Elizabeth I’s unpopularity Assignment

Elizabeth I’s unpopularity Assignment Words: 377

It seems that source 10 and 11 suggest that Elizabeth was largely unpopular in the last years of her reign, on the other hand, source 9 seems to contradict these two sources by suggesting that she was, in fact, popular in the final years of her reign. Source 9 (from an address to Elizabeth on behalf of the Commons by John Crook, in December 1 601 ) suggests greatly that Elizabeth was popular.

It does this through lines such as: “We thank you for our preservation from tyranny, dishonor and oppression” – this implies that the members of the Commons where looking to her, artfully and lovingly for being a good queen and for doing everything In her power to protect themselves and the country from threats such as that of the Armada of 1588. Source 10 suggests the complete opposite to this, by saying “The Queen could not fully meet the expectations of either her servants or her subjects. The reader can Infer from this source that Elizabeth was not very popular because she could meet the needs and expectations of her people. Similarly source 10 also suggest this, however it is not purposefully intended to do this. Source 1 1 (from a speech made by James I to Parliament in 1 604) says: “A passionate longing and desire to meet and embrace their new sovereign. One would gather from this that the people of England, greeted James I so welcoming, as they were looking forward to a new reign, because James Xi’s predecessors’ (Elizabeth l) reign was not a reign to rejoice about. This goes again source 9 saying that: “We, your most devoted subjects and servants, with the bended knees of our hearts, do offer all thanks to God and your Majesty” cause it suggest that the English people, were in fact, not thankful for her Majesty’s protection.

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Source 10 and 11 strongly imply that “The Queen could not fully meet the expectations of either her servants or her subjects. ” Source 9 is, however from 1 601 , which is during Elizabeth Xi’s reign, so Parliament may be saying that they are thankful for the Queen’s dedication because they want to please the Queen, by complimenting her. If it had been after the Queen’s reign however, the speech may have been less complimenting to Elizabeth l.

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Elizabeth I's unpopularity Assignment. (2018, Sep 09). Retrieved March 7, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/history/elizabeth-is-unpopularity-assignment-48045/