Alina Assignment

Alina Assignment Words: 465

The three exam grades will each count 30%, totaling 90 percent of the student’s final course grade; and the three essay grades total 10 percent of the final course grade. *Failure to submit an exam or essay will result in an F for the course. * A students excellent attendance, punctuality, Discussion Board participation, ND attitude (citizenship) can count up to 10%++ “extra credit” toward the final exam grade. Conversely, a student’s poor attendance, poor punctuality, and poor citizenship/attitude (which includes talking, testing, & “acting out” in class) can affect negatively the final exam grade.

Tardiness or leaving early will be counted as an absence and will therefore negate a student’s extra credit for that particular class. Academic Honesty Policy Plagiarism: Webster New Universal Unabridged Dictionary states: to plagiarism is “to steal or pass off ideas or words of another as one’s own… To SE created productions without crediting the source… To commit literary theft… To present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source” (p. 1371). Academic dishonesty is not accepted at Tallahassee Community College, and I will pursue and prosecute any instances of such dishonesty. To plagiarism?that is, do not use the research, ideas, or words of others as your own without giving proper credit to your source. This policy especially includes copying or paraphrasing written materials from gallery brochures, play programs, books, periodicals, encyclopedias, CD- Rooms, the Internet, or someone else’s paper. Not cheat. Students who cheat or plagiarism will receive an automatic zero on the assignment and will be referred to the academic dean for expulsion from ETC.

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By the act of submitting written work or an exam, the student acknowledges that she/he understands the definition of academic dishonesty and is willing to accept the consequences for any violation. COURSE WEB SITE: This course has been designated “WA” (“Web Assisted”) in the schedule of classes, and the “WA” designation means: “Some use of computer online technology required. In this regard a course web site has been established for students in this class. The purpose of the web site is to allow students access to important course materials (syllabus, writing assignment, study guides, presentation assistants, images, et cetera).

The materials are intended as supplemental to the classroom experience; they should not, in other words, be viewed as substitutes for in-class presentations. Students may also use the course web site to communicate with one another by means of the “Discussion Board,” which can be found by clicking on the tab labeled “Communication. Via the Discussion Board, students can introduce themselves to one another, ask questions about the material covered in class, and ask questions about the course writing assignments (be careful, though, not to copy the answers of another student).

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Alina Assignment. (2019, Dec 08). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from