Decision Making: Developing Your Philosophy of Education Assignment

Decision Making: Developing Your Philosophy of Education Assignment Words: 682

Decision Making: Developing Your Philosophy of Education Lindsay Highest EDUCE 200 When I first decided I wanted to become a teacher I made that decision for all the obvious reasons. Summers, holidays and weekends off. To “help” children be all that they can be. So on and so forth. But as a get deeper into this course I find more and more reasons for wanting to be a wonderful teacher. Also as I began this lesson I was completely confused on what philosophy had to do with teaching.

After reading and completing the philosophical assessment I have a better understanding to what mind of teacher I can become. I scored a 9 on the section of Perennials. I believe that children can learn better through hands on experiments. Not Just In the science world but In every subject that you study in school. Reading and studying about an Important historical event and then comparing on how it reflects a situation that the student might encounter today would help students understand the lesson much more. An important part of growing up Is learning how to solve problems.

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A teacher may not always know the students home life. The student may not have people to teach them the Important fife lessons that everyone needs to succeed in the world. So if you can teach an educational lesson and a life lesson at the same time, that’s absolutely wonderful. While everyone agrees, we all go to school to learn, there are many deferent ways of teaching. This section Is on essentialist In the classroom, Essentialist believe that school is for teaching the essentials of life. Reading, writing, math and too certain extent, science and social science.

Even though, yes, these are very important subjects to learn but people survive every day without some or all of this basic knowledge. I scored a 9 also on this section but to an extent I disagree with this approach to teaching. The key too successful future is to know not only the way to be a valuable member of society but knowing life outside of the box. Decisions, decisions, decisions! How did we learn how to make the simplest decisions In our life? The next section of philosophical education Is progressivism. I scored a 13 on this section. And this section Interests me the most as a future educator.

Progressivism believe that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to one’s education. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivism center their curricula on the needs, experiences, Interests, and abilities of students. Progressivism teachers try making school interesting and useful by planning lessons that provoke curiosity. In a progressivism school, students are actively learning. The students interact with one points of view. In addition, students solve problems in the classroom similar to those they will encounter in their everyday lives.

Progressivism believe that education would be a process of ongoing growth, not Just a preparation for becoming an adult. Teaching children so they will remember the lesson for years to come is ant teachers professional goal. I know it is mine. Not Just to forget the material after the test. The last section is social reconstruction. In this section teachers believe in teaching students about real world problems and ways to help fix them. The curriculum of a social reconstruction classroom curriculum would include topics that reflect social issues, and discussion would be the primary teaching method.

The hillier of today’s society are faced with drugs, early sexual behavior, homelessness and much much more. An educator that teaches with social reconstruction they try to change the future by addressing social problems and improving society. Social reconstruction believe that teachers should encourage their students to think about their personal responsibilities in making the world a better place. There are people who believe that social reconstruction can be politically controversial (Mango, 2008). They believe that they have taken actual education out of the classroom and entered politics instead.

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