Personal Ethics Paper Assignment

Personal Ethics Paper Assignment Words: 1120

The diversity of personal beliefs leads to ethical dilemmas. Ethical dilemmas arise when there are differences in opinion on what are considered the right and wrong actions to take in a given situation. Ethical dilemmas can be prevented or resolved with the use of an ethical system.

Personal and organizational ethical systems provide a framework to assist in decision making. Even with the use of ethical systems, personal and organizational actions can have a negative impact on society and the way society views them. Personal ethical systems may differ from organizational ethical systems. As an individual, I follow a relativistic ethical system. “Relativism often uses the personalized approach to ethics. It is subjective and focuses on personal experience as a form effacement, and many different factors play a role in determining how a person uses this system” (University f Phoenix, 2012, p. 1).

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As an individual, believe I should approach each situation differently and with open-mindedness. Each situation an individual faces in life is unique, and there are many factors to consider. Using experience and previous conflicts helps me determine my decisions in a dilemma. People can learn from experiences and that makes them wise. An individual’s character is developed throughout childhood. My parents had the most influence on my character and morals. According to the Josephs Institute (2009), there are Six Pillars of Character, including trustworthiness, aspect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

Honesty has been the most important principle I have learned. Lying to my parents during my teenage years taught me the most about the repercussions and consequences of dishonesty. Dishonesty led to a loss of respect, responsibility, and fairness from my parents. In addition, honesty can affect other principles of an individual’s character. Responsibility can be associated with trustworthiness. Taking responsibility for actions taken builds trust. An individual who works hard, strives to meet goals, and acts responsibly enables others to realize they can rely on that individual in times of need.

If people do not admit or take responsibility for their actions, they are dishonest with themselves and others. Respect is a principle initially learned from my parents, but nursing has developed my thoughts on and ability to show respect. Respecting others means allowing individuals to be true to themselves without judgment or bias. I have been taught to be myself and not allow others to influence my decisions, and I believe I need to treat others in the same manner. As the golden rule states, “Do unto other as you would eave them do unto you. ” I care daily for patients whose beliefs may differ from mine.

As a nurse, have to respect their decisions without judgment to provide the best possible care. As a nurse, I cannot rely on personal ethical systems. Protocols and standards of care have to be followed when considering the best interest of the patents. Nurses also have to consider the values and beliefs of the patient and families in decision making. I have had to care for disrespectful patients. Some patients tend to believe nurses are servants and expect a certain level and way of providing care. I have been yelled at, degraded, and attacked.

In a personal situation, I would avoid this type of person, but as a nurse, have to continue to provide the best possible care and show respect. I never believe that the years a patient lives compares to the quality of the years lived. I do not want to see patients suffer. I would rather know they have lived a “good” life and are comfortable. Unfortunately, this personal belief affects my career as a nurse. I have to be respectful of others’ beliefs and follow their wishes regarding code status. Situations like Hess present the importance of organizations and businesses involving an ethical system.

An individual or organization is considered ethical if the correct action is taken in a situation. According to Terrine & Nelson (2007), ethical business behavior is “behavior that is consistent with the principles, norms, and standards of business practice that have been agreed upon by society’ (p. 19). Terrine & Nelson (2007) also discuss how one bad apple can spoil the bunch. If an organization relies on an ethical system, that organization can review their principles to determine if the problem exists tit the organization rather than the employee.

Not all individuals acquire personal morals and may require an external framework on how to act. An organization’s ethical system provides the framework and guidelines to what is expected and what actions to take (Terrine & Nelson, 2007). Although an individual may have a good character, further guidance and instruction regarding ethical conduct for a particular job may be needed. Each job has certain laws, norms, and conduct expected in given situations, and they may conflict with an individual’s personal beliefs or decisions. Failing to help employees recognize the risks in their jobs is like failing to teach a machinist how to operate a machine properly’ (Terrine & Nelson, 2007, p. 13). Ethical systems allow managers to determine if an action made is correct and communicate expectations of an employee. This communication will let the employee know what is expected, if the employee disagrees with the ethical code of conduct and the company is not willing to adjust, the employee may realize he needs to leave the company. Organizations have ethical systems to rely on, but they may not always be utilized by the employees.

Unethical actions are publicized more often than acts of kindness by organizations. The media even uses businesses, business owners, and managers in unethical situations and making decisions for personal or organizational benefits. This publicity leads to cynicism. According to Terrine & Nelson (2007), Irving Kristin, writer, educator, and editor said, ‘one of the reasons the large corporations find it so difficult to persuade the public of anything is that the public always suspects them of engaging in clever public relations instead of simply telling the truth’ (p. 3).

Ethical dilemmas arise in every individual’s life whether personal, professional, or educational. Personal ethical systems may differ from organizational ethical system, but communication with management of the organization can improve the trustworthiness of the individual and the organization. Employees should be aware of what is expected of them and what conduct is expected for a job. Everyone’s character is based on personal morals and values, organizations need to educate employees on ethical business behavior to assist in solving and preventing ethical dilemmas.

Cynicism will continue to be an epidemic cause organizational and personal morals and values, and the lack of, will continue to present unethical actions in society.

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