Renaissance, Its Impact on English Literature Assignment

Renaissance, Its Impact on English Literature Assignment Words: 468

Department of English [pick] Syllabus for M. A. English (Previous and Final) under University Centre for Distance Learning (SCUD) M. A. English Previous Appear History of English Literature Paper II Study of Drama Study of Poetry Paper Ill Paper IV Study of Novel Paper V: Phonetics, Linguistics and LET Note: The candidates are required to attempt five questions in all. Besides question No. 10 in Section C which is compulsory, the candidates shall attempt two questions each from sections A and B.

All questions carry equal marks. Total marks for the paper are 8. Total marks for the paper are 80. Note: for Paper Setters 1 . The question paper will consist of three sections I. E. Section-A, B and C. There shall be Ten questions in all. There shall be one question with internal choice on each of the nine chapters prescribed in sections A and B. However, Q No. 10 in section C is compulsory. 2. Background Reading section aims at testing the candidates’ understanding of important books/authors/trends/movements/submerges related to this paper.

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The section will carry one compulsory question of 16 marks requiring the candidates to how acquaintance with any four of the six given items. The candidates are expected to write a paragraph of about 150 words on each of the four items they attempt. Book Prescribed: A New History of English Literature by IBM S Day,Entwined: Dobra Publications, 2006. Section A: Chapter 1-5 Section B: Chapter 6-9 Section C: Background Reading The Baroque Sensibility, Utilitarianism, Victorian Compromise, Women Writers up to Seventeenth Century, Gothic Novel, Pre Raphael Movement, Impressionism, Images, Novel of Ideas, Freud and his Impact on literature.

Suggested Reading: David Daisies: A Critical History of English Literature Volvo. 1-4. 2. Compton Rickets: A History of English Literature 3. ‘for ‘vans: A Short History of English Literature 4. Eulogies and Canadian: A History of English Literature Note:The candidates are required to attempt five questions in all. Besides question No. 10 in Section C which is compulsory, the candidates shall attempt two questions each from sections A and B. All questions carry equal marks. Total marks for the paper are 80. Shall be ten questions in all.

There shall be one question with internal choice on each f the nine Units prescribed in sections A and B. However, Q No. 10 in section C is compulsory. Section A Unit I Unit II unit Ill unit Unit V Christopher Marlowe: Dry. Faustus William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream William Shakespeare: Hamlet Ben Johnson: The Alchemist Richard Brinkley Sheridan: School for Scandal Section B Unit VI Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion Unit VII TTS Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral Unit VIII Samuel Becket: Waiting for God John Osborne: Look Back in Anger Mystery and Morality plays, University Wits, Seneca and the Elizabethan Tragedy,

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