Human Resource Management Test Questions Assignment

Human Resource Management Test Questions Assignment Words: 1075

Describe the methods, techniques or tools for Appraising Performance. There are several methods or techniques of performance appraisal. (l) Traditional Techniques : Check List : In this case, a list is prepared containing various work related tenements such as quality of work, speed, etc. The rater indicates the individual performance by checking yes or no squares to various statements. The main advantages are the simplicity, convenience, less time consuming, and less expensive. 2. Confidential Reports : This is an old and traditional method or appraising employees. A confidential report is a report on the subordinates strengths and weaknesses.

The confidential report is used for a variety of personnel decisions such as transfers, promotions etc. This is a poor method of performance appraisal, as it does not provide proper feedback to the employees. 3. Critical Incident Method : In this method, the rater records important incidents involving the rate. If the rate performs well in such incidents, then he is given high scores and vice-versa. For instance, in a particular incident in which a salesman convinces an argumentative customer to buy the product, then the salesman’s performance may be given higher score. 4. Ranking Methods : There are various ranking methods which are commonly used to evaluate the performance of the employees.

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Ranking methods offer convenience to evaluate the performance and they are less time consuming. The ranking methods used are : (a) Simple ranking method. Alternation ran king method. Paired comparison method. 5. Graphic Rating Scale : In this method, the raters used a graphic scale to appraise certain specific factors such as quality of work, quantity of work, dependability, etc. The following is an example Of graphic scale : Quality of Work Quantity of Work Dependability Excellent Good Average Poor The graphic scale method is simple to understand, easy to conduct and less time consuming. However, there is lot of paper work and there are chances of rater bias. 6. Narrative Essay : The most simplest method is the narrative essay.

In this, the rater describes in detail an employee’s strengths and weaknesses, and potential, together with suggestions for improvement. If essays are written well, they can give detailed feedback to the subordinates in respect of their performance. (II) Modern Techniques . 7. Role Ana lists : Role analysis is a process of analyzing the role of a manager in relation to roles of other managers or members who are affected by his performance. The role set members can conduct performance appraisal of the focal role. The focal role can make necessary changes to improve his performance. 8. Assessment Centers : This tech unique is used ore so in the case of selection rather than performance appraisal.

However, now-a-days, some firms use this technique in performance appraisal, especially at the time of promoting managers to higher levels. The rates are subject to various psychological tests, management games, oral presentations, and such other various exercises. 9. Management by Objectives (MOB) : This technique can be used to measure the performance of subordinate or lower level managers. In MOB, the process involved is as follows The superior and subordinate managers jointly define common goals. Jointly frame plans. The subordinate manager implements the plan. Joint review of plans – where performance appraisal of subordinate manager takes place. 10. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) : It is a variation of simple graphic scale.

In this case, the behavior or attitude towards the job is appraised. Employees who have a positive attitude towards the job may make every effort to upgrade and update their knowledge and skills to handle their activities. Such employees would be given higher performance appraisal. 11. Psychological Appraisal Method : Psychological appraisals are conducted to find out the employees potential. Psychological appraisals consists of : In-depth interviews, Psychological Tests, etc. 12. Human Resource Accounting (HEAR) : HEAR deals with cost of and contribution of human resources to the organization. The cost of the employee includes cost of recruitment, selection, induction, training, compensation, etc.

Employee contribution is the money value Of employee service provided to the organization. Employee performance can be taken as positive when contribution is more than the cost and vice-versa. Performance Review Conduct an annual performance review in which you sit down one-on-one with each staffer and rate the employee’s performance based on established arterial. For example, use measurements such as timeliness, teamwork, initiative, customer service and quota meeting. If employees have individual goals, assess their progress and make alterations if needed to keep your staff focused and on track. You can further use the performance review as a way to make determinations about raises, bonuses or promotions.

Peer Review In a small business where staffers often work closely with their colleagues and participate in team projects, peer reviews can be helpful in assessing the quality of individual performances. In a peer review, colleagues have the opportunity to rate one another based on your established criteria. For example, you might ask staffers how their colleagues handle stress, contribute to group projects, meet deadlines and carry their share of work tasks and burdens. Related Reading: Recruitment Tools & Techniques Reverse Evaluation Let staffers evaluate the performance of their supervisors through a reverse appraisal technique in which employees provide feedback about how well their managers perform.

Ask questions related to leadership, fairness, availability and knowledge of the company’s strategic objectives. In this taxation, an anonymous form of evaluation is more effective tool than an in- person interview, as anonymity encourages staffers to speak honestly and freely. Department Evaluations Department evaluations, particularly when conducted in a focus group-style seminar setting encourage team members to discuss the overall effectiveness of individual departments. This type of format should be led by a moderator or manager who brings up talking points related to specific projects, endeavors, approaches and departmental goals and objectives.

This approach evaluates the effectiveness of the department as a whole in edition to or separate from individual performance evaluations. Exit Interview When an employee leaves your company, conducting an interview can help you learn more about that individual’s experience with your business. An exit interview performed by a human resources professional or upper-level manager attempts to ascertain what the employee liked and din ‘t like about the job and why the person is leaving. This provides you with valuable information you can use in the future, particularly if you ask questions that provide details about workplace environment perceptions, job satisfaction, management, and salary and compensation.

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