Marketing Mazda Case Assignment

Marketing Mazda Case Assignment Words: 256

But MAZDA advertisement focused more on the performance of the car and made a “mature” image, spent more budgets in advertisement on the magazines, even cooperated with ESP. to appeal to sport fans (the target audience). The Mazda used some direct marketing like sending malls and CD-ROOM to the client. Also set the website for the model to attract more people, especially the Protege. Mazda gave a major push to the Protog on the Internet Including several fun actively and games, this Internet marketing made a huge success.

The slogan and advertisements gave the audience a impression of the sporty, fun-to-drive Mazda. The MIMIC program of Mazda gave the company a second birth. 2. Evaluate Mamma’s decision to drop the “Get In. Be moved” tagging for the Protog and adopt the “Zoom-zoom” theme for is advertising. “Get In. Be Moved” was a powerful slogan for Mazda developed by Done, it created a brand promise to nonusers that when you get in a Mazda car, the car can get you moved.

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It was a success since it can stand for all the models of Mazda. But the question is this tagging could not demonstrate the spirit and the distinguishing feature of Mazda. Instead, the “Zoom-zoom” phrase created an environment of senses for the audience. The “Zoom-zoom” sound stand for the sound of the engine and wake the Inner child of the target audience. This new phrase not only perfectly describe the sporty theme of Mazda, but also more appeal…

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Marketing Mazda Case Assignment. (2018, Oct 19). Retrieved December 19, 2024, from