Theistic evolution Assignment

Theistic evolution  Assignment Words: 855

Man descended generally from the lower primates through natural processes, controlled entirely by inherent forces (a closed system). 3. What is Fiat Creationism? Basically, fiat creationism holds that God, by direct acts, brought into being virtually everything that exists. No previously existing material or biological mechanism has ever or will ever be employed by God to create matter. Virtually everything that exists was created ex-nihilism (out of nothing). 4. What is Deistic Evolution? This view basically claims that God began the process of evolution within the context of created matter.

Though God programmed the system, simple life forms were allowed to evolve into more complex life structures. During this entire process, God withdrew Himself from His creation, and allowed the ordained natural laws to guide the creative process. In this view, God is Creator of everything. 5. What is Theistic Evolution? Similar in certain respects to deism, theistic evolution teaches that God began the creative process by bringing the first organism to life. He then discontinued His supernatural works, though He intervened to modify the process, and to insure the successful evolutionary trends.

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Unlike the deistic evolutionists who limit God’s involvement to the initial life-giving force, the theistic evolutionists teach that God, as a necessary factor, has occasionally intervened to aid the evolutionary process. Through God’s agency, major gaps that breach a specific kind or species are the direct result of His intervention. Any view that allows for macro-evolution (interlink development) as opposed to micro-evolution (nitrating development) fails to recognize the important data of mindless (the science of genetics) which corroborates the Genesis record of “after their kind. Theistic evolutionism also overlooks the many complications associated with the evolutionary theory. 6. What is Progressive Creationism? This view combines the view of specific De novo (fresh or from nothing) creative acts with in-moment or progressive operations of life. Progressive creation also allows for limited degrees of evolution within a specific species. 7. Which 2 possibilities of Creationism does the author say are closest to scripture? Fiat creationism and Progressive creationism are in closer harmony with the testimony of Scripture.

Both views agree in maintaining that the entirety of man’s nature and the various species were specially created. They differ in regard to any development after the initial act of creation. Fiat creationism teaches that there has been no development whatsoever, whereas progressive creation ism allows for limited developments within specific species. Creation in the Image of God” 1. T/F: All of creation is created in the image of God. False 2. T/F: The image of God in man solely refers to his immaterial nature. True 3. T/F: Only Christians maintain the image of God. False 4.

T/F: The image of God in man was lost as a result of the fall Of man. True 5. What four primary aspects are included in the image of God? The image of God includes a rational aspect, though not limited to rationality. The image of God in man includes a moral aspect, though not exclusively. The image of God has a spiritual aspect, though not exclusively. Image of God includes immortality, though not exclusively. Essential Elements of Sin” 1. What are the two types of sin that exist? Two types of sin exist: Actual sin, which refers to an actual act of man who conscientiously chooses to violate a known law of God.

Conditional sin describes the state in which man is born. 2. Does God tempt man to sin? No. God does not tempt us to sin (James 1 13) 3. Is it a sin to be tempted? ) temptation is not to be equated with sin 4. What are the four kinds of sin discussed in the article? Omission Presumption, Ignorance, Commission, 5. What are the spiritual consequences for sin? (1 ) Loss of original righteousness, (2) original guilt, 3) original pollution or a sinful nature, (4) altered image of God in man, and spiritual death. The bliss of the creature enjoying the fellowship with the Creator was suddenly shattered.

Never again in their physical life would they enjoy the blessedness experienced prior to the Fall. Man must wait until he receives his glorified body to enjoy unhindered fellowship with God. Shortly after the fall, Adam and Eve experienced an immediate form of death. Again, the reference is not to their physical bodies, although they did begin to die physically. They felt the loss of close fellowship with God. The Material and Immaterial Aspects of Man” 1 . What terms are usually used to describe the various aspects Of the immaterial nature of man? Excerpt, The material and immaterial aspects of man) 2. The extensive use of which word places it in a position of supreme importance in Biblical psychology? Heart 3. T/F: The use of the term “heart” is best understood by simply saying “me. ” True 4. What is the conscience? The conscience is a moral ability of the inner man received at birth to discern certain aspects of the moral law of God. (peg. 13) 5. What helps to develop the conscience in man? The conscience is developed by right doing. peg. 13, excerpt The material and Immaterial Aspects of Man) 6.

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