The Role of Marketing in an Organization Assignment

The Role of Marketing in an Organization Assignment Words: 3500

The underlying principle for the strategy is to expand the range of business to allow them to deliver strong sustainable long-term growth by following the customers Into large expanding markets such as financial services, non -food and telecoms and new arrests abroad, initially in central Europe and Asia, and more recently in the United States. Tests has grown from selling beans and biscuits to becoming a major player In almost every area to the retail market, clothing, furnishings, mobile phones, DVD, holidays, financial services, legal advice the list of products Tests now offers seems endless.

The following link below show how Tests has grown 2000 to 2010. Tests launched their website In 2000 this Is one of the growth strategies that Tests has adopted. They launched the website because they wanted to Increase their market hare, the website has enable Tests to market their products effectively and thus the company has increased it market share and also promote their products. In 2010 Tests launched their new zero carbon supermarket due to the fat that now days customers are becoming more environmental friendly.

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So that helped them to get a good reputation and attract more customers within the organizations. The company is now well on its way to becoming a successful international brand, expanding in Asia by taking over the lotus supermarket chain in Thailand, where customers can owe buy scooters (decorates) and have them delivered to their homes. Http:// www. Testicle. Corn/Pl/about-us/tests-story/# Sofa m Introduction Sofas opened one of the world’s first charity shop chains starting with a shop In Oxford in 1948. It roots are with a famine relief committee, for Greek victims of war, based in Oxford in 1942.

Current Organization Sofas is an international business, with a consolidated group of 13 organizations, around the world, who all Joined together to form Sofas International. The fundamental idea of people donating things for free, still keeps the group unction. Sofas GAB work with over 20,000 volunteers across the UK, in their shops & outlets. They raise together EYE. 1 million towards helping Sofas. Sofas Mission Sofas Militantly was concern with the provision of food to help relieve famine. Sofas strategies to help people has expanded to specifically giving people of developing medicine.

They also work with the poorer regions of the world to create fair trade agreements, so that the goods from those regions can be sold at fair prices, and the producers can keep more profit, rather than the exploitation that currently happens. They also campaign heavily to expand their messages & ideas throughout the world, and deploy people & resources in areas of natural disasters, and conflicts. Some of the other categories that Sofas deal with are Trade Justice Education Debt aid Health Hive/Aids Climate change Animal cruelty.

Definition one Marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. Definition two Marketing is the management process that identifies anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably. The Marketing Concept The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of being more effective than competitors in integrating marketing activities toward determining and satisfying the needs and wants of target markets.

The marketing concept rests on four pillars: target market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and profitability. Target market No company can operate in every market and satisfy every need. Nor can it always do a good Job within one broad market. Customer needs Marketing is about meeting needs of target markets profitably. The key to professional marketing is to understand their customers’ real needs and meet them better than any competitor can. Some marketers draw a distinction between responsive marketing and creative marketing. A responsive marketer finds a stated need and fills it.

A creative marketer discovers and produces solutions that customer did not ask for but to which they enthusiastically respond. Integrated Marketing When all the company’s department’s work together to serve the customer’s interests, the result is integrated marketing. Integrated marketing takes on two levels. First, the arioso marketing functions-sales force, advertising, product management, marketing research, and so on – must work together. Doing proper marketing only when all employees appreciate their impact on customer satisfaction.

To foster teamwork among all departments, the company carries out internal marketing as well as external marketing. External marketing is marketing directed at people outside the company. Internal marketing is the task of successfully hiring, training, and motivating employees who want to serve the customers well. In fact internal marketing must precede external marketing. It makes no sense to promise excellent service before the company’s staff is ready to provide excellent service. Profitability The ultimate purpose of the marketing concept is to help organizations achieve their goals.

In the case of private firms, the major goal is profit. Marketing managers have to provide value to the customer and profits to the organization. Marketing managers have to evaluate the profitability of all alternative marketing strategies and decisions and choose most profitable decisions for long-term survival and growth of the firm. Broad business objectives People often use the words goals and objectives interchangeably. When it comes to drafting a business plan, it is important to understand that the two have very different meanings.

Goals are what you would like to happen – they are general intentions with broad outcomes. Objectives on the other hand are precise statements relating to specific outcomes. Objectives can be validated – most of the time goals cannot. For instance, you might set the goal of becoming the leading retailer of green widgets in the United States. This is a broad statement, which you may or may not be able to corroborate. An example of an objective would be: to sell 10,000 green widgets Year One, 25,000 Year Two and 40,000 Year Three.

This is a narrow statement that can be substantiated by reviewing your company’s sales reports. In business planning, larger goals often help to define specific objectives, so make sure you set these first. Smart objective All businesses need to set objectives for themselves or for the products or services they are launching. There are a number of business objectives, which an organization can set: Market share objectives: Objectives can be set to achieve a retain level of market share within a specified time. For example obtain 3% market share of the mobile phone industry by 2004.

To increase profit: An objective maybe to increase sales 10% from 2003 – 2004. To survive: The hard times the business is currently in. To grow: The business may set an objective to grow by 15% year on year for the next five years. To increase brand awareness over a specified period of time. In February 2006 Tests announced record profits of over EH. 2 billion. These were achieved not only through supplying customers with quality. Variety and value in its ore food business, but also through impressive growth in non-food items such as clothes and electrical goods, combined with expansion overseas.

The company has also diversified into financial services, gas and electricity supplies, is an internet service provider and estate agent. The next plane is to challenge Marks and Spencer for leadership of the high street clothing market. Tests originally achieved success through fast turnover of stock at low prices- a small profit on a lot of items equals a lot of profit. Tests recent growth now means that it can now benefit from economies f scale by placing huge orders.

This enables it to buy direct from producers (such as farmers) on very favorable terms. Tests can then pass on these low prices to the customer Figure 1. 7 Tests Pl -profit for 2006 EYE,mm EYE,9th-n EH,mm Sales revenue (earned by selling Goods and services Business costs Buying stocks, Wages, salaries Transport, light, Heat, advertising Profit Taxation shareholders’ Dividends Ploughed back into the business Despite the need to make profits there may be occasions when a profit-seeking business is prepared to sell at, or even below cost.

In March 2006. For example. 3 percent of sales by the big four supermarkets were below cost, these are a number of reasons why business log on to the Tests website. Wry. tests. Com What are Tests main aims? To compare prices with other leading supermarkets to make sure they have a competing chance with prices 1 . To maximize sales outshine their competitors and remain the market leader 4. The main aim of Tests is to maximize profit 5.

To provide goods/services that is cheap and affordable to consumers or the public. Tests want to be able to keep their carbon emissions down by making new buildings, hey also want to make their business objects which have to follow this method Specific – this means that the business can make some specific objectives that the business wants to achieve, so if they want to hit a certain target of profit within a year they have to make a business plan or model to follow to achieve their goal.

Measurable – this means that if a business wants to make some money, they can measure it in a certain amount of time, so if a business can make IOW pound in a month, then maybe next month they could forecast making an increase of that amount by studying the business activities throughout that month. Achievable – this means that a goal that the business can achieve with in a time period, so if a business wants to make IOW pound of profit in a month, then they could make it happen with the products that they might have to sell.

Realistic – this means that a business has to make realistic goals which that they can achieve, so things like making El ,500 pounds in a week, this is a realistic goal because it could be made depending on the sales in the week. Time related – this means that each objective is set with in certain time, so it is like a dead line, if a business sets out to make and sell computers in two weeks, then they now have time to create the product and then sell it within the time set. What are Sofas Aims?

To Aid third world countries in any way they can ; to relieve poverty, distress and suffering ; to educate people about the nature, causes and effects if poverty ; to campaign for a fairer world ; to encourage western nations to supply aid to third world countries. Marketing objectives marketing objectives should be based on understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and the business environment you operate in. They should also be linked to your overall business strategy.

For example, suppose your business objectives include increasing sales by 10 per cent over the next year. Your marketing objectives might include targeting a promising new market segment to help achieve this growth. Objectives should always be SMART: Specific – for example, you might set an objective of getting ten new customers. Measurable – whatever your objective is, you need to be able to check whether you have reached it or not when you review your plan. Achievable – you must have the resources you need to achieve the objective.

The key resources are usually people and money. Realistic – targets should stretch you, not denominate you because they deadline for achieving the objective. For example, you might aim to get ten new customers within the next 12 months What are Sofa’s objectives? Sofa’s aim is to help the poor in developing countries. They try and make a difference in people’s life. To relieve poverty there several aims and objectives of Sofas organization which is quite famous at supporting the people who are in need in around the world whether is Asia or Africa and so on.

One of this organization’s aim is “to support children ( children ) who are in need whether is providing food to them or education” And “to work with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering Tests marketing objectives Their core purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. Deco’s objectives are to increase sales, increase market share, to maximize sale, to grow and maintain the number on Retail Company in the I-J, and to kill off small businesses Task I(b) Five Successful Marketing Techniques 1.

Keep Adding Something New Every time you add something new to your business you create an opportunity to get more sales. For example, something as simple as adding new information on your be site creates another selling opportunity when prospects and customers visit your site to see the new information. Adding a new product or service to the list of those you already offer usually produces a big increase in sales. The added product increases your sales in 3 different ways: It attracts new customers who were not interested in your current products and services.

It generates repeat sales from existing customers who also want to have your new product. It enables you to get bigger sales by combining 2 or more items into special package offers. 2. Become a Valuable Resource Look for ways you can be a resource for your prospects and customers. Supply them with free information. Help them do things faster, easier, less expensively. You get another opportunity to sell something every time they come back to you for help. 3. Find or create a reason for customers to do business with you instead of with someone else offering the same or similar products.

For example, do you provide faster results, easier procedures, personal attention or a better guarantee? Determine the unique advantage you offer to customers that your competitors do not offer. Promote that advantage in all of your advertising. Give your prospects a reason to do business with you instead of with your competition and you’ll automatically get more sales. 4. Promote the End Result Your customers don’t really want your product or service. They want the benefit produced by using it. For example, car buyers want convenient transportation with a certain image.

Dental patients want healthy and good-looking teeth without suffering any pain. Business opportunity seekers want personal and financial freedom for themselves and their family. 5. Anticipate Change Change is the biggest challenge to your business success. The days are gone when a business could constantly grow by simply repeating what it did successfully in the past … Or even recently. Aggressive, innovative competitors and rapidly changing technology make it impossible. Expect change and prepare for it. Don’t wait until your income declines to take action. Develop the habit of looking for early signs that something is changing.

Then confront it before you start to lose business. Tests growth strategies Tests opened its first store in Geared, North London in 1929. It gets its name from he combination of the founder of Tests, Sir Jack Cohen and a partner in a firm of tea suppliers who Cohen worked with, T. E. Stockpile. Since that time, the company has grown and has reflected the changes in retailing. Prior to the Second World War, most grocery stores served customers but self service stores were on their way and, once introduced, allowed stores to grow bigger to become the superstores we know today.

The company floated on the stock exchange in 1947 with an initial share price of app. Tests became a familiar name on the high streets of the I-J and whilst it was able to take advantage of commercial economies of scale through bulk purchase of supplies, the existence of resale price maintenance restricted the ability of Tests to be as competitive as trading conditions now allow. The system allowed suppliers to insist that retailers sold their products for a set price. Tests used other strategies to build customer loyalty including the use of stamps that could be exchanged for cash or goods.

The Tests strategy up to this time was encapsulated by the title of Cone’s autobiography, ‘Pile it high and sell it cheap’, but the increasing affluence of customers and the changing needs meant that Tests altered its approach and moved into opening out of town stores with more attractive interiors. Such refurbishment was also carried out in the existing stores and with the onset of selling petrol at some of its stores it broke the El billion turnover level in 1979. The sass saw a continuation in the growth of new stores and also the development of new initiatives.

In 1985, Tests announced its Healthy Eating options with nutritional information and advice on some of its own branded foods. By the sass, the move to overtake the there major supermarkets was well under way. The emphasis was on finding new services and facilities were introduced, including Tests Metro, a store concept aimed at the high street customer but offering the benefits of a large supermarket. In some respects, this was Tests returning to the high street after selling off many stores in the sass and ‘ass in the move to Join the out-of-town shopping trend.

Strategy “We have continued to make strong progress with all four parts of our strategy – a strong I-J core business, non-food, retailing services and international – by keeping our focus on trying to improve what we do for customers: making their shopping trip as easy as possible constantly seeking to reduce our prices to help them spend less offering the convenience of either large or small stores bringing simplicity and value to complicated markets” Source: Tests Preliminary Results 2004/5 (http://tests. Groupware. Co. UK/page. Asps? Tendril=401 CA512F5314805AC6456FA62FD1 DID) A similar move saw the advent of Tests Express, a petrol station with a supermarket providing local shoppers not only with petrol at competitive prices but also a range of essential grocery items. This type of approach also extended to the Tests Extra stores where both food and non-food items were sold. This proved a direct challenge to some of the larger Sad supermarkets that had sold non-food items like white goods (washing machines, fridges, etc. ), gardening equipment, kitchenware, clothing, CDC and so on for some time.

Sunburst’s meanwhile kept its food and non-food services separate with the development of the Homeboys chain. Deco’s Turnover, Number of Stores and Selling space, 2001-2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Turnover (Me) 20,800 23,400 26,004 30814 33,974 Number of stores 907 979 2,291 2,318 2,365 Selling space (000 sq Ft) 28,362 32,491 45,402 51,772 source: -roses Annual Review, 2005 p. 2 [PDF, 3. 2 MS] (http . PDF) In 1995, Tests introduced the Clapboard, a loyalty card for customers who were able to collect points from purchases and use them to exchange for goods.

It also gave Tests a massive amount of information about the customers who visited its stores, what they bought, the regularity with which they bought them and how they responded to the in-store promotions and special offers. Sunburst’s dismissed the card as a gimmick but were non to lose out on sales to Tests and in the latter part of 1995, Tests became the market leader with a market share of 17%. Throughout the sass, Tests introduced further measures to improve its service and the range of goods and services it offered its customers.

This included such things as making staff available to help customers pack bags and take them to the car, having a policy of opening checkouts if there was more than one person in a queue, linking in with the Airmails group in relation to its Clapboard and the provision of facilities such as baby changing units, assistants and coffee bars. Apart from the basic services it was providing, it was building on the range of products it was offering. It opened pharmacies in some stores, developed a range of financial services including a Visa card, mortgages, insurance and a bank account all in conjunction with the Royal Bank of Scotland.

The expansion of the non-food side included offering entertainment goods such as TV’s, DVD players and home entertainment systems as well as white goods, household products, clothing and so on. Its well-publicized battle with Levies over the selling of means at prices considerably below that of Levies outlets was lost but not before Tests had presented itself as a champion of the customer in its battle to bring quality and value for money to the retail supermarket scene.

In the new century, further developments pushed Deco’s profits higher still; it introduced shopping via the Internet and home delivery, Internet service provision, and a range of foods reflecting different qualities from the ‘Value’ range which had been introduced in 1993 through to its ‘Finest’ products as well as a brand called ‘Free from’ for customers with special dietary needs.

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