Animal Rights Assignment

Animal Rights Assignment Words: 705

According, to the animal right movement animals are equal to human in many ways than one, companionship, protector, and a medically alert animal. In recent years a number of oppressed groups have campaigned about Animals being equal to human. We should extend non-human rights to animals the same equality as a human is given the same consideration. Even, though the weakness of the utilitarian on animal and human rights is callous, the strength and the weakness of that theory is relation to the issue.

The strength of the Utilitarian Peter Singer regarding animal rights, and utilitarianism are equalized. Although, the strength of the Utilitarianism and their animal rights movement are quite basic, based on reason they should be strength, but because of the other theories are mostly based on reason they don’t get leg-up about their advantages (Reynolds, J. , 2013). The Utilitarian theories show that all insulation is inadequate as a comprehensive theory of the environment ethics. This ethical is very important contribution will help the

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Utilitarian to incorporate their strength while avoiding the compensation of their social weakness (Reynolds, J. , 2013). Although, the weakness of the Utilitarian based on animal, and human rights involves the Hoedown machine, which states that we don’t actively pursue pleasure alone-this is a very primal and callous view of humanity (Reynolds, J. , 2013). So, time passes on and the consequences cannot be looked upon. The action that was taken, are not the greater matter of probability. As you can see this is a very bad weakness for all-cause.

We can’t tell what will happen o any animal or human being in the future. We cannot possibility base a theory on what might happen in the future to come. Intuitionist W. D. Ross refers to the utilitarian as “a single factor theory’ (Reynolds, J. , 2013). Another example: Will show the weakness of the Utilitarian on animal vs. human rights. The utilitarian will ignore the motive of action as long as they come out good sexually, and this can be immoral taken to obtain their pleasure, Just as long as the pleasure outweighs any type of physical pain to anyone, animal or human (Reynolds, J. 013). Even, the animal right movement is a group of people that are concern in protecting the animals from sustaining abuse and misusing the animal in any ways. Although, these supporters are specifically about the animal being abuse, medical, and cosmetics test. Many people kill animals Just for their fur or their skin. Also these include hunting the animals Just for sport pleasure of animal bodies hanging on their wall (Columbia, 2013). Peter Singer looked for solution to the most important reason how the strength of the Utilitarianism is being equalized.

Peter Singer is the founding philosopher of the animal’s right movement. Singer said, that human life is scared is a “specialist” illusion (Singer. L. J. , 2014). So! Although the possible weakness of the Utilitarian on animals, and human rights. However, their strength and weakness of their theory is related to the issue. The two main reasons: First, the strength of the Utilitarian Peter Singer clarify-Kantian ethics is clear and easy to follow. It’s absolute deontological nature arguably the most easy to apply the good for their environment, business and sexual ethics.

Any theory is easy to apply is very helpful and useable as well as reliable. The strength of the animal right movement is quite basic. The animal right movement can trace their roots to the antivivisectionist campaigns (Singer, 2013). The weakness of the Utilitarian on animal and human rights involves the Hoedown machine, which states that we don’t actively pursue pleasure alone-this is a very primal and callous view of humanity Cake, 2013). The animal right movement is a group of individual that is concern in protecting the animals from sustaining abuse and issuing in any way.

Even, though the weakness of the utilitarian on animal and human rights is callous, and strength and the weakness of that theory is relation to the issue. But most importantly, is the Utilitarian is equalized. This leave the animal right movement opens to provide theoretical foundation with another new social movement about human -non-human relationship.

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