Animal Farm: Cruelty during the Russian Revolution Assignment

Animal Farm: Cruelty during the Russian Revolution Assignment Words: 739

Orwell displays various forms of irony and rev Rasa, expressing his political views on the use of power during the Russian Revolution. In the beginning of the novel, the animals of Manor Farm, prompted by the pr size pig Old Major, plan a rebellion against Jones, the human owner of the farm. Three you anger pigs named Napoleon, Squealer, and Snowball create the Seven Commandments in which all animals engaging in the revolution must follow. The Seventh and final commandment states “All animals are equal,” (Orwell 43).

The Commandments are later changed to one overall rule expressed as “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others,” (133). This rep sent a perfect example of verbal irony. The two statements completely contradict each the r. Stating “All animals are equal” indicates no animal more equal than another, yet, the pigs have the most power over the farm. Orwell uses this verbal irony showing the pigs, and moor e prominently Napoleons use Of brainwashing to accumulate power. Another one of the Seven en Commandments is read as “No animal shall drink alcohol,” (43).

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The rules become bent, again b y Napoleon and the pigs. After their victory at the Battle of the Windmill, the pigs discover a ca SE of whisky in he farmhouse and proceed to drink the alcohol until becoming drunk. The to her pigs believed Napoleon was dying but he really suffered from a hangover. One animal point s out Napoleon s mistake, but he acts quickly accusing the animals of confusion and changes the e commandment so the rules read “No animal shall drink to excess,” (Animal Farm).

Napoleon, the leader of the animals, the curator of the Seven Commandments, cannot abide by the rules. Napoleon represents Lenin while the pigs represent the Bolshevik party. This is quite b vicious irony for he states these rules yet cannot follow them himself. This is also quite javelin for the light, happy nature of the narrator offers readers a good laugh at the sheer corrupt ion of the pigs government. After the animals overthrow the humans, the reader expects the rebellion to go harmoniously, yet begins to fall apart.

Orwell utilizes situational irony various times showing the reader how the pigs begin their transformation into Jones, the drunken Engle gutful farmer, and the catalyst of the animals revolution. The use of irony helps show how Orwell cry tizzies the values of the Bolsheviks and their abusive use of power. Later in the novel, the pigs, along with Napoleon, begin to change. They change e various commandments, they change the mindset of other animals but more imports .NET, the pigs begin standing on their hind legs (Animal Farm). N the beginning of the novel, the SSH pep begin a chant saying “Four legs good, two legs bad,” (63). Later, after seeing the pigs evolution n, the sheep begin shouting “Four legs good, two legs better (132). The pigs standing up on their hind legs and becoming more human contradicts the reason they rebelled in the first Pl ace. They rebelled and made certain chants and rules for a reason. Rowel’s use of reversal in HTH s example emphasizes how the animals rebellion did not work out and how the novel en DSL with the farm in a totalitarianism government, the same way the farm was before the rebellion n.

Reversal is also developed by the pigs disregard to the Seven Commandments. The pigs begin to shy away from the commandments established at the beginning of the revolution (Animal FAA arm). The second commandment is deemed irrelevant when Napoleon must engage in trade WI the Mr… Whimper of Wellington. The pigs go on to breaking almost all of the commandments by sled ping in beds, ringing whisky, and killing other animals. Orwell reversal exposes the hypo iris of the policy created by the regime for unconditional equality.

Reversal helps Orwell expire as his political views on use of power during the Russian Revolution. Animal Farm, the satirical novel, is used by Orwell to criticize the use and abuse e Of power by Stalin and the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution. Orwell use s many forms of satire but reversal, and irony stand out the most. With this novel, Orwell expo sees the annalistic behaviors of the human leaders during the Russian Revolution.

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