Ethics and Critical Thinking Assignment

Ethics and Critical Thinking  Assignment Words: 377

To start with, the government has the moral responsibility of ensuring that the gas drilling activities does not affect the other inhabitants of the ecosystem, through formulating laws requiring the gas drillers to employ drilling technologies that reduce pollution.

Secondly, employees of the drilling companies have the moral obligation to stand up against activities their company that endangers the life of other ecosystem inhabitants. On the other hand, the surrounding community has the moral responsibility to us port development that is aimed at promoting conservation of the environment. Furthermore, the company owners have the moral responsibility to ensure that their companies’ gas drilling activities do not contribute in causing harm to the area’s ecosystem, which many inhabitants rely on for survival.

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The stakeholders florally in a number of ways. In the case of the government it fails to regulate the activities Of the gas drilling firms, leading to pollution of the environment. Employees, on the other hand, fail to act as weightlessness of their companies’ activities that are not friendly to the environment, as they fear to lose their jobs. In this scenario the main idea that is in conflict is whether the conserve the environment or to allow for drilling activities that have many economic benefits that contributes to pollution of the ecosystem or not.

The best outcome in this situation is for the drilling companies and other takeovers to develop a program that will allow the company to continue with its drilling activities, but in a manner that pollution of the ecosystem is fully minimized. This can be through making it mandatory for any company that seek to drill the gas deposits in the region to employ drilling technologies that are friendly to the ecosystem.

Critical thinking is widely used in determining the best option to take, when presented with different possible courses of actions. When it comes to ethics, it is concerned with making decisions based on what is right and wrong(Kidder, 2003). In the above scenario, the stakeholders are faced with a number of possibilities either to completely stop the drilling activities or to continue with them, but in a way that environmental conservation is given a priority.

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