Transcendentalism Poem Assignment

Transcendentalism Poem Assignment Words: 457

Let there be happiness and wings that grow from the backs of my shoulder blades Let them sprout like blossoms through the soil my foundation that has bruised me Let these wings grow as feathers fall as I fly away into the dusk Let one float free and find my way amongst the birds My topic Is Individualism. It Is about prior sadness, and Individually escaping to find happiness. I am most skilled at writing when It Is regarding my feelings, this Is why I chose this topic because going Into It I knew It would something I’d be passionate about.

My source of Inspiration Is Emily Dickinson. Most of her poetry Is dark and pressing, although I wrote my poem with more of a positive twist. I did not give my poem a set-title because she has none on hers. I read some of her poetry and made “A Bird Came Down” my muse. “Like one In danger; cautious, I offered him a crumb,C]And he unrolled his feathers]And rowed him softer home” My Interpretation of this passage Is that when offering the bird a crumb, the bird rejected It because he was too scared of the person.

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I then Imagined the crumb being happiness, and my habit of rejecting happiness because sadness Is comforting to me. That being said, I then wrote my poem with the mindset of overcoming It; reeking away from what I’m use to, being my own Individual. Depression will not get the best of me. My peers will be able to relate to my poem because at this age everyone wishes to overcome their troubles, to escape from home, to become their own person with no strings attached.

Transcendentalism Poem By Orchard My topic is individualism. It is about prior sadness, and individually escaping to find happiness. I am most skilled at writing when it is regarding my feelings, this is why I chose this topic because going into it I knew it would something I’d be passionate about. My source of inspiration is Emily Dickinson. Most of her poetry is dark and “A Bird Came Down” my muse. Like one in danger; cautious, I offered him a crumb,and he unrolled his fatherlands rowed him softer home” My interpretation of this passage is that when offering the bird a crumb, the bird rejected it because he was too scared of the person. I then imagined the crumb being happiness, and my habit of rejecting happiness because sadness is comforting to me. That being said, I then wrote my poem with the mindset of overcoming it; breaking away from what I’m use to, being my own individual.

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