Academic Performance of Students with Absentee Parents Assignment

Academic Performance of Students with Absentee Parents Assignment Words: 1860

Academic Performance of Students with Absentee Parents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This study is made to understand the performance, specifically the academic performance, of students without the guidance of their parents or having absentee parents. In studying, parents are important to help guide, teach and lead their children because a child need supports from their loved ones and also discipline to be motivated.

It is a parent’s responsibility to take care of their children, it is hard for a student to have no one to guide them especially in their studies because as a student you still need someone to teach you and it is best to learn from you parents. Now-a-days a lot of students live without parents due to certain reasons and in some research it is said that this truly affects the child not only psychologically but also socially and academically. In the University of St. La Salle, there are a number of students with absentee parents (single parent or both absent) and this is why the researcher decided to come up with this study.

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The focus of this study is not only present inside the campus of the University; it also exists in other schools, other places, other countries or even the whole world. In the world today people cannot avoid this situation maybe because of life difficulties or maybe because of other circumstances. Some reasons why this happen is due to financial problems like parents need to go abroad or leave to look for money to enable to support their family an example are the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW), another is separation (Divorce or Annulment) of parents which sometimes results to single-parenting and one more example is the death of a loved one.

Because of the interesting topic and common issue, the researcher desires to enable this study for people to be aware of this certain problem that students with absentee parents are going through and how it affects their academic performance. Statement of the Problem This study is conducted to identify the academic performance of students with absentee parents. Particularly, this will answer the following objectives: 1. What are the effects of having absentee parents? a. Academic b. Emotional Aspect c. Social Aspect 2.

Is there a significant relationship between having: a. Absentee parents and academic performance? b. Absentee parents and Emotional Aspect? c. Absentee parents and Social Aspect? Scope and Limitation This study will cover 30 students (sample) who studies in the University of St. La Salle who are considered a student with absentee parents (OFW’s, separated, single-parent), the students will be randomly chosen and the no. of recipients of the study will only be limited due to the no. of the total population of the said recipients.

The research will focus in knowing the effects of having absentee parents on a student’s academic performance and also additional information about the effects of the said issue to the students social and emotional life aspects, like their interaction and relationship with other people and the how they cope up with their emotions. Significance of the Study This study will be useful for the following: Student. This research will help the students understand the effects of having an absentee parent.

It can also help the students, especially those who experience this or knows a person who undergoes this, this can help them be aware of the situation. Parents. This study will guide parents to understand the real effects of not being around for their children, this will help them to be aware of leaving their children alone and not guiding them especially on the child’s studies. Teachers. The study can benefit the teachers because just like the others, this can help them be aware of what students are going through. This can help them more understand and be open with the students problems. Guidance Counselors.

This research can help guidance counselors because most of the time, students usually shares their problems with them and by reading this research he/she will be able to more understand the situation of these students. Future Researchers. This study will give them background to what are the effects in the academic performance of a student if he/she has an absentee parent and this can also be their basis in their future study. Definition of Terms The following are the conceptual and operational definition of the key terms used in the study: Student. Is a person formally engaged in learning, especially the one enrolled in a school or college.

In this study, a student is someone who goes to school and doesn’t have parents or they have absentee parents. Parent. Is the one who begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises a child; a father or a mother. In this study, a parent is the mother/father of a student who is not around to support their children. Academic performance. Refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers. In this study, academic performance refers to how the students with absentee parents deal with their studies and how they cope different tasks given to them.

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). A person who is to be engaged, is engaged, or has been engaged in an enumerated activity in a state of which he or she is not a legal resident. A Filipino who often work as nurses, therapists, teachers, caregivers, “entertainers” and domestic helpers among others abroad. In this study, an OFW is referred to a parent of a child with academic problems due to not present parents or parents who are away from home to provide their family’s needs. Single Parents. A single parent is someone who is bringing up a child on their own, because the other parent is not living with them.

In this study, a single parent is the mother/father of a child who is affected by not having a complete parent. Social. Is defined as being the relationships with the people he/she interacts with. In this study, social aspect refers to the interaction and relationship of students, specifically with absentee parents, with the people around them. Emotional. Is the affective aspect of consciousness or it is the feeling of a person. In this study, emotional aspect refers to the psychological and emotional feeling of a student who doesn’t have a parent or a student who have an absentee parent. References http://ezinearticles. com/?

Absent-Parents-and-Left-Behind-Kids;id=21229 2 http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0FCR/is_4_35/ai_84017196/ http://library. adoption. com/articles/single-parenting-and-childrens-academic-achievement. html http://singleparentsnetwork. com/Articles/Single_Mothers/ http://ofwempowerment. wordpress. com/category/articles/ CHAPTER 2 This research is all about the effects of having an absentee parent on the student’s academic performance. Education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and ultimately succeed fully in life. Education is very important, and no one should be deprived of it.

It is not only acquired in schools and teachers, children also learn with parents or other family members. A child learns best with their parents and parents have the responsibility to take care of their children. For children, their primary fear is of abandonment and loss of parental love. There may be a number of reasons that the family is no longer intact, if it ever was, but the child is looking for reassurance that it is not their fault and that they will be cared for. Children may jump to a number of conclusions, most of them wrong and blaming themselves, in an effort to find answers and just cope.

In an effort to make sense of the situation, they may become clingy to the caregiver and think “If he left, maybe you will too. ” (Wright, 2006) One of the reasons why parents aren’t able to be with their children is that they need to look for money to provide for their family. For example, the OFW’s or the Overseas Filipino Workers, they go abroad to look for money to give their children the right education but they don’t know that leaving their children causes some kind of a trauma, children of OFW’s sometimes feel that they are being abandoned and they are afraid of that which distracts their focus.

According to Judy Wright, Parents and family frequently try to hide their own despair and disappointment from the children, but by talking with them about feelings and emotions, you can give them permission to open up and share. Another example is the single parenting, maybe ? of the children lives in a single-parent home. Most single-parent homes are the result of divorce or annulments, many parents and grandparents are raising children alone for other reasons as well. Some may be alone due to the death of a spouse, military assignments, single parent adoption, and drug or alcohol abuse.

In some ways, children in single-parent families are at greater risk than children in other types of families. According to Nan M. Astone, even when children have the same academic abilities, children in single-parent families are three times more likely to drop out of high school than children from two-parent families because they are the primary and frequently sole source of financial support for the family, single parents have less time to help children with homework, are less likely to use consistent discipline, and have less parental control, and all of these conditions may lead to lower academic achievement.

No matter which parent is missing, children from single-parent families generally find it more difficult to connect with school. But on the other hand, based on Rollande Deslandes, Single parenting is not the sole predictor of academic failure for children. There are many risk and protective factors that interplay to encourage a child’s academic success or contribute to a child’s poor school performance. Regardless of family type, parents should stay involved with their children’s education from elementary school through high school and beyond to help them maximize their academic achievement.

As an adult it is your responsibility to care for the children, both physically and emotionally. Recognize that a long period of grief and mourning are natural. A preschooler may regress in such things as toilet training or begin to have nightmares or new fears. School age children may be showing signs of anger, guilt and sadness. You may see a drop in school grades and activities. Teenagers may assume they will be forced into an adult role or not have money enough for his needs.

No matter what the age, some children feel responsible for the absent parent and harbor dreams about making it all right again. If you can not work out problems by open communication and cooperation, do not hesitate to get professional help. Their self-esteem and future happiness may depend on it. (Wright, 2006) All the family needs is openness with one another, especially between the parents and the child. Because showing love and affection, guidance and support to the children is

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Academic Performance of Students with Absentee Parents Assignment. (2021, Nov 05). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from