Conformity Assignment

Conformity Assignment Words: 1082

Compare how authors deal with the subject of conformity in two texts you have studied. In the short stories The Lottery by Shelley Jackson and Harrison Burgeon by Vantage Jar both share the common subject of conformity. This Is shown through the theme of expression of individuality that defies society rules can result In visitation and death which still exists in all societies. Shelley and Vantage portray the main theme through the use of characters, symbols and Context (Irony) both sharing similarities and differences between texts. In The Lottery and Harrison

Burgeon the characters are used to portray the theme of expression of Individuality that defies society’s rules can result In violations and death which still exists In all societies. This Is shown through the two mall characters from each text, Testis and Harrison Burgeon. In The Lottery the mall character Testis Is shown to defy society’s In multiple ways. She turns up late and forgets to arrive on time, she protests that she “wins” The Lottery and she also tries to get the decision changed. After Testis defying society’s rules it results In death and violations.

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In these scenes, the hem is shown through the main character Testis because she as a individual defies society’s rules, in this case Testis refuses and doesn’t accept that she has “won” and defies her victory, she doesn’t which then results in her death and visitation. In Harrison Burgeon, the main character Harrison also defies society rules and regulations. Everyone is required to wear handicaps which reduce their advantages and make everyone the same. This is shown in the scenes where he breaks out of prison and takes off his handicaps in front of everyone.

When Harrison defies these ales it results in his death and visitation. Harrison expresses his individuality by taking his handicaps and dancing which symbolizes freedom, the one thing that the Handicapper general doesn’t agree with, hence Harridan’s visitation. In both texts both characters defy society’s rules by expressing individuality which then results in visitation. Symbolism is used in both texts to portray the theme of expression of individuality that defies society’s rules can result in visitation and death which still exists in all societies.

In The lottery, an important symbol is the black box intonating all the names, this gives the effect that everyone is trapped inside this box and trapped inside their society’s traditions and rules, this also symbolizes the towns loss of freedom because everyone is trapped. This also explains how non-reactive they are to the actual horrible events that occur In front of them (stoning the girl) this may suggest that they are so trapped Inside their traditions that they have Just given up and decided to accept what will happen Instead of trying to escape the traditions and the black box.

In hindsight, the black box Is a symbol of entrapment towards the unspoiled. In Harrison Burgeon the chains that everyone Is forced to wear to reduce their advantages and talents so everyone Is equal Is used to symbolism the people’s entrapment and loss of freedom. Generally chains symbolism entrapment and Imprisonment, this relates In the text because everyone has to wear chains, so they have become trapped and lost their freedom. This also may explain how oblivious and acceptable they act towards their handicaps (people In the theatre), they have become so trapped by the handicapper general that they have accepted

Harrison Burgeon because the black box and the chains resemble entrapment and imprisonment. The black box and chains are portrayed to minimize and stops the expression of individuality that may go against society rules resulting in death. Context and language features plays a huge factor in The Lottery and Harrison Burgeon to portray the theme of expression of individuality that defies society’s rules can result in visitation and death which still exists in all societies.

In The Lottery irony is used when Mr. and Mrs. Adams tell Warner that some villages have given up he Lottery and he replies with “Next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to go back to living in caves” this is ironic because while other villages have moved on this village is still doing this blind tradition, this ironic quote also alludes to the cavemen and how they would do something so barbaric and stone people to death, but they are Just as bad if not worse.

This suggests how blind and arrogant people become when individuality is not expressed and everyone agrees with societies rules. The setting is also described as “clear and sunny’ “fresh warmth of a full summer-day’, this is ironic because regardless of the weather being described as beautiful and happy the result of an innocent person’s people is dark and sinister, not happy at all.

In Harrison Burgeon irony is shown through how generally in most societies people who are intelligent, strong and good looking generally have easy and more valued life’s, but In Harrison Burgeon these people are made to live a harder life, and less attractive, weaker and less intelligent live easier lives due to the smaller amounts of handicaps. Harrison is portrayed as being the perfect specimen of what the overspent are trying to reduce, the irony is that giving Harrison harder and more handicaps only made him stronger than weaker, this is shown when he breaks free and expresses freedom towards the audience.

The irony in both The Lottery and Harrison Burgeon In conclusion, The Lottery by Shelley Jackson and Harrison Burgeon by Vantage Jar both share a common theme of expression of individuality that defies society’s rules can result in visitation and death which still exists in all societies. This is shown through the use of characters, Testis and Harrison both share a common aspect of expressing individuality and they both defies society’s rule, which both results in visitation and death.

Symbols, the chains and black box both resemble entrapment and imprisonment. Context, irony is used in both texts to express the theme of conformity because it shows how blind and arrogant people become when they follow blind traditions and rules. This theme is important because it shows the consequences of not expressing individuality and only following rules. Also it allows the reader to understand what can happen to people when they conform.

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