Marketing Plan of ‘Bashundhara Tissue Industries Ltd’ (Btil) Assignment

Marketing Plan of ‘Bashundhara Tissue Industries Ltd’ (Btil) Assignment Words: 9818

Introduction ‘Bashundhara Tissue Industries Ltd’ (BTIL) is currently the largest retailer if tissue paper products in Bangladesh. This company was established at a time when the use of tissue and allied products was not so common. The advent of these items in the domestic market has tangibly transformed personal hygiene standards of the common people. The BTIL plays a vital role as an important import-substitution industry and has recently begun limited exports.

Human Resources Management department plays a vital role to any organization’s success. Now a day, Manpower is considered as a valuable part for the efficient productivity of an organization. But it is very tough & challenging job for efficiently dealing with various manpowers. In This paper, it has been tried to trace out the functions of HR & Administration department of BTIL.

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It has been tried to draw out the manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, job analysis, performance appraisal, promotion, increment, counseling, grievance handling, handling disciplinary actions, transfer, training & development, industrial relation, salary & wages, leave management, health & safety, facilities for employees & other functions of BTIL. Lastly it has been done SWOT analysis & recommendation for the department. Objectives Objectives of this paper are as follows: ?Drawing the functions & features of HRM Depicting the contribution of HR & Administration department ? Evaluation the activities of the HR & Administration department of Bashundhara Tissue Industries Ltd (BTIL) Scope The scope of this paper is on & around the functions of HR & Admin department of Bashundhara Tissue Industries Ltd (BTIL), Anarpura, Gazaria, Munshigonj. During the internship program for 3 month, it has been closely observed the official environment & activities of this department & it has been gathered knowledge from the officials about the same.

Methodology This paper is mainly based on primary data. Data are collected from the HR & Administration department, & in some extents, secondary information has been used from books, official records. Limitation The limitation of this paper is as follows: ?Due to Business Policy many things could not be included ? No previous internship report on this department of BTIL ? Because of lack of practical experience, functions of this department could not compare with other Business Organization.

Human Resource Management (HRM) can be defined as the process of accomplishing organizational objectives by acquiring, retaining, terminating, developing, & properly using the human resources in an organization. Common functions of a Human Resource & Administration department are as follows: Manpower Planning Manpower planning enables a department to project its short to long-term needs on the basis of its departmental plans so that it can adjust its manpower requirements to meet changing priorities.

The more changing the environment the department is in, the more the department needs manpower planning to show: ???the number of recruits required in a specified timeframe and the availability of talent ???early indications of potential recruitment or retention difficulties ???surpluses or deficiencies in certain ranks or grades ???availability of suitable qualified and experienced successors Key components Succession planning is a very important exercise because it minimizes the impact of turnover in these key ranks and gives a branch or department early warning of any skill shortages or likely difficulties in finding suitable candidates.

Ideally a succession plan should cover 3 to 5 years. The succession plan should identify ???key posts and possible successors ???causes of turnover ???competencies of successors and the training required for them ???posts for which no apparent successor exists and the remedial action planned The information derived from the succession plan should feed into the training and development of the individuals concerned by ensuring that they attend the necessary training and are posted to jobs that will provide them with the experience for their intended role.

Turnover refers to retirement, resignation and redundancy. While a department cannot plan turnover because there are factors, such as resignation, which are beyond its control, it can monitor turnover carefully to ensure the department will have minimal difficulties in retaining staff. If such difficulties are envisaged or experienced, the department will find out the causes for them and take early steps to address them by improving, for example, motivation or training and development opportunities.

When addressing the aspects of succession and turnover, the department also needs to consider other manpower planning factors: Recruitment Recruitment involves searching for and attracting candidates to fill job vacancies. Before a department takes steps to employ staff, it should work out the type of staff it needs in terms of grade and rank, and the time scale in which the staff are required. It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization. It deals with: (a)Identification of existing sources of applicants and developing them. b)Creation / Identification of new sources of applicants. (c)Stimulating the candidates to apply for jobs in the organization. (d)Striking a balance between internal and external sources. The main sources of recruitment are: ???Internal promotion and internal introductions (at times desirable for morale purposes) ???Careers officers (and careers masters at schools) ???University appointment boards ???Agencies for the unemployed ???Advertising (often via agents for specialist posts) or the use of other local media (e. g. commercial radio)

The general principles underpinning recruitment within the service are that recruitment should: ???use procedures which are clearly understood by candidates and which are open to public scrutiny; ???be fair, giving candidates who meet the stipulated minimum requirements equal opportunity for selection; and ???select candidates on the basis of merit and ability. Recruitment of overseas officers is undertaken only when no or insufficient local candidates are available Selection Selection is a later stage of the recruitment process, which involves choosing competent and qualified applicants suited for the job.

It is the process of ascertaining the qualifications, experience, skill, knowledge etc. , of an applicant with a view to appraising his / her suitability to a job appraising. Selection function includes: (a) Framing and developing application blanks. (b) Creating and developing valid and reliable testing techniques. (c) Formulating interviewing techniques. (d) Checking of references. (e) Setting up medical examination policy and procedure. (f) Line manager’s decision. (g) Sending letters of appointment and rejection. (h) Employing the selected candidates who report for duty. Steps in the Selection Process

Our examination of the selection process will entail eight steps. These steps are: ???preliminary selection ???employment tests ???selection interviews ???verification of references ???medical evaluation ???supervisory interviews ???realistic job previews ???hiring decision Step 1: Preliminary Selection Preliminary selection of applicants is often done by setting minimum standards for the job, and communicating these standards to your employees, and agencies who help you recruit. The fact that some potential applicants may not apply because of their inability to meet the minimum requirements serves as an initial screening device.

Then, when reviewing resumes and application forms, firms are further able to screen out unacceptable job candidates. At this point, firms can also assign priorities to the resumes so that the most promising candidates may be seen first. Step 2: Employment Tests Throughout the practice of Human Resource Management, firms should endeavor to act on objective data. This is true for compensation management and for performance appraisal, and it is certainly true for the selection process where firms wish to assess the match between job applicants and job requirements.

One way to ensure that selection decisions are based on objective data, is to use employment tests. Employment tests provide firms with objective data for purposes of comparing applicants. Examples of such tests include; paper and pencil test, manual dexterity and strength tests, and simulation exercises. Employment test should be Valid, Reliable. Step 3: Selection Interview Selecting the best candidate for the job is the #1 priority of the selection process. The employment interview is conducted to learn more about the suitability of people under consideration for a particular job and is one further obstacle for the applicant to overcome.

The interview is one further means of reducing the number of people who might be eligible for the job. Put simply, the interview is a formal, in-depth conversation conducted to evaluate an applicant’s acceptability for the job opening. The interviewer is interested in answers to the following questions: ???Can the applicant do the job? ???How does this applicant compare with others who are applying? ] During the interview process itself, initially, the interviewer(s) should ensure the creation of rapport between interviewer(s) and the interviewee.

Next, the two parties can engage in the exchange of information. Once the interview has been terminated, the interviewer(s) must set aside some time to evaluate the notes they have taken during the process. Problems with Interviews Limited information is representative of the applicant’s other characteristics. Another interviewer error is the use of leading questions. This involves telegraphing the desired answer to a particular the question. For example: “Do you think you’ll like working for our company? ” Personal biases. Interviewer domination,

Interviewers should endeavor to eliminate such errors, because the intent of the interview is to find the best applicant for the job. Any one of these errors could cause the elimination of an excellent candidate, or the hiring of a less than acceptable candidate. Research on interviews also shows that they lack reliability; they do not provide consistent results. We can improve on this by asking all interviewees the same questions. Further, interviews generally lack validity. Eight Steps for Implementing a Valid Interviewing Process: Conduct formal job analyses ???Write accurate job descriptions ??? Interviewers review job-relatedness of potential question by consulting appropriate job descriptions ??? Interviewers write out all questions before the interviews ??? Use panel interviews ???Create rating forms for the interviews ??? Anchor interview questions to job behaviors (use Critical Incident Technique) ???Standardize interviews not discrimination. Step 4: Verification of References References should be investigated carefully, because sometimes it represents impression about the applicant.

The investigation may be telephonic, e-mail or direct contact, it depends on requirements Step 5: Medical Evaluation ???Generally a health checklist ohealth information oaccident information ???Occasionally the checklist is supplemented by a physical examination Step 6: Supervisory Interview Since the immediate supervisor is ultimately responsible for new workers, he or she should have input into the hiring decision. The supervisor is better able to evaluate the applicant’s technical capabilities and is in a better position to answer the interviewee’s job-related questions.

Further, the supervisor’s personal commitment to the success of the new employee is higher if the supervisor has played a role in the hiring decision. In fact, in a majority of firms, the supervisor has the authority to make the final hiring decision. In these cases, it is the role of the HR department to do the initial screening and to ensure that hiring does not violate laws such as Human Rights legislation Step 7: Realistic Job Preview The realistic job preview involves showing the applicant(s) the job site in order to acquaint them with the work setting, commonly used equipment, and prospective co-workers.

The realistic job preview is intended to prevent initial job dissatisfaction with a job by presenting a realistic view of the job. Research shows that job turnover is lower when realistic job previews are used. Step 8: Hiring Decision The actual hiring of an applicant constitutes the end of the selection process. At this stage, successful (as well as unsuccessful) applicants must be notified of the firm’s decision. Since money and effort has been spent on all applicants, the HR department may wish to consider even the unsuccessful applicants for other openings in the organization.

The applications of unsuccessful applicants are often kept on file and the applications of successful applicants will be retained in the employees’ personnel files. When a job offer is made, it should include the following information: ???The position offered ???Location of the job ???Salary (although sometimes salary must be negotiated before the applicant will accept) ???Benefits ???Starting date ???Any papers or information that should be brought on the first day of work ???A date (or time) by which the applicant must respond to your job offer, so you can move on to the next candidate if your first choice doesn’t accept

Reviewing the Hiring Process After completing the hiring, the process ought to be evaluated. Here are some considerations in the evaluation: ???What about the number of initial applicants? Were there too many applicants? Too few? Does the firm need to think about changing its advertisement and recruiting to get the result desired? ???What was the nature of the applicants’ qualifications? Were the applicants too qualified? Not qualified enough? Perhaps the advertisement needs to be re-worded to attract more appropriate candidates. In this case, using a job description can help. ???How cost-effective was the advertising?

A simple way to measure is to divide the cost (not only in dollars but in your time) by either the number of total applicants or the number of applicants that you considered seriously. ???Were there questions that needed to be asked but weren’t? ???How well did the interviewers do? One way to determine this is to ask the new employee to critique the interviewing process. Did employment tests support or help the hiring decision? If not, maybe the firm will have to reconsider the kinds of tests it is administering. Further, the evaluation process should help the firm decide if the cost and time involved in the testing is worth it.

Would you have come to the same hiring decision without testing. Employee Orientation: Induction and orientation are the techniques by which a new employee is rehabilitated in the changed surroundings and introduced to the practices, policies, purposes and people etc. , of the organization. A. Acquaint the employee with the company philosophy, objectives, policies, career planning and development, opportunities, product, market share, social and community standing, company history, culture etc. B. Introduce the employee to the people with whom he has to work such as peers, supervisors and subordinates. C.

Mould the employee attitude by orienting him to the new working and social environment. Purposes of Orientation Employers have to realize that orientation isn’t just a nice gesture put on by the organization. It serves as an important element of the recruitment and retention process. Some key purposes are: ???To Reduce Startup Costs: Proper orientation can help the employee get “up to speed” much more quickly, thereby reducing the costs associated with learning the job. ???To Reduce Anxiety: Any employee, when put into a new, strange situation, will experience anxiety that can impede his or her ability to learn to do the job.

Proper orientation helps to reduce anxiety that results from entering into an unknown situation, and helps provide guidelines for behavior and conduct, so the employee doesn’t have to experience the stress of guessing. ???To Reduce Employee Turnover: Employee turnover increases as employees feel they are not valued, or are put in positions where they can’t possibly do their jobs. Orientation shows that the organization values the employee, and helps provide the tools necessary for succeeding in the job. To Save Time for the Supervisor: Simply put, the better the initial orientation, the less likely supervisors and co-workers will have to spend time teaching the employee. ???To Develop Realistic Job Expectations, Positive Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: It is important that employees learn as soon as possible what is expected of them, and what to expect from others, in addition to learning about the values and attitudes of the organization. While people can learn from experience, they will make many mistakes that are unnecessary and potentially damaging.

The main reasons orientation programs fail: The program was not planned; the employee was unaware of the job requirements; the employee does not feel welcome. Employee orientation is important – orientation provides a lot of benefits, and you can use feedback to make your orientations even better. Placement Placement: It is the process of assigning the selected candidate with the most suitable job in terms of job requirements. It is matching of employees specifications with job requirements. This function includes: A. Counseling the functional managers regarding placement. B.

Conducting follow-up study, appraising employee performance in order to determine employee’s adjustment with the job. C. Correcting misplacements, if any. Performance appraisal Your role as the supervisor of others is to identify and communicate your department’s overall objectives to your staff and translates them into individual objectives. Discussing and reaching agreement on objectives at the beginning of the cycle, in addition to providing periodic feedback and modifications as needed, will lead to a successful end of the cycle appraisal discussion with minimal anxiety and no surprises.

Effective objective measurement standards also successfully link performance to merit and recognition recommendations. The performance appraisal session should focus on the individual’s main job responsibilities. Then based on departmental goals and key responsibilities, discussion and documentation of the performance outcomes that the individual will be required to achieve over the next six to twelve months should be included. The number of objectives (typically three-six for each individual) should reasonably reflect the most important accomplishments required for success. Feedback is ritical to the successful accomplishment of objectives. Giving feedback to your staff member throughout the performance cycle is important, whether we are coaching for success, reinforcement or improvement. You may find it useful to think about your role as a C. O. A. C. H as steps for your discussions with your staff. These are useful for interim communications throughout the year: ???Recognize and document both positive and negative events as they occur. ???Focus on the most important priorities. ???Describe specific situations and behavior. ???Focus on the work, not the individual; relate feedback to goals and expectations. Balance positive and constructive statements. ???Try to see things from the individual’s perspective; share your own experiences, if relevant. ???Present corrective feedback in a positive, action-oriented way. ???Ensure that the individual understands by asking him or her to summarize. ???Follow up to monitor improvements and set follow-up dates. Tips for Performance Appraisal To minimize exposure to employee litigation, employers should develop a checklist of items that are necessary for the enforcement of fair, consistent and legally sound performance appraisal systems. Apprise employees of performance standards in advance. When a new employee is hired or when new standards are adopted, supervisors should amend job descriptions and performance evaluation forms and copies should be given to all affected employees. ???Document all performance problems regularly on appropriate appraisal or progressive discipline forms. Provide the employee with a copy immediately. A precise format for conducting an evaluation leads to more thorough, accurate recording of information. Informality, on the other hand, may lead to claims of discrimination. Provide employees with relevant feedback. Vague, generalized or subjective evaluations may lead to litigation. ???Promptly evaluate nonproductive employees. When managers tolerate an employee with a performance problem for months and then suddenly give him/her a negative evaluation and terminate him/her, the employee may claim that the action was arbitrary or discriminatory and may be able to show that no opportunity for improvement was given. ???Give the employee an opportunity to comment on or dispute the performance appraisal. This will support the fact that you provided the employee with notice. Train supervisors how to evaluate employee performance and how to administer the company’s appraisal system. ???Establish a review audit system to prevent manager bias or personal feelings from impacting on the appraisal. ???Develop written policy statements approving only a specified procedure for conducting appraisals. ???Document through performance files as well as job-related testing, rating systems, appraisal forms and signed memoranda. Job analysis Job analysis is the process of defining the work, activities, tasks, products, services, or processes performed by or produced by the employees of an organization.

Legal reasons: If for no other reason, there may be a legal need to do job analyses. When courts are required to decide selection cases, the job analysis may be critical; employers wishing to demonstrate that their selection processes are valid, will need to start with the job analysis. Organizational communication: Job analysis yields an improved process for obtaining, retaining, and managing an organization’s work and human resources? Job analyses can be utilized to enhance communication within the organization.

Quite simply, the job description (which is the really job analysis data in a structured format) communicates the organization’s expectations to it’s employees. The job description is a simple way of telling people what it is they are expected to do. To facilitate this communication, the job analysis should use simple sentences or phrases to define job tasks. To be useful, the job analysis should record what the employee should do, to what or to whom, and at what level of proficiency Difference between job description & job specification:

Job analysis is a procedure for obtaining pertinent job information. This information is recorded basically on two forms to make a permanent record —one is called job description & the other called job specification. A job description contains the objective fact that explain WHAT about the job is, WHAT the specific duties & responsibilities are & WHAT general conditions and situational factors are involved. The information recorded on job specification describes the amount of various qualification factors that jobholders must posses in order to perform their work adequately.

In short, Job description is an organized factual statement of duties & responsibilities of a specific job. In short, Job specification is a statement of the minimum acceptable humane qualities necessary to perform a job properly. Promotion & Increment Promotion denotes that an individual has the competencies, i. e. the skills, abilities, knowledge and attitudes, required to perform effectively at the next higher rank. The competencies reflect the knowledge and skills exhibited in observable behavior in the relevant areas of work.

Promotion provides motivation to perform well and is an important part of performance management. Objectives of promotion ?It is recognition of a job well done by an employee ?It is a device to retain & reward an employee for his/her years of services to the company. ?It is to increase individual & organizational effectiveness ? It is to promote a sense of job satisfaction in the employee ? It is to build loyalty, morale & a sense of belongingness in the employee. ?It is to impress upon others that opportunities are open to them also in the organization, if they perform well.

Principles: The principle of merit, or the best person for the job is key to promotion. Ability, potential and experience are taken into account in the assessment. The process of assessment should be fair and transparent. It is kept separate from the day to day management of performance and from the annual performance appraisal. The former should be a continuous process, while the latter can be used to assist in determining suitability for promotion. Promotion Procedures: Heads of Department/Heads of Grade have flexibility to invite certain officers to apply for promotion, or allow officers to opt out of promotion.

As a general rule promotion boards are convened to – ???increase transparency and impartiality; and ???provide an opportunity to consider eligible officers’ potential and organizational succession planning. Where necessary and appropriate, promotion interviews are held to assist in assessment to supplement information provided in staff reports. This will apply to situations where staff reports are insufficient and questionable in terms of fairness or consistency. The promotion boards should be aware of potential unfairness if some staff are interviewed and others are not.

It is good management practice to provide promotion feedback to the staff who were considered but were not selected after a promotion exercise, to enhance communication. Departments respond to enquiries from staff arising from promotion exercises. They are encouraged to take a proactive approach in giving promotion feedback to staff after the relevant exercise has taken place. Characteristics of a good promotion policy: ?The policy that all promotions shall be made from within the enterprise should be widely publicized & strictly followed. Employees should be rotated from job to job, so that they are enabled to add to their knowledge & experience. ?On the basis of a scientific job analysis, accurate job descriptions should be prepared for each job so that employees know what qualification & experiences are required to earn promotion to earn a particular position. ?Likely opening s for promotions should be given widest publicity. ?Employees should be helped to add to their knowledge & skills through facilities such as on-the-job training, vocational courses, night classes, & so on. Cases for promotion should be recommended by line managers & decided by their supervisors in line management. ?Employees should have the right to represent against any case of promotion. ?Internal mobility of personnel should be encouraged by motivating supervisors to relieve their capable employees for better opportunity in other department or plants within the organization. ?”Ladder of promotion” within the organization should be well defined. ?Whenever openings for promotion are expected, these should be notified through posters, notice boards etc. Suitable training program should be developed too prepare employees for promotion. ?Making promotions should be the line responsibility. This proposal should be considered & approved by his immediate supervisor in the line organization. ?In no case an employee should be forced to accept promotion. Counseling Counseling is a behavioral control technique used by the supervisor to solve performance problems. As a counselor, the supervisor is a helper, discusses the employee’s personal problems that are affecting his or her job performance, aiming to resolve them. Supervisory counseling is guidance of the employee’s behavior.

An employee should be counseled when he or she has personal problems that affect job performance. Supervisors should recognize early signs. Signs of a troubled employee include: ??? Sudden change of behavior ??? Preoccupation ??? Irritability ??? Increased accidents ??? Increased fatigue ??? Excessive drinking ??? Reduced production ??? Waste ??? Difficulty in absorbing training ??? Substance abuse The supervisor helps employees help themselves. In counseling, the supervisor limits comments to the employee’s job performance, since the supervisor is not an expert in the problem area.

The supervisor refers or gives information to the employee. Informing mainly passes along data and information. Counseling techniques range from directive to non-directive, depending on the situation. Non-directive counseling reflects what is said and felt. For example, a supervisor using the non-directive approach would say, “You feel frustrated because you don’t meet Rob’s approval. ” Directive counseling tells and advises. For example, a supervisor using the directive approach would say, “I want you to concentrate on your work and not worry about what the other employees do. Interactive counseling combines them. The Counseling Process Step 1. Describe the changed behavior. Let the employee know that the organization is concerned with work performance. The supervisor maintains work standards by being consistent in dealing with troubled employees. Explain in very specific terms what the employee needs to do in order to perform up to the organization’s expectations. Don’t moralize. Restrict the confrontation to job performance. Step 2. Get employee comments on the changed behavior and the reason for it. Confine any negative comments to the employee’s job performance.

Don’t diagnose; you are not an expert. Listen and protect confidentiality. Step 3. Agree on a solution. Emphasize confidentiality. Don’t be swayed or misled by emotional please, sympathy tactics, or “hard-luck” stories. Explain that going for help does not exclude the employee from standard disciplinary procedures and that it does not open the door for special privileges. Step 4. Summarize and get a commitment to change. Seek commitment from the employee to meet work standards and to get help, if necessary, with the problem. Step 5. Follow up.

Once the problem is resolved and a productive relationship is established, follow up is needed. Substance Abuse Some problem performance stems from substance abuse. In handling alcohol or drug abuse situations, the supervisor must avoid inferences and stick to actual clues. He or she avoids giving advice. The supervisor gives support and information, if needed, and makes clear that rehabilitation is the employee’s responsibility. Career Guidance Career counseling is a common supervisory activity. In addition to job knowledge and skills, employees need to be punctual, diligent, responsible, and receptive to supervision.

Supervisors have an opportunity to help employees understand that developing these behaviors can improve their future success. Development is preparing employees for future jobs. Employee development produces “win-win” agreements between supervisor and employee. Dealing with a grievance Purpose: This policy establishes procedures to provide a process for the speedy resolution of grievances and disputes between an employee/s (member/s of staff) and management. The process is based on consultation, cooperation and negotiation. Policy: Under section 33 1.

Any worker or the worker who comes to an end for lay off, retrenchment, discharge, dismissed or terminated or for any reason, If he/she has grievance about this chapter & wants remedy under this section, he/she will submit the written grievance to the owner within 30 days after knowing the cause of grievance through post with registered. It will not require post with registered if the employer authority accept the grievance directly & acknowledge it. 2. The owner will inquire the grievance within 15 days after getting the grievance & will inform the written decision to the worker giving hearing opportunity. . If the owner fails to inform the decision or the concerned worker is dissatisfied with the decision, then he/she will submit a written grievance to labor court within 30 days after the time over according to subsection (2) or within 30 days after the decision of the owner. 4. The labor court will hear the says of the both party after giving prior notice & will give the order that is reasonable. 5. Under subsection (4), the court may order to continue his/her work to the organization with or without due wages & may give less punishment under section 23(2) in lieu of dismissal, termination or discharged. . The dissatisfied party may submit appeal to the tribunal within 30 days of the order of labor court, & the decision based on the appeal will be final. 7. No court fee will be given under this grievance or appeal. 8. Under this section, no complaint will be considered criminal charge. 9. Whatever exists on this section, no complaint will be acceptable against the order of retirement order under section 26 unless the retirement order is for the worker’s trade union activity or biases or he/she is deprived of the facilities under that section. Handling Discipline: an overview

Handling disciplinary cases, the following characteristics should be considered: ? Follow the disciplinary procedure The disciplinary procedure must be followed and the supervisor or manager should never exceed the limits of his or her authority. If the employee is dismissed or suffers a disciplinary penalty short of dismissal ??? such as suspension without pay ??? the statutory minimum procedures must have been followed. If they have not been followed and the employee makes a claim to an employment tribunal the dismissal will automatically be ruled unfair.

To make a claim to an employment tribunal, employees will ordinarily have to have one year’s service. ?Encourage improvement The main purpose of operating a disciplinary procedure is to encourage improvement in an employee whose conduct or performance are below acceptable standards. ?Act promptly Problems dealt with early enough can be ‘nipped in the bud’, whereas delay can make things worse as the employee may not realize that they are below standard unless they are told. Arrange to speak to the employee as soon as possible ??? the matter may then be able to be dealt with in an informal manner and not as part of the disciplinary process ?

Gather the facts By acting promptly the relevant supervisor or manager can clarify what the problem is and gather information before memories fade, including anything the employee has to say. Where necessary, statements should be obtained from witnesses at the earliest opportunity. Keep records of what is said ??? copies may need to be given to the individual if the matter progresses any further. Relevant personal details such as previous performance, length of service and any current warnings will need to be obtained before the meeting, as well as any appropriate records and documents. ?Be firm and fair

Whilst maintaining satisfactory standards and dealing with disciplinary issues requires firmness on the part of the manager, it also requires fairness. Be as objective as possible, keep an open mind, and do not prejudge the issues. ?Suspension with pay Where there appears to be serious misconduct, or risk to property or other people, a period of suspension with pay should be considered while the case is being investigated. This allows tempers to cool and hasty action to be avoided. Any suspension must be with pay unless the contract of employment allows suspension without pay, and any period of suspension should be as short as possible.

Tell the employee exactly why they are being suspended, and that they will be called in for a disciplinary meeting as soon as possible. Do not use suspension as a sanction before the disciplinary meeting and decision and treat employees fairly and consistently. ?Stay calm Conduct enquiries, investigations and proceedings with thought and care. Avoid snap decisions, or actions in the heat of the moment. The disciplining of a worker is a serious matter and should never be regarded lightly or dealt with casually. ?Be consistent

The attitude and conduct of employees may be seriously affected if management fails to apply the same rules and considerations to each case. Try to ensure that all employees are aware of the organization’s normal practice for dealing with misconduct or unsatisfactory performance. ?Consider each case on its merits While consistency is important, it is also essential to take account of the circumstances and people involved. Personal details such as length of service, past disciplinary history and any current warnings will be relevant to such considerations. Any provocation or other mitigation also needs to be aken into account. Any decision to discipline an employee must be reasonable in all the circumstances and must not discriminate on grounds of age, race, sex, disability, sexual orientation or religion or belief. Core principles of reasonable behavior ???Use procedures primarily to help and encourage employees to improve rather than just as a way of imposing a punishment. ???Inform the employee of the complaint against them, and provide them with an opportunity to state their case before decisions are reached. ???Allow employees to be accompanied at disciplinary meetings. Make sure that disciplinary action is not taken until the facts of the case have been established and that the action is reasonable in the circumstances. ???Never dismiss an employee for a first disciplinary offence, unless it is a case of gross misconduct. ???Give the employee a written explanation for any disciplinary action taken and make sure they know what improvement is expected. ???Give the employee an opportunity to appeal. ???Deal with issues as thoroughly and promptly as possible. ???Act consistently. Separation (Dismissal, Discharge, Termination, Resignation) Discharge

Section 22 1. It could be discharged one worker by certificate of registered medical practitioner because of physical or mental incapability or continued ill health. 2. The discharged worker, if he/she continue one-year service, will be got for each year 30 days wages or gratuity (if applicable) & which is greater. Dismissal Section 23 1. Whatever say abut lay off , retrenchment, discharge, termination ,—without any notice or in lieu of notice ,one worker could be dismissed without wage, if he/she a. is guilt to criminal case; or b. is guilty for misconduct under section 24. . Under misconduct, a guilty worker may be given the following special considered punishment in lieu of dismissal under subsection 23 (1): a)Suspension b)Demotion to lower post, grade or pay scale for one year. c)Stoppage of promotion for maximum one year d)Stoppage of increase of wage for maximum one year e)Fine f)Maximum 7 days suspension without pay or without maintenance allowance g)Threat or warning letter. 4. The following works will be considered misconduct: (a)Willingly not obedient to the legal or logical order of senior officers individually or group. b)Bribe takes or gives about the employment of the worker or another worker under the owner. (c)It will be considered misconduct that 10 days absent without permission, it is not necessary habitual to. To the case of habitual absent the owner will have to prove that the worker was repetitive absent previous. (d)Habitual late attendance. (e)Habitual breach of law, section or subsection that is applicable to the organization. (f)Indiscipline or rioting behavior or in disciplinary activities to the organization. (g)Habitual negligence to works. h)Habitual break or breach of rule about employment, discipline or behavior related that is accepted by chief inspector. (i)Changes, fabrication, illegal change, damage or lose of official record of the owner. Section 24 Procedure of disciplinary action 1. A worker will not get punishment under section 23 unless: a)The charge sheet written against him/her. b)A copy of the charge sheet is given to the worker & reply time in minimum 7 days. c)Giving hearing opportunity to the worker. d)Decision of guilt after inquiry e)Owner or manager approves the dismissal order. )The worker who engaged in misconduct could be got temporary suspension on the basis of inquiry, if this case not under judgement of court, this suspension period would not over 60 days: But it is provision that, during the suspension period, the suspended worker will get maintenance allowance that is half of the average wage, dearness allowance & adhoc wages, if any. 3)The temporary suspension order will be written & it will be effective immediately after giving the letter to the worker. 4)One person that is employed to this organization & approved by the ngaged worker could help to the worker who engaged under the misconduct. 5)If one party give oral witness to inquiry then the opposite party to whom the witness given against may claim cross-examination to the witness. 6)If one worker is guilty after inquiry & he/she is punished under section 23(1), he/she will not get wages, during the suspension period, but will get maintenance allowance for that period. 7)After inquiry, if it is proved that the worker is not guilty, then it will be considered that he/she was engaged in work during the suspension period & will get full wage (including adjustment of maintenance allowance). )In respect of punishment, the copy of punishment order will be given to the respective worker. 9)If one worker disagree about getting any notice, letter, charge sheet, order or other documents from owners, then it will be considered that he/she has been submitted of the documents, if one copy of the same document is shown on notice board & another copy is sent to the address of the worker through post with registered. 10) For punishment, the owner will get into consideration the previous file record, weightiness of the guilty & existing other special systems.

Termination Section 26 Termination of workers by owners in another way without dismissal etc. : 1. Giving prior written notice of a)120 days for the workers, who get monthly basis wage, b)60 days for another workers the owner could terminate the permanent worker. 2. Giving prior written notice of a) 30 days for monthly wage basis workers, b) 14 days for other workers The owner could terminate the temporary workers, if the temporary works for which the workers have taken is finished, close, vanish or left. 3.

The case to which owner wants to terminate a worker without giving prior notice under subsection (1) & (2), the terminated worker will get wages for that notice period. 4. To the case in which a permanent worker is terminated under this section, the owner will give the worker wage for 30 days or gratuity, if any & which is greater & this compensation will be extra then the other facilities given under this section. Resignation. Section 27 1. A permanent worker may give resignation from employment to the owner after giving 60 days prior written notice. 2. for a temporary worker ??? a). 0 days for monthly wage basis worker b). 14 days for other workers Prior written notice to the owner for giving resignation from employment. 3. to the case in which a worker wants to give resignation without notice, he/she will give the same amount of wages to the owner for that notice period in lieu of prior written notice under sub section (1)& (2) 4. to the case in which one permanent worker wants to give resignation under this section, the owner will give for his/her every year’s service as compensation: a)Wage of 14 days, if he/she worked continuously under this owner 5 years or over but less than 10 years )Wage of 30 days, if he/she worked continuously 10 or over under this owner or gratuity, if any & which is greater will be given & this compensation will be extra with other facilities that are given. Retirement Under section 28 1)The worker will be retired usually when the worker’s age is 57 years & engaged under the organization. 2) The birth date will be the proper evidence that recorded on the concerned worker’s service book 3)The due of the retired employee will have to be paid under section 26(4) or service rule of the organization. )The authority may reappoint the retirement employee, if the authority think that he/she is capable. Transfer Job transfers generally fall into one of two categories: those initiated by management or those made in response to an employee’s request. Transfers initiated by the employer may be necessary because of temporary workload imbalances; the need to rotate employees to limit exposure to harmful conditions; corporate restructuring; dislocations caused by job elimination or reductions in force; and demotions in response to disciplinary or performance problems.

Employees may initiate a transfer because they want new or broader experience; there is friction among coworkers; they want to better use their skills; or they need accommodation for disabilities or family care responsibilities. Either way, transfers may be temporary or long-term, depending on the organization’s business needs. This policy discusses the transfer of employees from full-time to part-time, to another location or within the same location. Reasons for Transfer A transfer may be requested of the supervisor, Head of Department, or Human Resources, in the following situations: ???Work Cover Upon successful application a staff member is offered another position within the Organization; ???A staff member is offered by invitation another position within the Organization; ???For staff development purposes; ???A staff member is physically incapable of carrying out the duties of his or her current position; ???As part of the redeployment process in a redundancy situation; ???Personality conflicts exist; or ???For any other reason as determined by the Vice-Principal (Human Resources) should circumstances require such action Training & Development

Continuous Investment in training and development is essential for improving the performance. Training and Development is essential in attracting and retaining a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. The objective of training and development is to enable employee to acquire the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes necessary to enable them to improve their performance. Staff training and development should focus on the department’s objectives and goals and staff’s competencies in achieving them. A strategic approach has the following characteristics: ???Commitment to training and developing people; Regular analysis of operational requirements and staff competencies; ???linking training and development to departmental goals and objectives; ???skilled training personnel; ???regular evaluation; ???a continuous learning culture; ???joint responsibility between managers and staff for identifying and meeting training needs; and ???a variety of training and development methods for different circumstances and learning styles. Organizations design training and development (T) solutions to facilitate the delivery of efficient and responsive services. The training programs and consultancy services support departments in implementing their T plans.

The Organizational aims to deliver T activities that are: ? Designed to improve the performance of employees and reinforce the basic principles and core values of the service; ? Integrated with human resources management practices; ?Meeting the changing needs of the service; ?Facilitating a self-learning and continuous improvement culture in the service; and ? Cost-effective. Developmental Planning A Development Plan is important to help your staff learn new skills, knowledge, abilities and behaviors and to continue to remain current in their skills and/or improve their job performance.

The development plan identifies specific activities, not just classroom training programs. While the Objective/Competencies selected for the performance plan are specific to the job, the development plan is an opportunity to focus on the individual. The supervisor and the individual jointly create a development plan based on: ???Development for growth in the current job. ???Future development/career interests. ???Areas for improvement, where the employee is not meeting expectations. Training and development (T) include the following process: ?Liaison with different training center or institute ?Conduct TNA (Training Needs Assessment) Training objective setting ?Training curriculum development ?Training material development ?Training implementation ?Training evaluation Difference between Training & Development: Training means learning the basic skills & knowledge necessary for particular job or group of jobs. But development means growth of the individual in all respects. An organization works for the development of its executives or potential executives in order to enable them to be more effective the performing the various function of management. Training is short-term process by which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge & skills for a definite purpose.

But development is a long-term process by which managerial personnel learn conceptual & theoretical knowledge for general purpose. Industrial Relation By the term, we generally mean relationship between the management & the workmen in an industry. It also stands for employee union-employer-government relationship in employment. Good industrial relations, while a recognizable and legitimate objective for an organization, are difficult to define since a good system of industrial relations involves complex relationships between: a)Workers (and their informal and formal groups, i. e. rade union, organizations and their representatives); b)Employers (and their managers and formal organizations like trade and professional associations); c)The government and legislation and government agencies l and ‘independent’ agencies like the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service. The purposes of industrial relation are as follows: ???To facilitate production & productivity; ???Protect the weak (hence minimum wage); ???Outlaw discrimination (race or sex); ???Determine minimum standards of safety, health, hygiene and even important conditions of service; ???To try to prevent the abuse of power by either party.

Industrial relation include the following functions: ?To formulate industrial relation policy HR Department responsibility is to keep abreast of industrial law (legislation and precedents) and to advise managers about their responsibilities e. g. to observe requirements in respect of employing disabled persons, not to discriminate, not to disclose ‘spent’ convictions of employees, to observe codes of practice etc. in relation to discipline and redundancy, and similarly to determine organizational policies (in conjunction with other managers) relevant to legal and moral requirements . t has to be monitored the observance of agreements and to produce policies that ensures that agreements are followed within the organization ? To assist management for maintaining good & healthy industrial relation within the organization. ?To assist management to settle industrial dispute In case of dispute, to help the Managers to bring about a settlement through mutual discussions & joint consultation. ?Liaison with governmental bodies such as labor directories, factory inspectorate, police station etc Salary & Wages (Compensation) Salary & wages include the following functions: Survey of salary & wages To attract well-qualified employees from the labor market & to sustain them properly in the company, every company must undertake wage surveys from time to time. A wage survey is a statistical picture of what the wages for a particular geographical area, occupation, industry or city were at a given time or at the present time. Such a survey is generally conducted through questionnaire method, personally interviewing or by telephone. Such wage survey serves a number of useful purposes. The information collected will be useful for determining wages.

The information is also useful for recruitment purposes. A company can update its wage rate from other companies for the same jobs & attract good candidates. The wage survey information is also useful for job evaluation purposes. ?Job evaluation .Job evaluation is the process of systematically determining a relative value of jobs in an organisation. In all cases the idea is to evaluate the job, not the person doing it. Purposes of job evaluation To provide definate,systematic & factual data for determining the relative worth of jobs.

To provide a basis for equity in wagw & salary administration with in the company. To furnish data for establishing a wage & salary structure comparable to those of other employees in the same labor market. To enable management to gauge & caotrol its payroll costs more accurately. To serve a basis of negotiation within the union. To provide a framwork for period review of wages & salary. To create sound principles & impartial techniques which enable the supervisory staff to be more nearly objective in their handing of rates. To aid in selecting , placing,promoting,transferring & training employees.

To clearify function,authourity & responsibility which in turn aids in work simplification & elimination of dublicate operations. To reduce grievences & turnover, therby incresing employee moral & improving management ???employee relationship. ?Establish & maintain pay structure ?Establish & maintain incentive, benefits etc. This is a method of sharing the gains by the management & workers from increased productivity. The incentive plans of wage payments motivate workers to create among themselves a sense of belongingness to the organization & they try whole-heatedly to achieve the organization’s goal in producing optimum products. Maintaining of attendance, preparation of monthly or weekly attendance sheet A company has to maintain employees attendance registrar. Attendance registrar contains employee id, name, designation, appear time, departure time. Late attendance badly affects the employee. Attendance sheet control the movement of the employees. Employees Leave Employees may take temporary leave or may permanently leaving the organization. Temporary leave includes casual leave (CL), Sick/Medical leave (ML), Annual leave or Earned leave (EL), compensatory leave (CPL), special leave (SPL), Accidental leave (AccL) etc.

Weekly holiday: Under section 103 A worker engaged with an organization a)One & half day for shop, commercial or industry & one day for mill & factory. b)One day of 24 hours once a week for transport organization & not deduction of wage for that holiday. Casual Leave (CL): Under section 115 Every worker will get the right of 10 days CL for each calendar year with full wage & that leave will not accumulated if not enjoyed & leave of one year could not enjoyed for the next year. But it will not applicable for the worker of tea garden. Sick or Medical Leave (ML): Under section 116 1.

Every worker will get the right 14 days ML with full wage for each calendar year except newspaper worker 2. The worker of newspaper will get the right of ML one eighth of his/her working period with half wage. 3. Such type of leave will not acceptable unless the registered doctor engaged by the owner or in absent any registered doctor will certify that the concerned worker is ill & the time period that written on the application will be required for treatment or fitness 4. Such type of leave will not accumulated & the leave that not enjoyed will not balance for next year.. Festival Holiday or Compensatory Leave (CPL):

Under section 118 1. Every worker will get 11 days festival holiday for every calendar year with full wage. 2. By rule, the owner will determine the holiday & date. 3. It may be told to work on the holiday, but for that he/she will get compensatory leave with 2 days wage & 1 alternative leave. Annual or Earned Leave (EL) with wage: Under section 117 1. Every adult worker who has completed one year continuous work, then for the completing 12 months works he/she will get the following leaves with wage for the next 12 months: a)One day for every 18-day work in the case of shop, commercial or industry or factory or road transportation. )One day for every 22 days work in the case of tea garden. c)One day for every 11 days works in the case of newspaper. 2. Every non adult worker who has completed one year continuous work, then for the completing 12 months works he/she will get the following leaves with wage for the next 12 months: a)One day for every 15-day work in the case of factory. b)One day for every 18 days work in the case of tea garden. c)One day for every 14 days works in the case of shop or commercial or industry. 3. If a holiday falls in during the approved leave under the section, then the holiday will be considered as such annual leave. . It will be accumulated the leaves to the next year if one worker not enjoy the leave fully or partially under sub section (1)& (2) within a year 5. Whatever exists in subsection (a), it will be stoppage of accumulation of the leave when the adult worker’s earner leave (EL): a)becomes 40 days , in the case of factory or road transportation. b)becomes 60 days, in the case of tea garden, shop or commercial or industry. 6. Whatever exists in subsection (a), it will be stoppage of accumulation of the leave when the non adult worker’s earner leave (EL): a)becomes 60 days , in the case of factory or road transportation. )becomes 80 days, in the case of tea garden, shop or commercial or industry. 7. If one worker apply for earned leave (EL) & owner not accept then the non accepted leave will be accumulated with the exceeding balance under sub section (5) & (6). 8. For this section, it will be considered that one worker has finished his/her work continuously though the work has hindered for the following reasons: a)Any holiday b)Any leave with pay c)Any leave with or without pay for illness or accident d)Maternity leave maximum 16 weeks e)Any lay off f)Legal strike or illegal lock out. Leave without pay (LWP)/Extra-ordinary leave:

Though it has no provision about it, an organization may grant such leave without pay to its concerned employee. But such leave is not given if the employee has available leave balance. Employees take leave for the following causes: ?Over/under employee ?Unfit job environment ?Management incapability ?Others ?Refreshment ?Personal/Relative sickness ?Accident (personal/relative) ?Festivals ?Marriage ?Tour ?Death of relatives ?Other family affairs A rational temporary leave may give benefits to both sides(employee & employer). because the organization takes refreshed employee which gives more productivity & loyal employee.

But for over or excess leave, the organization may fall in liability & trouble of maintaining day to day activities The 10 most frequently mentioned issues that employees leave companies permanently are: ???Poor management???uncaring and unprofessional managers; overworking staff; no respect, not listening, putting people in wrong jobs; speed over quality; poor manager selection processes. ???Lack of career growth and advancement opportunities???no perceivable career paths; not posting job openings or filling from within; favoritism or unfair promotions. Poor communications???problems communicating top-down and between departments; after mergers; between facilities. ???Pay???paid under-market or less than contributions warrant; pay inequities; slow raises; favoritism for bonuses/raises; ineffective appraisals. ???Lack of recognition???that says it all. ???Poor senior leadership???not listening, asking, or investing in employees; unresponsiveness and isolation; mixed messages. ???Lack of training???nonexistent or superficial training; nothing for new hires, managers, or to move up. ???Excessive workload???doing more with less; sacrificing quality and customer service for numbers. Lack of tools and resources???insufficient, malfunctioning, outdated, equipment/supplies; overwork without relief. ???Lack of teamwork???poor coworker cooperation/commitment; lack of interdepartmental coordination. If it is seen that these are problems in workplace, actively work to get them corrected through work team initiatives, discussions with manager, or sharing corporate models where things are done right Leave Management Software Leave Management Software helps to calculate & store different leave (CL, ML, CPL, LWP, SPL, AccL ) position calculation, balance on each employee nd comply with corporate policies and contracts. It helps to ensure accuracy with minimal supervision. Its configurable engine calculates complex leave rules and policies based on parameters that organization defines. Leave management software has to the flexibility to facilitate your organization’s most complex leave and benefit policies and transform them into enduring practices. Leave Management Software should enable to: ???Apply accrual policies objectively and consistently across the organization ???Deliver real-time balances to managers and employees Increase accuracy by eliminating error-prone manual calculations and record keeping ???Improve productivity by managing planned and unplanned absences more effectively Health & Safety Under section 89 1. There will be arranged box of first aid tools or an almirah with certain medical tools as though it could be got available in any working time. 2. Number of the boxes or almirah will not less then 1 for 150 workers who engaged to the organization. 3. The first aid box or almirah will be under custody of a person who is experience in first aid medical treatment & he/she will be available to any working time. 4.

There will be hanging a notice with name of the person (doctor) & he/she will bear a identity batch for easily recognized 5. To the organization in which 300 or over workers engaged, there will be a medical room with dispensary & it furnished with certain standard & equipment & by rule the room will be under custody of a certain registered doctor & nursing. Health & safety matters include the following functions: Health: Health checking before placement Periodic health checking of existing employees Providing first aid to the employees & medical treatment facility Maintaining a good & healthy working condition

Maintaining sanitation within the organization Safety: Conducting safety training Providing all sorts of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to the employees for protecting the employees Accident investigation & record keeping Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Personal protective equipment (PPE) means all equipment (including clothing giving protection against the weather), which is worn or held to protect against risks to health or safety. PPE includes the following, when worn for health and safety protection:- (a) Protective clothing (e. g. , aprons, gloves, footwear, helmets, high visibility waistcoats) b) Protective equipment (e. g. , eye protectors, respirators, safety harnesses). Some specific legislation contains details of PPE requirements that must be considered when undertaken an assessment of your needs. Practical Guidance Body Part ProtectedTypes of ProtectionProcesses and Activities (Examples)Selection (Comments) HEAD???Crash/riding helmets ???Safety helmets ???Bump caps ???Other caps (entanglement protection) Construction building work Work near hoists, Tree felling Potential for objects falling from height???Appropriate shell size with adjustable strap ???Compatibility with conditions

EYES???Safety spectacles ???Eye shields ???Goggles ???Welding, ie. filters, etcChemicals Powered tools Welding Gases under pressure???Safety spectacles: light, appropriate style, lateral protection ???Safety goggles: heavier, possible less convenient but more all round cover, more prone to misting FEETS???Safety boots or shoes ???Safety Wellingtons???Construction ???Mechanical or manual handling ???Thermal ???Chemical???Soles ???Slip/chemical resistance ???Heat resistance ???Waterproof? ???Electrical hazards? HANDS/ ARMSProtection against cuts, abrasion, temperature, skin irritation Manual handling (NB. ntanglement danger near machinery) Vibration e. g. chainsaws???Degree of protection required against:- ???penetration/abrasion ???thermal conditions ???fire ???chemicals ???general use BODY???Overalls, aprons, etc. ???Thermal outfits ???Physical (eg. machinery) ???Visibility ???Life jackets???Construction/outdoor work ???Cold stores ???Food processing ???Welding ???Agricultural eg. chain

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Marketing Plan of 'Bashundhara Tissue Industries Ltd' (Btil) Assignment. (2020, May 14). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from