Zara’s Marketing Activity Assignment

Zara’s Marketing Activity Assignment Words: 280

Proximity of Sara’s retail shops to high end designers Price-sensitive customers can switch stores easily. Customers keen on quality and originality will ignore Sara’s products because they are imitations of inferior quality Window displays and attractive store designs Passers-by are attracted into the store based on the appealing displays and beautiful store designs. This reaches out to the people who are in close proximity to the store. Potential customers who are located in other regions cannot see this message. Word of mouth advertising

Customers who encounter a good shopping experience spread the word thus indirectly influencing their audience to visit Sara’s stores. This reaches out to a smaller audience in comparison to mass communication methods such as television and radio advertisements; which its close competitors capitalist on. One-stop shopping experience for the family Sara’s stores offer a wide range of clothing options for all age groups and genders encouraging families to make visits together. Conservative consumers may find it hard to walk into a store with members of the opposite gender or children to shop for inner-wear.

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Occasional and renewed inventory The small and steady shipments make customers to buy items Immediately and visit the stores regularly to check for new arrivals. Some customers are not thrilled by fads. Therefore, they would not buy an item that will run out of fashion after a short period of time. Centralized production centre This makes it easy to co-ordinate and control production activities It is highly risky in case natural disasters occur or there is a change in legislation. In addition, the company incurs shipment costs which increase the overall cost of production.

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Zara's Marketing Activity Assignment. (2020, Apr 13). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from