Cell Biology Study Guide Assignment

Cell Biology Study Guide Assignment Words: 745

What are the general chemical features of an N-terminal signal sequence that targets secretors proteins to the ERE? The SIR delivers the ribosome/nascent protein complex to the SIR receptor Hydrophobic interaction 6. N-terminal signal sequences (know whether it is soluble or not in water, know the cytoplasm protein that recognizes this sequence, and know the destination of the growing proteins that contains this N-terminal signal sequences). 7. Protein insertion into the mammalian ERE membrane is typically? A. Strangulations. B. Post-translational. C. Presentational. . Gastrointestinal

Describe what co-translational translation is. Translation of secretors proteins into ERE is coupled translation Transport of secretors proteins into ERE lumen begins while the incompletely synthesized protein is still bound to the ribosome 9. The two proteins that initiate the transfer of the N-terminal signal sequence of secretors proteins to ERE include? 1. SIR, SIR receptor 2. 10. Describe the main function of SIR (Signal recognition particle). SIR is a systolic representation particle that binds to the ERE signal sequence in a ascent protein and the large ribosomal subunit; forming a large complex.

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SIR targets the nascent protein ribosome complex to the ERE membrane by bind to the SIR receptor 1 1 . Which subunit of ribosome interacts with translation proteins in ERE membrane? 12. The direct interaction between a ribosome subunit and a translation is mediated by the Energy released by GET hydrolysis. 13. Energy input is required for protein (or peptide) translation across the ERE membrane. Which of following nucleotides would provide E for this? (TAP, GET, ACT, 14. The Roles of signal peptidase? Cleaving of signal peptides turning the protein into a functional protein 15.

Name few examples of post-translation modifications occurring in the ERE lumen? A. Formation of disulfide bonds b. Proper folding and assembly c. Addition and processing of carbohydrates d. Specific proteolysis cleavages 16. All the following proteins interact with exposed amino acids during protein folding in the ERE except a. Bpi. B. Calcimine. C. PDP. D. Properly isomerism. 17. Proteins that do not fold properly in the ERE lumen are degraded in the costly by a. The sometimes. B. The microcosm. C. He protease. D. The ribosome. 18. Roles of PDP? 1 . Formation of Disulfide bonds 2.

Rearrangement of 19. Name three different proteins that facilitate the modification and lord folding of secretors proteins within the lumen of the ERE? What are their functions? 1. Bpi: prevents premature folding 2. Calcimine: ensures that only 3. PDP: 20. During N-oscillation of proteins in the ERE lumen, ?? are added to the nascent polypeptide chain by the help of Oligarchy’s transferee. Carbohydrates Processing of proteins is subject to “quality control” within the ERE that prevents 1. Improperly folded proteins from reaching the cell surface. What are typical fates of misfiled proteins?

Degradation by proteases or helping to refold if possible 22. ERE lumen contains many types of proteases found in the cytoplasm. True or false? False 23. Distinctive structural features of Class I proteins, and class IV, and class V (GAP- anchored proteins)? Class lb. Multiple transmigrate domains Class l: one single transmigrate domain Class V: it does not span the membrane; it is only on the inside of the membrane does not reach the costly 4. 2 signal sequences (peptide sequences) required to insert type I integral membrane proteins into ERE membrane are ? ERE target signal sequence Stop-transfer anchor sequence (STAY) 2 25. Describe the dual role of stop-transfer anchor sequence in an integral protein. T you introduce mutations in the hydrophobic region tot the anchor sequence, what would happen? The proteins will be situated in the lumen not in the membrane; proteins will then be secreted out 26. The main role of signal anchor sequence (or anchor sequence) found in type II proteins? AS causes the C terminal to be in the lumen; serves as anchor for integral protein 27.

Permanent insertion of integral proteins in the membranes can be mediated by? (Assn sequence in the protein, a stop-transfer sequence, 0 pleated sheet structure, random coil sequence, a GAP membrane anchor) Stop-transfer sequence or stop anchor sequence 28. What amino acid of a globetrotting serves as a linker between the protein and N-linked Lexicographical? Aspirating 29. Which of following translation is found in the outer (or inner) membrane of mitochondria (or Chloroplast)? (TOM, TIM, TIC, TCO)? TOM found in outer membrane of mitochondria TIM found in the inner membrane 30.

During protein modification in the secretors pathway, proteins move through organelles in the following order: a. Mitochondriaoperoxisomeolysosome b. Chloroplastoperoxisomeolysosome c. Mitochondriaochloroplastonucleus d. Regionalisms member e. ERE Googol

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