The develop of knowledge in Islam Assignment

The develop of knowledge in Islam Assignment Words: 4166

Prophet said: For him who embarks on the path of seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the way to paradise (related by Muslim) Prophet said: The llama are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets do not leave an Inheritance of Dirham and Diners, but they left only knowledge. He who acquires knowledge acquires a vast portion (related by ABA Dad and Tired) The Islamic religion Is the religion of nature as It copes with the people’s life anytime and anywhere and it embraces the new discoveries if it’s along side with the Sarah known as Ilium al-Quasi .

Enough said that the first revelation to the prophet Mohammad ace be upon him was {Aquaria). That in it self is the major encouragement for Muslims to seek knowledge. Muslim scholars have contributed in the science field with various of inventions that had a huge impact on our modern life you can say that if it wasn’t for ALLAH’s well and then their inventions many of the conveniences that we know today wouldn’t be available for us. Four of the Islamic chorals that we will dullness In this topic are : 1- Mohamed Ben MoussaKhawarlzml 2- ABA ‘All al-Has Bin al-Hathaway 3- ABA AL-ASSAM AL-ZACHARY First is Mohamed Ben Mousse Charisma

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Stamps issued by the Soviet Union in 1983 in the 1200 anniversary of the birth of AkhawarzmimamedBenmoussaKhawarizmiAlktrpley Muslim world on behalf of Charisma Iraqi nickname, ABA Japer (born around 781 – died after 232 e after 847 m), one of the early Muslim scholars in mathematics contributed to its significant role in the progress Mathematics in his day. His background history By some accounts has moved his family from the town of algorithm (which is called”unfriendly”in the current era, in the Republic of Uzbekistan) to Baghdad in Iraq, some for Iraq only.

Charisma completed most of his research between 813 and 833 n Dare-wise, founded by Caliph safe. And publish all its Arabic language, which was the language of science in that era Charisma mathematician Charisma algorithm invented the concept in mathematics and computer science, (which gave him the title of ABA computer science) when some people, so that the word algorithm in several languages (English, including the algorithm) derived from the name, in addition to that, the Charisma important work in fields and reparation Triangles, astronomy and geography and cartography.

Led its methodology and logical solution to the equations of second-degree led to the science of reparation, so hat science is writing his name from the account of reparation and the interview, published by the year 830, and passed the word to many languages (Algebra in English). Short book in the calculation of reparation, corresponding to large JuzmiamalKhawarizmi in mathematics were the result of private research, but it has achieved much in the compilation and development of information that existed beforehand, when the Greeks in India, he gave him special nature of the obligation to talk.

Thanks Charisma, used to prepare the Arab world and radically changed our incept of numbers, and it cause introduced the concept of zero. Algebra was the first book written about formal solution”of linear equations,”grid. As is clear he is the father of”Algebra”, which shares the title of”Divination”. The Latin translations of his theory in his account, the numbers”landing”,”figures decimal system status”of the West in the 12th century. Did not produce his great influence in mathematics, but the language as well.

The word ‘Algebra’ is taken from the ‘reparation’, one of the processes used in solving the ‘linear equations’, as explained in writing. The words’ Alleles ‘and’ Alleles ‘relative to the word’ Algorithm the Latin pronunciation of the name. The name is the root of the Spanish word ‘Hurrahs’, and the Portuguese word ‘Alarms’, which mean ‘No. ‘. Private research. It may also supervised the work of 70 geographically to complete the first map of the world known then. Clerks and one of the most famous writers in geography (the image of the earth).

When the research became known in Europe yet translated into Latin, had a big role in the advancement of science in the West, writing custom private reparation Europe and become a science book, which examines the mathematics of European universities until the sixteenth century, straightforward rules and still call it in it’s origin name In Arabic Algebra . Swarming also expressed pm, astrolabe , And solar hours.. Secondly ABA ‘All al-Has bin al-Hathaway The Arab physicist, astronomer, and mathematician ABA ‘All al-Has bin al-Hathaway (ca. 966-1039), or Alkaline, established the theory of vision that prevailed till the 17th century.

He also defended a theory of the physical reality of Ptolemy planetary models. AAA-Has was born at Baser in southern Iraq, where he must have received all his education. He gained sufficient fame for his knowledge of physics in his youth that he was called to Egypt by the Fatima ruler al-Yakima to attempt to regulate the flow of the Nile. Failing in this effort, he was disgraced and established himself as a copyist of mathematical manuscripts; there still exists in Istanbul a manuscript of the Band Muss’s version of Population’s Conics copied by him in 1024.

He continued to practice the scribal art in Cairo for the remainder of his life. Work in Astronomy The primary interest of al-Has was the explanation of phenomena by both mathematical and physical hypotheses. His interest in astronomy was motivated by the discrepancy between the Aristotelian physical and mechanistic model of the celestial spheres and the Ptolemaic mathematical model. On the Structure of the World, of which only the Latin translation has been published, describes the Aristotelian sublunary world of four elements and the Ptolemaic celestial spheres in fixed with respect to the fixed stars) as if they were material.

He inserts a discussion of the perception of lunar and solar eclipses based on the assumption that the moon and sun are solid physical bodies. This problem al-Has takes up again in On the Light of the Moon, in which he refutes the ancient theory that the moon reflects the sun’s light like a mirror. Rather he believes that the moon is a self-illuminating body because each point on its surface broadcasts light rays in all directions, whereas each point on the surface of a mirror reflects a light ray from a single source (here the sun) in only one direction.

However, he further believes that the eye receives two primary impressions in the act of vision: light and color. Therefore he concludes that only some physical effect of the sun’s light rays on the moon renders the latter’s color and thereby its light) visible. This explanation opens the possibility of reconciling Aristotle and Ptolemy, for the element of which the heavenly bodies are constituted is now seen to be, though qualitatively unchangeable as Aristotle insisted, yet subject to some quantitative change which renders their light visible when they are struck by the sun’s light.

Work in Optics AAA-Hasn’t greatest scientific achievements were in the field of optics. In the discussion of the nature of vision at the beginning of Optics, he argues that light physically affects the eye, citing the pain experienced by looking directly at the Sun ND the afterimage experienced by staring at fire and then looking into a weakly illuminated place. His Influence AAA-Has, who has been called, with some exaggeration, the founder of modern physics, seems certainly to have been the greatest Moslem student of physical theory, with the possible exception of the less well-known Quit al-Din al-Shari.

It is unjustified to be too emphatic about his originality until more is known about his predecessors. His contributions to science were, however, uniformly of the highest order. Http://www. Bookmarks. Com/biography/ABA-all-al-has-bin-al-Hathaway/ Theory f Vision Two major theories on vision prevailed in classical antiquity. The first theory, the emission theory, was supported by such thinkers as Euclid and Ptolemy, who believed that sight worked by the eye emitting rays of light.

The second theory, the intermission theory supported by Aristotle and his followers, had physical forms entering the eye from an object. Alkaline argued that the process of vision occurs neither by rays emitted from the eye, nor through physical forms entering it. He reasoned that a ray could not proceed from the eyes and reach the distant stars the instant after we open our eyes. He also appealed to common observations such as the eye being dazzled or even injured if we look at a very bright light.

He instead developed a highly successful theory which explained the process of vision as rays of light proceeding to the eye from each point on an object, which he proved through the use of experimentation. [39] His unification of geometrical optics with philosophical physics forms the basis of modern physical optics. [40] Alkaline proved that rays of light travel in straight lines, and carried out various experiments with ensues, mirrors, refraction, and reflection. [26] He was also the first to reduce reflected and refracted light rays into vertical and horizontal components, which was a fundamental development in geometric optics. 41] He proposed a causal model for Kennel’s law of sine, however Alkaline did not develop his model sufficiently to attain that result. [42] Alkaline also gave the first clear description[43] and early analysis[44] of the camera obscure and pinhole camera. While Aristotle, Then of Alexandria, Al- Kind (Alkaline) and Chinese philosopher Mezzo had earlier described the effects of a ingle light passing through a pinhole, none of them suggested that what is being projected onto the screen is an image of everything on the other side of the aperture.

Alkaline was the first to demonstrate this with his lamp experiment where several different light sources are arranged across a large area. He was thus the first to successfully project an entire image from outdoors onto a screen indoors with the camera obscure. In addition to physical optics, The Book of Optics also gave rise to the field of “physiological optics” . [45] Alkaline discussed the topics of medicine, ophthalmology, anatomy and physiology, which included commentaries on Galvanic works.

He described the process of the structure of the eye, image formation in the eye, and the visual system. He also described what became known as Herring’s law of equal innervations, vertical horoscopes, and binocular disparity,[47] and improved on the theories of binocular vision, motion perception and horoscopes previously discussed by Aristotle, Euclid and Ptolemy. [48][49] His most original anatomical contribution was his description of the functional anatomy of the eye as an optical system,[50] or optical instrument.

His experiments with the camera obscure provided sufficient empirical grounds for him to develop his theory of corresponding point projection of light from the surface of an object to form an image on a screen. It was his comparison between the eye and the camera obscure which brought about his synthesis of anatomy and optics, which forms the basis of physiological optics. As he conceptualized the essential principles of pinhole projection from his experiments with the pinhole camera, he considered image inversion to also occur in the eye,[45] and viewed the pupil as being similar to an aperture. 1] Regarding the process of image formation, he incorrectly agreed with Vicu??a that the lens was the receptive organ of sight, but correctly hinted at the retina being involved in the process. [48] (936-1013 A. D. ) Babul Assam Koalas bin al-Bass al-Zachary (known in theses as Bilabials) was born in 9 36 A. D. In Sahara in the neighbor-hood of Cordovan. He became one of the most renowned surgeons the Muslim era and was physician to King AAA-Hake-al of Spain. After a long medical career, rich with significant original contribute-Zion, he died in 1013 A.

D. He perfected several delicate operations, including removal the dead fetus and amputation. AAA-Tsarist was first translated by Gerhard of Ceremony into Latin the Middle Ages. It was followed by several other editors unripe. The book contains numerous diagrams and illustrations officials instruments, in use or developed by him, and comprised part of the medical curriculum in European countries for ancestries. Contrary to the view that the Muslims fought shy figurers, AAA-Shari’s AAA-Tsarist provided a monumental collection this branch of applied science.

AAA-Zachary was the inventor of several surgical instruments, fiche three are notable: (I) an instrument for internal examine-Zion of the ear, (it) an instrument for internal inspection of hereafter, and (iii) and instrument for applying or removing forebodings from the throat. He specialized in curing disease by cicatrize-Zion and applied the technique to as many as 50 differentiate actions. In his book AAA-Tsarist, AAA-Zachary has also discussed the prepare-Zion of various medicines, in addition to a comprehensive account surgical treatment in specialized branches, whose modern counter-parts are E. N. T. Ophthalmology, etc . In connection with depreciation of medicines, he has also described in detail the plaice-Zion of such techniques as sublimation and connation. AAA-Caraway’s also an expert in dentistry, and his book contains sketches various instruments used there of, in addition to a description various important dental operations. He discussed the problem fond-aligned or deformed teeth and how to rectify these defects. He developed the technique of preparing artificial teeth and forestallment of defective teeth h by these. In medicine, he was thefts to describe in detail the unusual disease, hemophilia.

There can be no doubt that AAA-Zachary influenced the field biomedicine and surgery very deeply and he principles laid down behind were recognized as auto entice in medical science, effectiveness. According to Dry. Campbell (History of Arab Medicine),his principles of medical science surpassed those of Galen in thereupon medical curriculum Medicine in the Islamic world: In the history of medicine, Islamic medicine, Arabic medicine, Greece-Arabic and Greece-Islamic refer to medicine developed in the Islamic Golden Age, and written in Arabic, the lingua franca of Islamic civilization.

The emergence of Islamic medicine came about through the interactions of the indigenous Arab tradition. Translation of earlier texts was a fundamental building block in the formation of Islamic medicine and the tradition that has been passed down. Latin translations of Arabic medical works had a significant influence on the development of medicine in the high Middle Ages and early Renaissance, as did Arabic texts which translated the medical works of earlier cultures.

In the early Islamic and Mack’s period (661-750 AD), Muslims believed that Allah provided a treatment for every illness. Around the ninth century, the Islamic medical community began to develop and utilize a system of medicine based on scientific analysis. The importance of the health sciences to society was emphasized, and the early Muslim medical community striver to find ways to care for the health of the human body. Medieval Islam developed hospitals, expanded the practice of surgery, and eventually integrated women.

Important medical thinkers and physicians of Islam were AAA-Razz and Bin Sins. Their knowledge on medicine was recorded in books that were influential in medical schools throughout Muslim history, and Bin Sins in particular (under his Latinized name Vicu??a) was also influential on the physicians f later medieval Europe. Throughout the medieval Islamic world, medicine was included under the umbrella of natural philosophy, due to the continued influence of the Hippocratic Corpus and the ideas of Aristotle and Galen.

The Hippocratic Corpus was a collection of medical treatises attributed to the famous Greek physician Hippocrates of Coos (although it was actually composed by different generations of authors). The Corpus included a number of treatises which greatly influenced medieval Islamic medical literature. Overview: Medicine was a central part of medieval Islamic culture. Responding to resistances of time and place, Islamic physicians and scholars developed a large and complex medical literature exploring, analyzing, and synthesizing the theory and practice of medicine.

Islamic medicine was initially built on tradition, chiefly the theoretical and practical knowledge developed in Arabia and was known at Muhammad time, ancient Hellenic medicine such as Unman, ancient Indian medicine such as Arrived, and the ancient Iranian Medicine of the Academy of Cunnilingus. The works of ancient Greek and Roman physicians Hippocrates, Galen and Discourses also had a lasting impact on Islamic medicine. Ophthalmology has with the works of Bin AAA-Haitian remaining an authority in the field until early modern times. The art of healing was dead, Galen revived it; it was scattered and ids-arrayed, Razz re-arranged and re-aligned it; it was incomplete, Bin Siena perfected it”. Medical Contributions from Medieval Islam *Human Anatomy and Physiology *Drugs: Medical contributions made by Medieval Islam not only involved the development and expansion of the human anatomy, but also included the use of plants as a type of remedy or medicine. *Surgery: Muslims are the first of Applied care surgery egg AAA-Razz and he called by the father of urge. *Treatment *Anesthesia and Antisepsis: E. G. Muslim scholars introduced mercuric chloride to disinfect wounds.

Hospitals Many hospitals were developed during the early Islamic era. They were called Banister, which is a Persian word meaning “house [or place] of the sick. ” The idea of a hospital being a place for the care of sick people was taken from the early Caliphs. The banister is seen as early as the time of the Prophet Muhammad, and the Prophet’s mosque in the city of Indiana held the first Muslim hospital service in its courtyard. During the Awash Khan (the Battle of the Trench), Muhammad name across wounded soldiers and he ordered a tent be assembled to provide medical care.

Over time, Caliphs and rulers expanded traveling banisters to include doctors and pharmacists. Muhammad Caliph AAA-Wald bin Bad al-Mali is often credited with building the first banister in Damascus in 707 AD. It was the first hospital in the world. Pharmacy The birth of pharmacy as an independent, well-defined profession was established in the early ninth century by Muslim scholars. AAA-Bruin states that “pharmacy became independent from medicine as language and syntax are separate from composition, he knowledge of prosody from poetry, and logic from philosophy, for it [pharmacy] is an aid [to medicine] rather than a servant”.

Saber (d. 869) wrote the first text on pharmacy. Legacy Medieval Salami’s receptiveness to new ideas and heritages helped it make major advances in medicine during this time, adding to earlier medical ideas and techniques, expanding the development of the health sciences and corresponding institutions, and advancing medical knowledge in areas such as surgery and understanding of the human body, although many Western scholars have not fully acknowledged its influence (independent of Roman and Greek influence) on the development of medicine.

Through the establishment and development of hospitals, ancient Islamic physicians were able to provide more intrinsic operations to cure patients, such as in the area of ophthalmology. This allowed for medical practices to Muslim philosophers and physicians, AAA-Razz and Bin Sins, provided a lasting impact on Muslim medicine. Through their compilation of knowledge into medical books they each had a major influence on the education and filtration of medical knowledge in Islamic culture.

Last but not least Bass Bin Farina Over the past two centuries, man has made significant progress in unlocking the science of flight which has greatly impacted the way in which people travel, the economies of many countries, and the manner in which nations wage war upon one another. Through initially experimenting with lighter-than-air flight, such as with hot air balloons and also with kites, man realized that flight would be feasible. These developments led to more knowledgeable experimentation with heavier-than-air flight with such inventions as gliders and other fixed wing aircraft.

However a world f difference separates these two technologies. As westerners teach their children about the Wright Brothers, the Islamic countries tell theirs about Bin Farina, a thousand years before the Wrights-??though his flight was not powered. The Libyan produced a postage stamp honoring him. The Iraqis built a statue in his memory on the way to Baghdad International Airport, and the Bin Farina Airport to the north of Baghdad is named for him. History Background Bass Bin Farina (810-887 A. D. , also known as Bass ABA AAA-Assam Bin Farina Bin Wards al-Taking (Arabic: Гl+), was a Muslim Andalusia polymath: an inventor, engineer, aviator, physician, Arabic poet, and Andalusia musician. Of Barber descent, he was born in Sin-Rand And, Al-Andalusia (today’s Rondo, Spain), and lived in the Emirate of CORBA. He is known for an early attempt to fly. History Work In 822, a new Caliph named ‘Bad al-Raman II took the throne, and he began to gather together talented individuals. He began with an Iraqi musician called Crybaby who fostered the development of the sciences.

Another one was the young astronomer and poet Bass Bin Farina. Like Crybaby, Bin Farina worked at a huge variety of enterprises. He was studied in chemistry, physics, and astronomy. He set up astronomical tables, wrote poetry, and designed a water clock called AAA-Magmata. He also devised means of manufacturing glass from sand, and he developed a chain of rings that could be used to display the motions of the planets and stars. He also to facet crystal. Thereafter Spain no longer needed to export quartz to Egypt, but could finish it at home.

He built a room in which spectators witnessed stars, clouds, thunder, and lightning, which were produced by mechanisms located in his basement laboratory. He also devised “some sort of metronome. Starting to fly In 852, under new Caliph, a daredevil named Armed Farman decided to fly Off tower in CORBA using a huge wing like cloak to break his fall. He survived with minor injuries, and the young Bin Farina was there to see it. This was considered to be the first parachute. Armed didn’t do a very good Job of it as he only had a cloak and wooden struts for air resistance and no form of control on where he was going.

The reason why Bass is credited with Armed . Bass was the first to attempt flying the scientific way. ” Bass was able to glide and control where he was going where as Armed Just Jumped and had cloak to slow himself down. But it was Armies Jump that inspired Bass to take on the challenge of mastering the sky. Awesome. Bass is credited with being the pioneer of making controllable wings and the parachute he used bird feathers as the material and was allegedly 65 years old when he attempted the Jump.

He said this before his flight “Presently, I shall take leave of you. By guiding these wings up and down, I should ascend like the birds. If all goes well, after soaring for a time I should be able to return safely to your side. ” The glide was very successful, however the landing was not Bass would have needed even more feathers for a tail to make the landing successful. Because of the landing he damaged his back and was not able to learn from his mistakes by trying it again and furthering his ideas.

After Bass Bin Farina pass away, the developing of knowledge was spread step by step development of fly revolution continue by new generation as followed : Development After Bass Bin Farina 1 . Leonardo dad Vine’s Contributions Leonardo dad Vinci became one of the first notable pioneers of flight although he faultily based most of his ideas on the flapping motion of bird’s wings instead of using a fixed-wing design; this design became known as the ornithology. However he also engineered designs for a parachute and designed a type of helicopter called the aerial screw in 1483. If this instrument made with a screw. Be turned swiftly, the said screw will make its spiral in the air, and it will rise high. ” No one knows weather Leonardo tried to fly any of his aircraft, but certainly none flew with any success; however some say that his assistant Antonio broke his leg from a crash in 1510. 2. Hot Air Balloons( Joseph and Jacques Montpellier ) Since Leonardo dad Vine’s undertaking of designing aircraft, no noteworthy progress in discovering flight had been made until nearly three hundred years later.

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