Academic Honesty Declaration Assignment

Academic Honesty Declaration Assignment Words: 402

Any attempt at an unfair advantage shall be subject to the same sanctions as those that apply to dishonest actions that are actually committed. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following kinds of activity: * Plagiarism: representing another person’s work or ideas as one’s own; failing to acknowledge sources used in a research project; inventing or falsifying citations; failing to delimit quotations with quotation marks; may include failure to identify paraphrasing with an accepted form of citation.

Popularized material can be written, spoken, drawn, painted or photographed ND can come from any source, including the internet. * Falsification: falsely accounting for how research sources were collected; misleading readers about sources of information; altering or misrepresenting one’s own academic record or that of another student; or representing other students by taking an exam on their part, preparing or submitting work on their behalf or signing another’s name. Obtaining unfair Advantage: a) obtaining access to examinations or related material without consent of the instructor; b) collaborating with other students or with persons off campus on an assignment without authorization; ) providing copies of, questions from, or answers to exams to others without instructor consent; or d) interfering with or intentionally misleading another student in pursuit of academic work. * Multiple Submissions: submitting work prepared for one class to fulfill part or all of an assignment in another class without the consent of the instructor of the latter. Cheating: referring to unauthorized material during an exam; modifying one’s answers on an exam once the exam has ended; permitting another person to see answers at any time while an exam is in progress or before asking an exam; or letting someone else prepare work in one’s behalf then submitting it as one’s own original work. * Unauthorized access: gaining access, for any reason, to the institution’s paper or computerized files, or to another person’s paper or computerized files, without the consent of the file’s owner or the responsible University official.

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Inadvertent access to such files should be reported immediately to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for scrutiny of a potential lapse in file or system security procedures. * Aiding and Abetting: providing information to another for the purpose of paving unfair and unauthorized advantage on assignments or exams; or providing false, misleading, or incomplete information in connection with an investigation into a possible violation of the academic dishonesty policy.

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Academic Honesty Declaration Assignment. (2019, Dec 23). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from