Business ethics and sustainability Assignment

Business ethics and sustainability  Assignment Words: 503

These include production, business processes, and the company’s behavior with its customers and the communities in which it operates. It is about doing the right thing in everything the company does. Data Steel Ltd. Has five core values which defines the ethics of the company: Integrity, Understanding, Excellence, Unity and Responsibility. These values are evident in everything that it does and drive the ethical behavior of the com panky. Sustainability Sustainability is the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely.

Sustainability is about meeting the challenges of ensuring that future generations can enjoy the same kind of lifestyles people enjoy today. This naturally involves taking a long-term perspective on balancing economic, environmental and social impacts of business The Three Pillars of Sustainability (Diagram) The principle Of The Three Pillars Of Sustainability says that for the complete sustainability problem to be solved all three pillars of sustainability must be sustainable. The three pillars are Social sustainability, Environmental sustainability and

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Economic sustainability. Of the three pillars, the most important is environmental sustainability. If this is not solved, then no matter how hard we try the other pillars cannot be made strong because they are dependent on the greater system they live within, the environment. The Data Steel Ltd. Sustainability policy States that ‘Our policy is to conduct our activities in relation to economic progress, social responsibility and environmental concerns in an integrated way in order to be more sustainable and to meet the expectations of our stakeholders.

For Data Steel Ltd. , taking responsibility for tackling the challenges of sustainability follows naturally from this ethical stance. Why… Data Steel Ltd. – a case study Data Steel Ltd. , in 2013 was listed as one of the “World’s most ethical companies” by the Deciphers Institute. Data Steel Ltd. , in 201 3 was ranked Indian’s most admired company by Fortune magazine. Data Steel Ltd. , in 2009 won the Prime Minister’s Trophy & Certification of Excellence in 201 0 from the Government of India. Data Steel Ltd. In 2009 won the “Golden Peacock” ward for its corporate social responsibility initiatives. Data Steel Ltd. Is one Of the oldest private sector business group. Since its founding in 1907 it has been known for its philanthropy, not just when corporate social responsibility became fashionable. From the earliest days, Data Steel has taken responsibility for the impact Of its activities and led the way in employee welfare measures, social and community initiatives, and environment sustainability. The Group, encompassing its worldwide operations in India, Europe, Thailand, and

Singapore, has been contributing extensively towards a wide range of socio- cultural, educational, sports, health, and emergency assistance programmed to ensure sustainable development. The ethical and sustainability initiatives are integral to the way business is conducted at Data Steel Ltd. Together with a continual improvement philosophy has been the driving force for the Compass excellence orientation for over a hundred years. Data Steel Ltd was one of the first Indian companies to adopt the stringent guidelines under the Global Reporting Initiatives.

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