Descartes Assignment

Descartes Assignment Words: 353

This Point on My Topic I I suppose If one looks at the purpose of our lives the same as all animals on this earth, It Is to persevere and keep the pieces alive, to reproduce and survive, to keep on existing, and live for ‘one’s’ young coming into the world.

It seems we have evolved in such a way that greed’ comes to the forefront, and in the large picture, it is man eat man financially and geographically, therefore the greediest and most powerful should survive, and do, and the downtrodden and weak and poor, suffer. We should be happy and enjoy our existence, and I imagine from each one’s vantage point, we do, because we choose to do what we do for our own benefit, to satisfy ourselves, and have food on the table, and own ‘things’.

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I My Questions and Concerns About My Topic I I want to have the following Weston answered:Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where will we go when we die? Evolution: is it true or false? Do we have a calling? Does the existence of mankind have a point? Where we the result of Random chance? Why Is it that only humans need a purpose of existence? Do other living creatures have a purpose of existence? When It comes to existence, do all living things share something In common? They have no purpose? I

I The principle issue of my topic is finding out what it Descartes has a philosophy related to the topic in which he responds “l think My Philosophy Up To This Point on My Topic I I suppose if one looks at the purpose of our lives the same as all animals on this earth, it is to persevere and keep the It seems we have evolved in such a way that ‘greed’ comes to the forefront, and in the Why is it that only humans need a purpose of existence? When it comes to existence, do all living things share something in common? They

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