Marketing Strategy: Chapel Down Assignment

Marketing Strategy: Chapel Down Assignment Words: 301

Coding is a Spanish wine company, which mostly produce their product in Barcelona. Coding is the oldest wine producers in Spain. Sparkling wine is the major product within the company, and it produces several white and rose wines with price between Ell. 49 and EYE. 99. The price level of Cave sparkling wine Is relatively low to compare with Chapel town’s Sparkling wine. The main competitive product from Coding is Coding Rosa NV, this wine Is light and pure, which Is suitable to drink with fruit or seafood. It only cost Ell. 49, and won a Bronze Medal of Decanter World Wine Awards In 2012.

Octoroon homepage, accessed In 13/12/13) It can have a strong influence to Chapel down Vintage Reserve Brut, which cost EYE. 99 per bottle and also suitable for fruit, and won a Silver Medal Winner at The International Wine and Spirit Competition 2012. (Chapel down homepage, accessed In 13/1 2/1 3) Besides, According to the Cave Consent Regulator, Cave traded more than mum bottles to foreign markets In 2012, which was a 6% rose compare to the previous year, and 6% fall in the domestic market. This shows that they perform better in the foreign market, which might be a major competitor to Chapel down.

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Decanter homepage, accessed in 13/12/13) Prospect (Italian sparkling wine) Bison is an Italian sparkling wine company, which entirely integrate wine process by itself to ensure the quality of each stage is reliable. The company promote their goods around the world, and has been reward a numbers of medals from several countries, such as a silver medal in Japan in 2011 and models in Korea in 2010. It shows that Bison wine is popular worldwide. The major sparkling wine of Bison is Bison Prospect, it is light, fresh and with a great value of price, which is E. 99 per bottle.

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