Industrial Revolution Women Assignment

Industrial Revolution Women Assignment Words: 460

Analyze chases and continuities in the roles of women in Weather Europe during the period 1750-1940. Ideas Women have always been mostly subservient to the men. Men were particular. Women were expected to take care of the children, clean the house, cook the food, and do laundry. Women in the work field weren’t getting treated equally as the men and had to work in very dangerous situations. The women who were slaves still were not treated as well as the women who were white.

They were still expected to take care of the children ND continue their household duties even while they worked. They also did not get as much of an education as the men. Some of the women were in the lower classes were illiterate while the upper class women. They were not allowed to go to college, and couldn’t have the same jobs as men. Job choices for women were either governess, teacher, nanny, maid, housekeeper. They were taught to paint, sew, draw. Their only of having a good life life was completely dependent on their husbands.

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First paragraph Since the beginning of time women have been treated unequal. Men have almost always been above the women simply because of their physical strength. During the period 1 7150-1940 in Western Europe these old traditions carried on, and the women were expected to work, cook, clean, and take care of the children. This horrible gender inequality carried on and still does even today. Although the Industrial Revolution opened the door for new jobs for women the conditions were harsh.

In the factories, women has to work long hard ours in incredibly dangerous, hostile environments. It was very dusty and the women were not safe from the diseases that were carried in the murky air. Most of the women were unskilled laborers and would get paid almost half what the men were getting. Not only were grown women working in the industry, but young children too. This caused quite a problem because many of the children died from the heavy machinery crushing them or cutting off their body parts. The education was also extremely limited to domestic skills.

They were taught to paint, draw, sew, dance, and have good manners. Their entire future solely depended on the man they would marry. Marriage at the time was a necessity. The women were also pressured to have children, preferably boys to carry on the family name. Political freedom was not something that the women got to enjoy during that time period. During that time period women were not allowed to vote or run for positions in government. However this did change on February 2, 1918 in the United Kingdom.

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