Reaction paper to malampaya fund Assignment

Reaction paper to malampaya fund Assignment Words: 271

When I’m reading articles, facts, and history about this, I was surprised with 137. 8 billion pesos estimated fund collected annually with this project. In reality with this capital, we can build another oil industry and various projects to manipulate this asset which primarily based on research that Philippines are rich in natural resources. When we overcome this proper usage, manipulation, development and strengthening the force of our country that we may be not able to bully by other states and get this place which are capable to make our country powerful than them.

If this so, Philippines have the capabilities to pace with other countries also focuses on producing oil and other natural resources found in their area. But what happen? It goes to the pockets of the corrupt government officials instead it is for the development of the country. But there’s nothing new about it. What was the road were taking in? Is this the track that they promised with their sweet words? Or if will understand this at present, promises are really made to be broken.

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We lack of ability of manipulation of the things that we really owned. When I’m writing this reaction paper, I feel so bad not only to those public officials but also to those who have the right to suffrage, still we choose who are popular, good-looking without dedication and accountability. As a public administration student, starting now I will think what’s good for the country than filling my own pocket coming from the taxes earned through hard work of every citizen. Our country needs us.

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Reaction paper to malampaya fund Assignment. (2022, Jan 26). Retrieved March 14, 2025, from