Online Marketing Assignment

Online Marketing Assignment Words: 3636

With significant growth of the web, traditional forms of content sharing have evolved. There are websites that allow us to post content in he streaming media format as evident from Youth. Technology allows us to distribute and share content through a computer instantly. Online broadcasting includes internet radio and internet video webmasters as well. All linear TV and radio broadcasts via the internet to computers, Blackberry, phone, set-top boxes and other devices are considered as internet broadcasting.

It does not include music or video on demand. I am also involved in the project of developing up a website , consisting of text, images and possibly audio and video elements used to convey the Pro Professionals sage online, to inform existing and potential customers of the features and benefits of the company’s products and/or services. The website may or may not include the ability to capture leads from potential customers or directly sell a product or service online.

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The IT Department is also busy on developing the Search Engine Marketing(SEEM), which is marketing a website online via search engines, either by improving the site’s natural (organic) ranking through search engine optimization (SEE), buying pay-per-click (PC) ads or purchasing pay-for-inclusion (IF) listings in Bessie directories, which are similar to offline yellow page listings. The Second half of the project comprises of marketing effectively a website to students using social media.

I am working thoroughly on the research and analysis of the two topics. How do we specifically target student communities from various geographies? 2. What are different media available to market? Today Social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service provides Just the desired path which any start p organization can give a stiff competition to any Multinational Brand.

Our organization PARAPROFESSIONALS is Just not an exception and is trying their utmost level best to Just capture the market in the IT Industry and create a Niche Marketing in its own in the Career Management field which is totally a new concept and has a huge marketing potential. Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations such as ours to implement marketing campaigns. INTRODUCTION COMPANY PROFILE Paraprofessionals is the brainchild of a team of global industry experts who strives for aging best-in-class career management, training and placement available to all.

Vision of the Company: Paraprofessionals is an attempt to create a support system that will lead to meaningful benefit at all levels. Born out of a conviction that career management is an area inadequately addressed by society, education systems, and corporate entities. Pro Professional shares a vision of making best-in-class career analytics, training and placement available to all. In many senses, this is their way of giving back to society what we have so abundantly received.

Of special interest to us is human capital at actions where such services are not easily accessible. Mission of The Company: Pro Professional offerings are designed for individuals and organizations at all points in the training-placement-development continuum. Whether you are a college student seeking training and placement or an IT professional dealing with mid career issues, our solutions are tailor-made for you. Using online tools and real-time interactions, we work with candidates to achieve the outcome they deserve.

Whatever your profile, you can be assured that we will help take your career or your human resource to the next level. Employee Strength: Our current team comprises of qualified professionals combining experience in multiple disciplines including IT Projects development, Sales and Marketing, Project Management, Systems and General Management. Leadership: A few words about the Founder. Pupa’s Cottontail is a domain expert in Supply chain and Commerce processes having several years of senior management experience with leading organizations such as Ovenware, Apple, Cisco and Motorola.

Career Analytics was born out of his vision of creating a platform for career management that would be global in reach and quality while bridging the gap between the haves and the have onto. Deeply rooted in his culture and profoundly committed to philanthropy, he lists Leonardo Dad Vinci and Barack Obama among his inspirations. In addition to cherishing guiding and mentoring people in their careers, his interests include cricket, movies and politics. Papaw’s big dream is to make a movie or write a novel some day.

Purpose of the Project Today, online marketing, is evolving into a broader mix of components a company can use as a means of increasing sales – even if the business is done completely online, partly online, or completely offline. The decision to use Online marketing as art of a company’s overall marketing strategy is strictly up to the company of course, but as a rule, online marketing is becoming an increasingly important part of nearly every company’s marketing mix. For some online businesses, it is the only form of marketing being practiced.

Right Now the Company is working and developing its website so they can sell their products or try to create a link or deal through the internet. Online marketing has several advantages, including: * Low costs: Large audiences are reachable at a fraction of traditional advertising budgets, allowing businesses to create appealing consumer ads. Flexibility and convenience: Consumers may research and purchase products and services at their leisure. * Analytics: Efficient statistical results are facilitated without extra costs. Multiple options: Advertising tools include pay-per-click advertising, email marketing and local search integration (like Google Maps). * Demographic targeting: Consumers can be demographically targeted much more effectively in an online rather than an offline process. The main limitation of online marketing is where goods are being sold, the lack of tangibility means that consumers are unable to try UT, or try on items they might wish to purchase. Generous return policies are the main way to circumvent such buyer apprehension.

Our present generation is fast and believes in faster Return on Investment (ROI) faster. Gone are the days where business set-ups would take a lot of time, energy and huge capital. Any kind of new idea needs a lot of a viral marketing. Viral Marketing can be best achieved by Social media marketing. Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media marketing (ISM) is a form of Internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool.

The goal of ISM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach. One of the key components of ISM is social media optimization (SMS). Like search engine optimization (SEE), SMS is a strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a website. SMS can be done two ways: adding social media links to content, such as IRS feeds and sharing buttons or promoting activity through social media by updating statuses or tweets, or blob posts.

ISM helps a company get direct feedback from customers (and potential customers) while making the company seem more personable. The interactive parts of social media give customers the opportunity to ask questions or voice complaints and feel they are being heard. This aspect of ISM is called social customer relationship management (social CRM). Collaborationist’s became more common with the increased popularity of websites such as Twitter, Faceable, Namespace, Linked, and Youth. In response, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has updated its rules to include ISM.

If a company or its advertising agency provides a flogger or other online commenter with free products or other incentives to generate positive buzz for a product, the online comments will be treated legally as endorsements. Both the flogger and the company will be held responsible for ensuring that the incentives are clearly and conspicuously disclosed, and that the flogger’s posts contain no misleading or unsubstantiated statements and otherwise complies with the Fat’s rules concerning unfair or deceptive advertising.

Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages traders to share it with their social networks. A corporate message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself. Hence, this form of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media. SOCIAL MEDIA Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites.

Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. A corporate message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself. Hence, this form of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media. Social media is a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access.

Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service. Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns. As social media continues to evolve and its uses change and expand, so does the definition of social media. In part, this is attributable to the fact that social media relates to the technology and platforms that enable the interactive web’s content creation, collaboration and exchange by participants and the public.

Yet, many users, business executives and the public consider the marketing around these networks and the content created on them to be social media. To clarify how social media, marketing and PR professionals define social media, I surveyed a group of my peers. Given social media’s dynamic nature, I expected a range of responses. The biggest surprise was that one long-term practitioner responded that he was not sure what social media was anymore. Literature review “Social media consists of various user-driven (inbound marketing) channels (e. G. , Faceable, Twitter, blobs, Youth).

These channels represent a stark difference from the advertiser-driven (outbound marketing) push model. As the principal owner of the customer relationship in the firm, typically, the marketing department is responsible for managing these social media channels. Although some may argue hat the customer relationship is “everyone’s” responsibility in the firm, the overarching responsibility rests with the marketing department as the champion for the customer. ” Cheryl Burgess – Blue Focus Marketing “Social media is today’s most transparent, engaging and interactive form of public relations.

It combines the true grit of real time content with the beauty of authentic peer-to-peer communication”. Lisa Buyer – The Buyer Group “Social Media is a new marketing tool that allows you to get to know your customers and prospects in ways that were previously not possible. This information and knowledge must be paid for with output of respect, trustworthiness, and honesty. Social Media is not a fad, but I also think it’s Just the beginning of the marketing revolution – not the end. ” Marjorie Clansman – Clansman Advertising, Inc.

Social Media are the platforms that enable the interactive web by engaging users to participate in, comment on and create content as means of communicating with their social graph, other users and the public. Social media has the following characteristics: * Encompasses wide variety of content formats including text, video, photographs, audio, PDF and Powering. Many social media make use of these options by allowing more than one content alternative. * Allows interactions to cross one or more platforms through social sharing, email and feeds. Involves different levels of engagement by participants who can create, comment or lurk on social media networks. * Facilitates enhanced speed and breadth of information dissemination. * Provides for one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many communications * Enables communication to take place in real time or asynchronously over time. * Is device indifferent. It can take place via a computer including laptops and notebooks), tablets (including ‘Pads, ‘Touch and others) and mobile phones (particularly smartness). Extends engagement by creating real-time online events, extending online interactions offline, or augmenting live events online. * Hide Cohen – Riverside Marketing Strategies The two most popular social media sites are described below: FACEABLE Appearing on the world stage in 2003, Faceable has revolutionized the average person’s social network into an unprecedented web of information available in the palm of a hand. With Just a few clicks or taps on one’s mobile app, one can meet people, see friends from high school and even make contacts with potential business interests.

As the old adage goes, time is of the essence, and if it is not used wisely, the consequences are never good. Social networks have become more than Just connections with people, they have accumulated add-owns like Vermeil, Mafia Wars and other games in order to keep users entertained. In these games, the user plays for virtual money, often spending many hours each day building farms and collecting sheep and other animals. With millions of users signed-up for such add-owns, it is not arid to deduce that they are wasting millions of hours each day decorating farms and collecting garden tools.

It is, however, true that if used right, the site can connect users with people of same interests, thus building a name for a person, if s/he is a writer for example. Nevertheless, a few possible connections with someone one may or may not know, are not enough to Justify endless periods of brain-numbing activity, that lead one to a few more points and virtual coins on a virtual farm with virtual food and animals. Farms and animals, however, are not the only roadblock for the regress of a society. With millions of people on-board, their pictures, in mostly public profiles are available for everyone to view.

With the more attractive profiles getting most of the viewing, like before, countless hours are spent looking at pictures of total strangers posing for their perfect Namespace or Faceable photo. Of course, one can argue that this is Just another leisure activity, in which people are Just letting off some steam. It definitely could be helpful to get one’s mind off of a few things, however, like with anything else that’s addictive, it is arid to put the mouse down and not pay attention to the next hot guy or girl in the Friends list on someone’s page.

But the friends are not the only issue, new forms of media have emerged, thus attracting more and more users. The current situation has reached a point, where Youth videos and other entertainment media are also connected to the social networks, which entices users to stay connected and online for greater periods of time. As the country faces an obesity epidemic, the chair in front of one’s computer, has replaced the couch, in a way, transforming the new user room a couch potato, into a slouched, pica-addicted imbecile, procrastinating and missing life as it passes him/her by.

Therefore, as opposed to going outside, enjoying sunshine and good weather, getting exercise and keeping the body and mind in shape, users are harming themselves, often lasting for hours. Of course, one can argue that people have found soul mates, long-lost relatives and friends they haven’t seen for years, which are all within themselves great, but it neglects the fact that for a few such cases, greater amounts of people are wasting time with the above- mentioned virtual activities.

For some, time is money, for others it has unfortunately become a commodity with advertising dollars and virtual world games clambering for it. The user of social networks has become a bastion for revenue for some, while s/he spends countless hours each day, playing virtual world games, looking at pictures as well as videos in cramped conditions inside a home. Marketing in Faceable has taken place as the most important platform of any social media network. It is the least a sane person can think about. Twitter Twitter is currently one of the fastest growing social networking trends on the web.

The service is becoming increasingly more symbolic of a tech oriented culture engaged in constant collaboration. In 2009 alone the network has grown more than 100%. Many current trends are indicating that Twitter could be well on its way to becoming one of the top social networks. This paper will examine twitters potential as a way of seeking and sharing information. The paper will also critique the status of twitters diffusion across the American social graph as a micro-blobbing platform to broadcast what an individual is doing, thinking, or saying.

Twitter is best described as social networking tool and micro blobbing service that enables the sharing of “brief snippets of information to a maximum of 140 characters” (Twitter. Com). People on twitter update each other with a type of status update feature “similar to what is used in face book and Namespace” (Technically. Com). Status updating is a way for members of a social network to share personal information by updating each other regularly on their whereabouts and activities. Status updates are about asserting your digital presence.

On Twitter, updates are more frequent, have multidimensionality, and may number several per hour (epidemiologist’s. Mom). Twitter updates have a very different feel from them in comparison to a Faceable or linked in structural terms. The major reason is that frequent updates is what Twitters main focus is, where as Faceable status updates are one part of a much larger platform for peer to peer sharing. CAREER ANALYTICS Career Analytics is a flagship brand under Paraprofessionals offerings which are designed for individuals and organizations at all points in the training-placement- development continuum.

Whether it is a college student seeking training and placement or an employer faced with festering manpower development issues, this organization has solutions which are tailor-made for everyone. They use a multi- platform delivery system that includes skills analysis, needs assessment linked to emerging industry trends, group and one-to-one evaluation and training programs both for individuals and corporate, resume services, sample tests, mock interviews, life skill and personality development programs, placement services, and on-Job support.

They work with candidates to achieve the outcome they deserve. Whatever be the client’s profile, he/she can be assured that it will help to take the client’s rarer or their human resource to the next level. Career Analytics has a mission of bridging the gap between the students and the expert professionals. Whether the client is thinking of a career switch or starting the career he is always confused because he doesn’t have the exact information which is needed for the correct decision.

He has a limited resource of information and has almost nowhere to go for an organization which can give the right guidance and the right plan for his career plan. He needs to know where does he stand Born out of a realization that career management is an area inadequately addressed by society, education systems, and corporate entities, Career Analytics is an attempt to create a support system that will lead to meaningful benefit at all levels. Career Analytics is a comprehensive, end-to- end solution for all career management and human resource related requirements.

This organization have brought together the best global talent in career analysis, guidance and training to empower all stakeholders in the professional realm. Through Career Analytics, we endeavor to make this bouquet of world-class services easily available to Job seekers and institutions across all locations backgrounds and price points. Career Analytics is all about Career management. It is the lifelong process of investing resources to achieve your career goals.

Career management is not a singular event but a continuing process that is a necessity for adapting to the changing demands of the 21st Century economy. Whether we are in the early phase of our work life or are a workforce veteran, we have probably heard the term career management. We have also probably heard that in the future we need to be responsible for our careers. What we may not have been told is what career management is and how we do it! Career management uses concepts similar to good financial management.

A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that a disciplined investment, made on a regular basis, yields a greater return. Although the tactics will vary, career management focuses on two key investment assets to manage throughout our working years, our personal lifelong learning and our network of relationships. Research Works for Content Development The attachments of the work done during the period are attached with this report which consists most of the content work which I have researched throughout the period.

Some sample works have been attached with this report to give a glimpse of what did the organization tried to convey through the website. As already discussed there has been a research work carried out to give free online aptitude sites or URL to let the candidate know where does he stand in terms of proper aptitude to apply for the right set of Jobs. Plan for the Completion of the Project The basic research on the project has almost been completed and the concepts regarding the topic have been well understood in the past one month.

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Online Marketing Assignment. (2019, Apr 04). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from