no conclusions relevant to | | | | | |to draw conclusions. |their topic. | Grade: /11 = Contained required elements: Y / N Failure to submit all required elements for this assignment results in a non-passing grade for this assignment. AMB202 Integrated Marketing Communication Peer Evaluation (to be presented to tutor or lecturer with IMC audit) This evaluation sheet helps to determine an individual’s contribution to the group assessment items. Please use one sheet for each of the other people in your group and assign a rating accordingly.

Return the sheets to your tutor after the presentation in class. Report prepared by:___________________________________ Report on performance of:___________________________________ QualityLowHigh 1. Regular attendance and participation in 1 2 3 4 5 all group meetings 2. Performance of agreed contributions within1 2 3 4 5 scheduled timeframe. 3. Participation in setting project goals and 1 2 3 4 5 tasks. 4. Overall contribution and involvement in1 2 3 4 5 the proposal and research plan. 5. Overall contribution and involvement in1 2 3 4 5 the presentation planning and written report. 6.

Overall contribution and involvement in1 2 3 4 5 decision-making. 7. Encouragement of other group members. 1 2 3 4 5 What have you gained most from working with this student? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ What advice would you give this student on areas for improvement? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Further comments can be provided to your tutor as required.

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Assessment Guide - Amb202 Integrated Marketing Communication Assignment. (2020, Feb 23). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from