European Union Assignment

European Union Assignment Words: 2273

The modern nation state is characterized by a number of different criteria. Firstly, it is a state or country with clearly defined borders, within which, one can find people of similar cultural or racial persuasion; the majority of which share the same cultural identity or beliefs. The modern nation state is also self-defined and sovereign with its own government, one that maintains its own armed forces. The government is usually effected by an established bureaucracy and power is held centrally. According to the Global Policy Forum (2013), a nation is probably best defined as a ultra group of people with shared traditions, shared history, religion and most of the times a common language. While one can find some cultural distinctions, there is usually a national identity that is shared by all members creating a homogeneous identity among the citizens. A nation usually doesn’t have a defined territory. The Irish people of the I-J are a good example of a nation. As an entity, a state represents a group that is self-directed and has defined borders. The institution of the state holds sovereignty and represents what is essentially the final authority within the states’ set borders (Global Policy Forum, 2013). A good example of this is Belabors in Eastern Europe. Located in there, Belabors shares its borders with Russia, Latvia, Poland the Ukraine and Lithuania. Ethnic Bulgarians make up 80% of the population. The other 20% is made up of Tartars, Aroma, Lets, Lithuanian, Jews, Ukrainians, Poles and Russians. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO), a nation state can be recognized by the fact that it has a defined territory with people or population that shares a national identity and a unique set of customs. It is also self-ruled with some form of recognizable organized government. Japan is a good example of a nation state as it satisfies all of these various requirements. 2-The United States of America has clearly defined borders, maintains an army and its people are of a similar identity. Ultimate and final power is exercised and held centrally.

There is an established bureaucracy that is used to govern and direct the actions of both government and by extension its people. A: * America has borders that it has established and polices with its Border Patrol. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (CUSCUS), polices and oversees he legal entry and exit of visitors to America and enforces the rules and criteria by which foreigners are permitted to work, live and even gain American citizenship. America guards its borders with the use of its Navy, Army, Customs and Border Patrol and Air force.

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Airspace and territorial waters are established and policed so that other countries aren’t allowed to encroach on what is considered to be America’s territory. * Sovereignty raters to the right tot a country to govern I TTS inhabitants or people as is deemed fit by its own laws. Other countries or people are not allowed to activate what takes place within the United States (Blacks Law Dictionary). Americans are not really defined by a religious or ethnic identity but rather by their common ideal, values, and their strong belief in freedom of the individual.

One of the ways that America works toward establishing its common culture is its promotion of individualism. Individual accomplishments and achievements are celebrated and promoted in a way that, generally speaking, isn’t done in other countries of the world. The culture of individualism works well with the declaration that ‘all men are created equal’. Through accomplishments, individuals can expect to gain material and social wealth for themselves and their families. Any American can experience the “American dream” and change their financial and social status, whether through sports, entertainment or academic achievement. -8 B Foreign Policy refers to how a country purposes to interact with other countries in a peaceful effective way in order to achieve its various international objectives. One of the Use’s Foreign Policy Objectives is the rebuilding of Afghanistan. America’s intention is to aid the war torn country, help it establish a strong economic ND social structure. America is committed, along with other international partners and the country of Afghanistan to rebuild itself financially and socially and politically into a strong, tolerant democratic nation.

To this end, the US has established a number of programs that allow it to channel money and resources into the effort of rebuilding Afghanistan. The US supports Afghanistan’s expanding its web of economic activity by supporting what is called the “New Silk Road Vision” This is an initiative undertaken by the US to establish trade routes and economic substructure hat would allow Afghanistan to be a secure and stable entity in the region that is growing in economic wealth. It is believed that a secure and prosperous Afghanistan would lead to a peaceful and economically stable situation within Afghanistan and its neighbors.

Another Foreign Policy of the US is its policy regarding Women’s Issues. The US State Department has established an office called the Secretary Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/SWIG). The purpose of this entity is to ensure that women’s issues are addressed and integrated as the US government enacts and establishes arioso foreign policies that govern its interactions with other countries. Technical is an international exchange program that invites girls between the ages of 15 and 17 from Yemen, Algeria, Egypt, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan and Morocco.

Beside the actual visits, there are monthly webzines which are held to reinforce the skills and ideas learned during the exchange. The intention of this program is to encourage women’s entrance and participation in the science and technology field. Doing so empowers them, expands their horizons by letting them e and experience what women are capable of and what they have done, albeit in a different part of the world. Doing this underscores the fact that women are not to be treated as second class citizens, but rather the equal of men, with vibrant and pertinent input into the shaping and guiding of their various countries’ futures.

This program falls under the auspices of the S/SWIG and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural affairs which is another entity within the United States Department of State. * The European Union (ELI) was born out of the European Economic Community (SEC). The SEC was established in 1957 in an effort to stymie the various nationalist conflicts especially between France and Germany. The initial plan was to marry the Coal and Steel resources of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.

This was to be accomplished by mandating the sharing of these resources during the postwar building process. During its early years, the main focus of the organization was the creation of an entity that allowed for freedom of trade and thereby economic growth. During the sass’s, Denmark, Ireland and Britain joined the SEC. After that the mid-1980 saw the addition of Greece, Spain and Portugal and this fostered or pre-cursed the building of strong consensus toward the creation of a single market and a unifying European currency. This came with the Single European act.

The fall of the Berlin Wall and reunification of Germany in 1990 speeded up the process and in 1992, the Masochist Treaty changed the European Community into the European Union. This allowed for and fostered new foreign and domestic policy and actually timetabled the treaties of Amsterdam in 1997 and Nice in 2001 and expanded the powers of the European Union. In 2004, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland and Malta joined. In 2007, Bulgaria and Romania Joined the EX.. The Lisbon Treaty was passed in October of 2009. Croatia Joined in the year 2013.

B: There are many different bodies or institutions that make up the ELI. Here are 3 of the more influential ones. The Council of the European Union The European Commission The European Parliament The Council of the European Union is made up of the heads of state of the different countries of the ELI, along with the Commission President and the European Council President. Decisions are reached by consensus and neither the Commission President nor Council President is allowed to vote. The council sets political direction and priorities, but does not have the power to make these initiatives law.

Generally the council meets twice every 6 months or if there is a special need. The European Parliament is composed of some 766 members. The number of representatives equates roughly to the proportion of each members population. They are voted into their position every 5 years. The Parliament has three main functions. It debates and passes various laws along with the Council. It debates and adopts the See’s budget, along with the European Council and finally and perhaps most importantly, it functions as a body of oversight regarding other EX. institutions to ensure that they are functioning in a democratic fashion.

Most importantly, it ensures that the European Commission functions in a democratic fashion with the benefit of the whole European Community being considered. The European Commission consists of 28 commissioners, each representing one of the European Community members. The Commission drafts proposals for new laws that govern and guide the European Community actions. It also manages the budget and allocation tot tending. Together Witt the Court tot Justice, the Commission oversees the enforcement of laws within the ELI. The Commission is presided over by a President who is nominated by the European Council.

The appointment of the commissioners is approved by the European Parliament. The Commissioners are held accountable by the European Parliament and the Parliament has the power to dismiss the Commission. C: Two of the contemporary functions of the EX. are the establishment of economic strength and maintenance of military strength. Strength through unity of resources, urinary, socio-financial meaner and unity of purpose is established and maintained through the use of various agreements that are proposed, established and adhered to by its member states.

The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CUSP) purpose is to preserve peace and strengthen international security with, develop and consolidate democracy, while respecting fundamental human rights. See’s military forces are used for peacekeeping policing/enforcing of various treaties and missions. The CUSP also oversees aid to foreign nations. D: Two good examples of EX. foreign-policy objectives are: l. European spinsterhood policy – the purpose of this policy is to forge stronger ties between members of the EX.. Recognizing that they are stronger together rather than apart Making their relationships stronger by forging stronger ties.

II. The See’s Common Foreign Security Policy, CUSP. This policy is manifested in the creation, maintenance and deployment of the CUSP. The CUSP is an outward manifestation of both the strength and the unity of the EX.. While dubbed a “peace keeping” force, it also functions as an army. Despite the diversity of language, cultures and ideologies, the armed forces of the EX. work with an eye toward achieving and furthering the goals of the EX. on an international level. 4 A : Nation-states and transnational unions work efficiently and effectively to achieve their goals. Look at the US and the EX. as examples. :The US is keenly aware of its position and status within the international community. It enacts and uses foreign policy to engender good will and consensus of opinion from other members of the UN so that its objectives are achieved. For example, the US war on terrorism, specifically AY Qaeda, the intention was to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi and Afghan people and engage their help in rooting out AY Qaeda operatives. While waging this war within the Middle East, specifically Afghanistan and Iraq, the US has also poured billions of dollars’ worth of aid into both countries.

At a global level, the US is not Just seen as a bully or a conqueror, but rather as a protector and bringer of peace. All the while seeking to protect itself from attacked by AY Qaeda and its operatives. In essence protecting its people and its borders. 2 :The EX. launched a peacekeeping operation in Bosnia-Herringbone in 2004. This mission was known as (EFFORT) Althea. This mission was launched as Anta’s peacekeeping forces were being withdrawn. The See’s intention was to help stabilize the region and, by and large, keep peace so that its inhabitants could work on the rebuilding their homes and livelihoods.

The See’s intention was also to maintain a peaceful circumstance. They established themselves as being responsible for “taking care of their own back yard” and did so on the international and global stage. In both the case of the US and AY Qaeda and the EX. with Bosnia-Herringbone they built an international consensus and maintain a level of transparency that attempts to keep their actions from being denounced by the international or global community at large. B. * The consequences of this type of interaction are long term and far-reaching.

Foreign policy that is presented and enacted on in this way strengthens and solidifies a position of both the US and the ELI. Internationally, outcomes and situations can be influenced without the need for violence or bloodshed. Consensus creation, presentation of ideas allows for positive outcomes within the parameters regarded by the global and international community. Thus these actions pave the way for any country to put forth its ideas and objectives on the international stage and have them used to effect change at that level.

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