Annotated bib for Importance of Physical Education Assignment

Annotated bib for Importance of Physical Education Assignment Words: 4103

Mien mutinous on to explain the importance of having a consistent workout routine, as well as, giving the reader different exercises to promote good cardiovascular health; not only for psychological wellness, but for physical health too. I have definitely found it true in that working out and exercising helps improve a sense of well-being, as well as, helping improve one’s self-esteem. This article shows that if we help young children develop skills and knowledge on the importance of staying active, and incorporating it at a young age, that we may help improve the happiness and health of these kids for their future lives.

Williams, M. H. (2010). Nutrition for health, fitness & sport (9th deed. ). Boston, MA. : McGraw-Hill. In this book, the author, Melvin Williams, explains the importance of physical fitness and endurance in sports; he provides very good information on how significant of a role that physical fitness is in not only one’s self image, but also how important it is in sports, and in being a successful athlete.

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Not only does this book show the significance of exercising in living a healthy lifestyle, but it even gives the reader information on the good and bad types of food that contain protein and reverberates; also, the author shows the alternatives for foods that are high in fat. Foods high in complex carbohydrates are great to consume about an hour or two before the game, and branch chain amino acids The basic concepts and teachings of this book could be very motivating to any young athlete because of the different games and facts that it gives on how to properly get into good cardiovascular shape.

Although this was very informational and educational, I did find the readings to be very understandable. It would take some time for a younger kid to understand, but it would be very beneficial for a kid to study this book in school or his or her physical education class. Jiffies, S. C. (2006). The new physical education [Documentary]. United States: Central Washington University/P. E. Links 41. 1 Production. The new physical education was very informational on having a sense of good well-being, having a healthy diet, and maintaining a steady exercise program for children.

Not only did this article explain the importance of exercise, diet, and well-being, but it also showed and explained the new techniques of active stretching, and the benefits one may receive over static stretching. Also in this article, the reader learned that announcing the muscle while stretching is actually bad for the muscle, and that the best way to stretch is to slowly stretch out the muscle while inhaling an adequate amount of oxygen. Also, breathing exercises help your heart rate, as well as, take more oxygen to the muscles. Morgan, M. (2007). Physical education on a shoestring.

Practical Homecomings 10 This article is very interesting in the fact that it talks about how team sports (78). Aren’t necessarily the best thing for a kid “in the toddler years. ” It makes sense because the writer states that swimming, taking karate, walking, riding on a “trite,” ND even a simple task, such as skipping, can offer great motor skill training for young children. Being on a team sport as children get older can be very beneficial when it comes to teamwork, but at a young age children and tots are getting more out of the general concepts of hand-eye coordination and other general motor skills.

Also, this article gave some great input and advice on how to improve younger children on his or her teamwork skills. Often times, the best athlete isn’t necessarily the best teammate, so assigning a great team player, who may not be as athletic as he others, with a child that is very athletic will help both of the children when working together. Of course, this will take time, and monitoring the student while coaching will significantly help matters. Physical education and training. (2000) The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th deed. Columbia University Press. Retrieved September 26, 2013, from http://Galen. Allegros. Com. Explore. Memphis. Deed/ servile/Stillborn This internet article explains how important it is to not only start physical fitness at a young age, but shows the reader how it helps keep a healthy self-esteem, as well as, having a good self-image. They look back at the ancient Chinese and Greeks to show that they even acknowledged the importance of exercise, but most of it was for military training or battle purposes. Even though the Kids Inhibits may appear to be very elementary when it comes to the word usage, one would probably found these tiny bits of information pretty useful.

This article keeps it very simple, but informs the reader with vital information on how to help improve your physical fitness with simple body workouts and stretches. This would be very good for a young physical education teacher that teaches younger kids about hysterical education. Promoting Health. (n. D. ). Born Learning. Retrieved October 15, 2013 from http://www. Forewarning. Org/default. Asps? Id=24 This website explains to the reader how to properly promote good health, nutrition, and sleep for a baby.

Routine doctor visits are necessary because the immune system of a young child does not develop fully until a later age, therefore, it is a lot easier for babies to get sick. In the website, there is a chart that shows the reader signs to look for in order to tell if your baby is sick or not. Rectal temperature harts are shown on there as well, and an example is if your baby is 2 months old, and he or she has a rectal temperature of over 100. 4, then the baby needs to see a doctor to check for viral infections or other health related issues.

Not only are doctor visits necessary, but an adequate amount of sleep and nutrients are imperative for a healthy baby. Proper sleep and nutrition helps spark brainpower, and the website says that it helps newborns adapt to situations better as well. Forewarning. Org is a great source to help babies live a healthy lifestyle, and teaches parents their role in doing so. The age charts throughout the website gives adequate information to show where your baby’s learning curve should be as long as motor skills. The Price of Inactivity. (n. D. ). Physical Activity.

Retrieved on October 17, 2013 from http://www. Heart. Org/HEARTHRUG/Astringently/Physicality’s/Startling/The- Price-of-Inactivity_UCM_307974_Article. Jsp According to The American Heart Association, 68% of adults are overweight, and the numbers are only increasing. They also state that living an obese lifestyle hurts Americans financially, and it’s a terrible example for our children’s future. Most monger children are highly susceptible to fall into the same habits are his or her parents, and this is why it’s so important to promote a healthier lifestyle by setting a good example of it.

I feel that this was helpful in showing how pertinent our lifestyles can be to the future of the next generation. If we take initiative by setting a good example, then we will save our children from financial struggles. The importance of self-discipline ties into living a healthy lifestyle, and living a healthy lifestyle with exercising will promote a positive self-image; if we continue to encourage younger children to do the same, hen our future generation might do a better Job of staying active. Childhood Obesity. (2013). Parenting.

Retrieved on October 29, 2013 from http://www. Parenting. Com/article/childhood-obesity It’s easy to understand why obesity can be problematic in today’s society with the amount of advanced technology out there. This website article states that 49% of parents that have obese children thought their child was of average size; it also tells and shows the reader how to measure IBM, which stands for body mass index. The article states that if we want our kids to be healthy, then we need to start assisting hem in a healthy lifestyle from the very beginning.

I feel that the website article was very beneficial in learning how different ages and sizes require different nutrition and fitness. Not all children are alike, so it is ridiculous for all of them to do the same exact thing. The website showed what was a normal exercise routine and different skill-sets for different ages and sizes of kids. Charts were provided in order to know the average height and weight, along with how far along your child should be in his or her motor skill coordination. Parent Alert Notification Service. (2011). Dent-a-kid Services of America Retrieved on October 30, 2013 from http://www. Identikit. Suns=content/fun-exercise-options-kids This website states that 74% of children between the ages of five through ten don’t get an adequate amount of exercise daily, which is said to be for at least 45 minutes to an hour per day. Fun ways to help promote exercise are to sign your kids up for sports teams to play on, to go to the park as a family, or to incorporate other physical activities that interest your child. There are a number of fun ways for kids to be active without participating in sports. Active games, like tag or catch, can be a good way to incorporate fitness into your child’s play.

Even playing on the playground gives your child an opportunity to get some exercise. If your child is more of the indoor type, there are a number of exercise DVD’s for children that make traditional exercise routines fun and accessible to kids. Your child may also enjoy a more traditional form of exercise, like yoga or Palates; these can be practiced in classes, and many children enjoy yoga as they are able to pose in the form of different animals. I foul this website to cover the age group from five to ten years old pretty well, ND they they gave the reader good advice on how to interest children in physical activity.

They don’t have to be tricked, but simply find something that captivates their minds, and find a way to associate it with a physical activity. It can be as simple as making animal noises, then reenacting what the animal does. Making the exercise fun for you and your children will help create a healthy relationship with an open communication, therefore creating a positive future for you and your family. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Physical activity Retrieved on October 31, 013 from http://www. CDC. Gob/physicality’s/everyone/guidelines/ index. HTML The website listed different guidelines for different ages in order to improve cardiovascular health, muscle fitness, and bone strength. From ages 6-17, it is important for a child to participate in different activities in order to improve in all of these areas. Jump-roping and running are two of the best exercises to help cardiovascular health and bone strength, but proper activities such as gymnastics, karate, and simply doing body weight exercises three days a week for at least 45 minutes help in muscle strengthening. I found this website to have a variety of information for all age groups for both males and females.

Of course, most of my research was done on the age group from 6-17, and the suitable information was provided. The information from the website exhibited the proper form and technique of the varieties of exercises, and also showed different ways to workout different muscle groups. I think the most confusing part for a kid at a young age is knowing exactly what exercises to do in order to work on specific muscles, and this website did a great Job of informing the kids on how to properly workout. The Importance of Pre-school Exercise (video file). Retrieved from www. Youth. Mom/watch? V=Pickoffs http:// This video blob found on Youth provided great information on classes that you and your child can enroll in so that way both can get a great exercise. There is no need to go to the gym when simply playing on the mat, or even at home, can provide you and your child with bonding and exercise time. Not only does it save money, but it also helps build a healthy relationship with your children. The most important thing is to make it fun for both you and your children so that way they will be encouraged to Oromo a healthy habit for the future.

I think this video was pretty informational on different classes that places offer for both the parent and the child. This shows how the parent can have Just as much fun as the child when it comes to exercising, and the best way to exercise is to have fun while doing it! Simply playing hide and go seek or tag, shooting basketball, throwing a baseball or football, and kicking a soccer ball can help develop the cerebellum at an early age. Some kids may not need to be on a team until they are advanced enough, but team sports are great for leadership skills, teamwork, and understanding roles.

Pre-school exercise is best when kept simple and made as fun as possible for both you and the children! Carter, J. A. ,& Solomon, M. (1995). Kindergarten and first-grade students’ perceptions of physical education in one teacher’s classes. The Elementary School Journal, 95 (4)355- 365. Although physical education is not known for an academic standing, this Journal article shows how important it is for your brain to function with the help of physical activity. Especially at a young age, being physically active helps fire brain cells, as well as promotes a positive mood.

Nineteen of Mrs.. Woods’ students were interviewed, and were asked how they felt about their physical education class, and they all said that the class was fun, and that they got to participate in a lot of games that the whole class got to play. Mrs.. Woods’ also participated in the events, and the children said that they liked her role in the games. Creating an open relationship with the students helped with communicating, and most students said that they felt like they could talk to Mrs.. Woods about anything.

I think this article was pretty interesting because I finally got to see the kids’ perspective of things. The fact that they said they thought their physical education lass was fun, and that the whole class got to “play games together” was exactly what I’d hoped for. This is helping the students understand what it takes to work as a team with different ethnic groups and genders. It is very important for us to be able to feel comfortable with all types of people in order to promote a positive environment. Calhoun, D. & Kirk, D. (1989) Healthier and physical education.

British Journal of Sociology of Education, 10 (4) 417-434. This article is based off a study of physical education in primary schools of Queensland, Australia in the early sass’s. They studied the importance of physical education, its role in childhood education, and the effects, both positive and negative. Not only does physical conditioning aid good physical health, but it helps maintain mental health as well. The study also proposed that the more sites a person is active in, the better off the individual is both mentally and physically.

Although it was somewhat hard to read because of the difference in the way British people write and speak, and complexity of the vocabulary, I found this study to be extremely interesting. They not only state the importance of exercising, but they your child with bonding helps build o healthy relate( aka It tuna turn bath you an form a healthy habit for the different classes that place! The parent can have just as the best way to exercise 1st seek or rag. Shooting basket ball can help develop the on d tear” urinal they are ad’ skills. Narrower. And under Simple and made as fun as Carter, J. Salmon, M. (1 tot physical education In on Although physical educe article haw rainproof activity’, Especially at a yowl well as promotes a positive interviewed, and newer asks they all ‘;TLD that the class v that the Allele class got to children said that they ILEC with the students helped w like they could talk to Vary. Think this article was pr perspective of things The class USA fun, and that the I’d hoped fur.

This IS helper team different ethnic to feel comfortable ninth all Calhoun. D. & Kirk, D. (If Sociology of Education, 10 e This article is based off Queensland, Australia in the education, its role In child Not only does physical con mental health as well. The in. The better tot the Undivided Although was somehow British people Mite and SP. Be extremely interesting. T explain the benefit of the different types of cites doing did sports work out different parts of the brain, and even dif cerebellum. Decoder, K. Dixon, S. Halls, J. & Wingtip, L. (2005). Class challenges of delivering quality physical education. The J Research, 98(4) 208-220. Two different studies were done at two different elm one of them was taught by a regular teacher, and the 10th education specialist. Although both of these classes ex. specialist showed better results. Physical education sped much in the school systems, and this article shows the I the teacher had positive results, the specialist knew the order to train a specific muscle group, and the specialist techniques.

This research is very helpful because the need for pH isn’t as high in schools, but it’s ironic because this report truly believe the importance of the specialists. Although teach the basic concepts of physical education, they can’t well as the specialist. With so many schools having budge to be the only option, therefore, leaving a lot of physical e picture. They aren’t only hurting the teachers, but they a students! Chem., A. & Nines, C. (2004). Goals, interests, and learning Journal of Education Research, 97(6) 329-338.

Two physical education programs (8 classes) were ex. opportunities to use thinking skills. Integrating thinking information gathering, and organization into all subjects important in elementary schools. The nonacademic subs art, and music can provide opportunities for teaching HTH core academics are very important, the arts and crafts, m physical education classes help fully develop all parts of This article not only displayed how physical education also encourages the participation of art and music at an interesting because a lot of these subjects are not as of school systems.

A well balanced education, both physics necessary in order to fully develop every section of the b Interpersonal Neurobiology (video file). Retrieved from watch? V=Coquetry’s&feature=player_detailpage This video gives information about the developing of t from birth until the age of five. Genes provide the basic shape the process that determines whether a child’s brain foundation for all future learning behavior and health. Neurons are firing off at a rapid pace at the young age, and it’s perhaps the most important phase of development. Serve and return interaction” with adults is when babies “serve” by making faces or gestures, and the parents “return” by giving back their reactions. This is important for the future psychological makeup on how one reacts to others. Learning to deal tit stress is very important when living an everyday life. In severe situations, babies stress response systems are activated, and the prolonged activation of a baby’s stress response system may cause future harm or depression in children. I found this video very helpful, and learned more about how to handle stress around babies.

Whether we know it or not, we are the architects of our babies’ brains, and we need to be cautious of how we handle our emotions. How we handle our emotions can directly affect our babies brains, and may even possibly cause future depression for our children. The more involved that we are with are children, he more that they will learn skills that are important in developing them. Barney, D. & Strand, B. (2008). Do high school students know what practices are important in physical education?

The High School Journal, 92(1) 33-40. The purpose of this study was to investigate high school students’ knowledge of appropriate practices in physical education. The total number of high school students that were involved was three hundred and sixty-nine. It was found that it was appropriate to pick teams in class, that wearing uniforms in class was appropriate, and that having out of class assignments was good. These three things help with participation, and the more that they were involved with the class, the better.

In this study, one factor that was obvious was the effect that the class size had on participation. The more students that were in the class, the less likely that the students would interact with each other; because of the number of students, the amount of equipment available was scarce. Students were stuck with equipment that was broken or they had to wait on others for their turn. Because of the large class, students that didn’t have friends in the class were not motivated to participate s much with the children that they didn’t know.

I think this article is great because it keeps teachers and people aware of what aids the students’ participation. I remember having a large number of people in my middle school gym class, and the class was very cliquish. We played and had conversations with the same people every day, and the only time we interacted with the other students was when we played against each other, or if the teacher assigned us to participate in other groups. Connelly, M. (1995). Phenomenology, physical education, and special populations.

Cognitive processes are improved through the participation of physical education programs in school. These programs are some of the only programs that offer education on how to improve self-esteem, body composition, and introspective skills. Another study that the teacher did was a questionnaire that was sent out through email to the students’ parents. He had the parents fill out different questions about how their children felt about themselves, and then he compared them to the information in which the students completed.

Afterwards, the survey showed the importance of a parent-child relationship, as well as, showing the comparisons with a positive self-image to the children that participate the most in their physical education class. I found this video to be pretty interesting because I have ADD, and also know a lot of people that have the same disorder. A lot of teachers don’t understand the effects that ADD can have on a student, and it can make it hard for these students to do well in some classes.

Physical education was one of my favorite classes because it always gave me the opportunity to move around and burn some energy. Even if a child doesn’t have ADD, it’s still pretty hard to sit still all day long at school, and exercise helps release some of this excess energy. Fischer, C. (1953) Trends in physical education in the elementary school. The Elementary School Journal, (54)2 88-93. This article focuses on a child’s physical needs at the elementary school period, and the development of body skills through planned, purposeful activities.

Attention must be given to the child’s need for education in being an accepted part of a group, with opportunity for leadership, creativeness, and co-operation. A social consciousness can be developed that could enable a child to accept his role in the group as a leader or as a co-operating follower. Often times, children will be put in a similar role in the future, so interaction with other students is necessary for good social skills. The author not only covers physical education, but he states the importance of after-school programs that incorporate exercising and activities that implement teamwork.

These programs also need to take into consideration of the individual growth of each student, both mentally and physically. Although children may be the same age, the advancement of some may be quicker than others, so it is imperative that every child receives individual attention. Children that participate in after school programs that are including learning activities, exercise, and individual examination are better off once they get home; they are more likely to stay on schedule with eating, sleeping, and other daily routines.

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Annotated bib for Importance of Physical Education Assignment. (2022, Mar 23). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from