Summary of the New Testament Books Assignment

Summary of the New Testament Books Assignment Words: 896

The text begins with the Eternal Word and the divinity of Jesus Christ. The key themes and events are the implications of all the Jesus did and the importance of believing in those encounters. Distinctive features include a more complete revelation of Jesus Christ and of God than in any of the Synoptic gospels, as well as Jesus private instruction to His disciples. The gospel of John records several Passover celebrations, as fuel as eight miracles of Christ to price His divinity. Six of these miracles are only uniquely found in this gospel. The text concludes with Chrism’s words concerning His disciple John Acts The book of Acts is written largely in Narrative genre form.

Some of the key homes include the development of the early church from Chrism’s ascension to the imprisonment of Paul in Rome and the beginning of his ministry. The book of acts includes a description of the original Church of Jerusalem and spread to the very heart of the Roman Empire. The key prominent people are Luke, Peter, John, James, Stephen, Phillip, Paul, Barabbas and James-the brother focuses. The purpose of the Book to Acts is to document the growth of the early church, which also contains the records of believers who were empowered by the Holy Spirit in their spread to the Gospel to Jesus Christ.

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The Holy Spirit and the Church lay a key role in the turning points, as well as in every key person during the advancement of the Church. The book of Acts is composed of six sections that begins with Peter as the leading role in the movement focusable in its Jewish setting towards a predominately Gentile church, and with Rome as the primary goal in the movement of Pall’s mission to spread the gospel to the Gentile world, Ephesians The book Of Ephesians is Mitten in Epistle form. The text opens up With Pall’s exhortation to the church at Ephesus on the soundness of their faith and love.

Paul emphasizes the need for increased hope and increased demonstration f love, thus developing unity within the church. The key personalities include the Apostle Paul and Discuss. The aim behind writing this epistle was to demonstrate to believers their position in Christ and encourage them to walk accordingly in unity and love amongst persecution. The main historical occasion occurred when converted Jews were compelled to separate themselves entirely trot their Gentile brethren. This condition in the Church at Ephesus may have been what lead to the writing of the epistle.

Paul reminds the Ephesians that historically, they too had been dead in their sins, therefore, being held accountable to the authority and judgment of God just like the rest of the world, The last half of the book concludes by addressing three general areas of lifestyle issues that contain suggestions of theological truths, Paul encourages believers to walk in a manner worthy of their calling by seeking to understand the Holy Spirit, pursuing a holy lifestyle and comprehending the concept of personal relationships.

Philomena The book Of Philomena is Mitten largely in epistle form. The purpose behind writing the letter was to intercede on behalf off runway slave, Unanimous, and reconcile him With his owner, Philomena. The key prominent people include Paul, Philomena and Unanimous. Some of the key themes and events are the complimentary greeting to Philomena, the testimonial plea concerning the changed character of Unanimous, the appeal for forgiveness and Aphelion’s obedience to receive his slave back with grace.

Unanimous, a new believer in Christ was returning home to his master with Pall’s letter of appeal, As a runaway slave, Unanimous robbed his master and fled to Rome where he met Paul. He became a devoted disciple of Christ, but was told to return home when Paul felt like it was his duty to send the slave back to his master. Unanimous took a physical risk in his return home, because the standard punishment in the Roman Empire was execution. Paul pleas with Philomena to not only accept his slave back, but to accept him as a brother in Christ and disregard his mistakes.

The book concludes with a farewell greeting and closing prayer. The literary genre of the book of revelation is written broadly in apocalyptic, prophetic and epistle effort Some of the key themes and events include the resurrected Christ, the letters written to the seven churches in Asia and the arrangement of visions into the spiritual realm. The aim behind the book of revelation is to give Christian’s hope, especially in the midst of suffering, by revealing Jesus Christ as the ultimate victorious King and also to warn nonbelievers of the coming Final Judgment on the Last Day.

The book’s purpose can be divided into a series Of four separate questions concerning the establishment of the kingdom, the return of the Lord, the situation offish and the end Of the world. The book can be divided into a series Of visions that include bono influential events that regard the birth of the male child and the sounding of the seventh trumpet. The book of Revelation contains four principle schools of thought; idealist, preterits, historicist and futurist when dealing with the subject matter of interpretation.

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