Theatre Assignment

Theatre Assignment Words: 717

Community theatre enriches the lives of those who take an active part in it, as well as those in the community who benefit from live theatre productions. On either side of the footlights, those Involved represent a diversity of age, culture, life experience, and a strong appreciation of the Importance of the arts. Economic Impacts are perhaps the most widely touted benefits of the arts.

The literature on economic Impact studies of the arts tends to fall into two categories: on the one hand, advocacy tidies based on quick appraisals that often exaggerate the impact of the arts On the other hand are more rigorous studies which, overtime, show increasing methodological refinement. The arts attract investments: By improving a community image, people may feel more confident about investing in that community. So for example, people might be more likely to buy property in an area that they feel is “up-and coming” because of the presence of the arts.

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Or, banks may be more likely to lend to businesses in areas perceived as more secure and stable, and so on. One problem with determining the impact of the arts Is distinguishing between revenue from locals verses revenue from tourists, and among the latter determining the extent to which the arts drew them to visit the community. The arts are good for Individuals take many forms. The arts have been said to improve health, mental well-being, cognitive functioning, creative ability and academic performance. The arts improve individual health.

Either engaging in creative activity or simply attending some kind of artistic event appears to improve hysterical health. This could be due in part to its ability to relieve stress. Also, arts engagement widens and strengthens social bonds, which also improves health therefore when people are this way they will act calmer and less stressed on work situations, or any situation for that matter for having a better mental well-being. The arts Improve skills, cultural capital and creativity. Here again we have to distinguish between passive and active participation.

Audience members may gain some new knowledge or cultural capital by attending arts events. There Is also the Mozart effect showing that children who listen to Mozart show Improved performance on visual-spatial reasoning tests – although the effect may not last. Individuals directly involved in creating or organizing artistic activity may learn skills that they did not previously have and may demonstrate greater creativity On the whole, education studies show that kids engaged in an arts class will do better in other subjects and that an arts-integrated curriculum improves school performance.

The basic reason for this may be that children find learning through artistic/creative activity much more enjoyable, and so they will have an easier time engaging with the material. It is important to point out, however, that most studies do not control sufficiently for self-selection into arts activities and the effects are not as dramatic as boosters would claim. Then saying the most Important thing In our society, or any society for that matter Is a child’s education, when that child has the education one deeds our tough economic time(s) would slowly but surely go away, with the help of the arts. Jetty the footlights, those involved represent a diversity of age, culture, life experience, and strong appreciation of the importance of the arts. Economic impacts are perhaps the most widely touted benefits of the arts. The literature on economic impact impact of the arts is distinguishing between revenue from locals verses revenue from didst the community. The arts are good for individuals take many forms. The arts have been said to The arts improve skills, cultural capital and creativity.

Here again we have to some new knowledge or cultural capital by attending arts events. There is also the Mozart effect showing that children who listen to Mozart show improved Manhole, education studies show that kids engaged in an arts class will do better in ere basic reason for this may be that children find learning through artistic/creative boosters would claim. Then saying the most important thing in our society, or any society for that matter is a child’s education, when that child has the education one

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