Nescafe Marketing Plan Assignment

Nescafe Marketing Plan Assignment Words: 661

Marketing plan for Nescafe Phase 1: Goal Settings 1. Nescafe Mission Statement: At Nestle, each of segments is important. We believe in “Good Food Good Life” However Nescafe products play vital role due to its high performance in finance. Nescafe takes you on the journey of experience from the simulation to relaxation to refreshment of moods when you have high moments and low moments. Sizzling cup of coffee can make great start for the day and Nescafe bring exactly that experience to our customers. The aroma of specially selected and roasted coffee beans stands us apart from our competitor.

Our goal is to make Nescafe our consumers prefer choice throughout by giving them best experiences with our new tastes of Nescafe products . 2. Summary of Nestle performance in past 3 years : 200820092010 Volume/turnover19051 mi11793 mi35384 mi Gross Profit (%)16. 4 %9. 7 %31. 2 % Gross Margin (000 euro) 3. Summary of Financial projection This 3 year marketing plan shows an increase in revenue from 35384 mi to 60,000 mi and increase in contribution from 100000 mi to 400,000 mi. The purpose of this strategic plan is to show how this growth will be achieved.

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Phase 2: Situation Review 4. Market overview: To provide a brief pi cog market before descending to particular details of indi market seg. Based on seg of markets dividing des into homogeneous grps of customer, ech having char which can be exploited in marketing terms. Points to consider : ???Wht are d major products,markets which are likely to b able to provide kind of business opp suitable for org ???How r des changing? which r growing n declining. Coffee consumption over last few years. Nescafe has launched products such as every day, premium, super premium and Decafe.

These products are targeted at specific markets such as Nescafe classics is targeted for regular customers and Premium and Super Premium products are targeted at Nescafe market has changed considerably over the years. The Nescafe market is youths and business community. Advertisements usually shown family reunions, special around the table during the time of the meals. Initial campaigns created awareness of hot instant coffee, its invigorating qualities, and the easy and fast way of making it. The period between the 60’s and the 70’s was more youth oriented.

The brand was more focused on the young people, specially thegroups who had relation with the music. Hippies and rock fans were targeted with specific advertisements. The youth oriented values followed the 80’s and 90’s, but as the Nescafe product array broaden, different values were added, such as sophistication (with the Gold Blend) and differentiation (with cappucinos and mochas). Swot Analyses : Complete SWOT for key segments : (by product,by seg,overall ) ???Stregth : Product performance,breadth of services,speed of services,low cost.

Critical Success factors metrics : CSFWeighting FactorNescafeBru Product Efficiency Price Image Profitability Tot weigthed score100 ???Opportunities and Threats Brief statement abt hw env influences such as technology,govt policies,regulations,economy can affect d segment ???Key issues to b addressed ???Assumptions/marketing objectives/strategies Should be related to product (Nescafe )under consideration ???Competitor Analysis : Main CompetitorProductsBusiness Direction and Current obj strategies . Enter .Improve .Maintain .Harvest .ExitStregthsWeaknessCompetitive position Leadership .Strongs .Favourable .Tenable weak 5. Portfolio Summary : Portfolio Matrix (Directional policy matrix) 6. Assumptions :Market growth rate,cap investment,org cost so on. Few in num n should relate to issues in SWOT. Downside Risk Assessment Phase 3 : Strategy Formulation 7. Marketing Objectives ( by product/by seg/overall ) ??? 3 yrs-Should be quantitative ( Values/volu/market shares) Avoid maximize,minimize,penetrate ???Selling existing prod to existing seg ( Domestic) ( Invest) ???Market penetration ???Dev new product for existing seg Extending existing prod to new market ( international) ( Invest) ???Dev new prod for new market ???Target customer grps ???Product deletion/mix/development Tools to use: Porter matrix,Ansoff matrix,BCG matrix,directional policy matrix,Gap Analysis. 8. Marketing Strategies : 4Ps ( Products/price/promotion/place) ???Change product design/performance/quality ???Change adv or promotion ???Change unit price ???Standardise the design ???Consolidate distribution ???Acquire market,products,facility Phase 4 : Resource Allocation/Monitoring 9. Resource Requirements : ???Forecast ???Budgeting

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