Marketing communication Assignment

Marketing communication Assignment Words: 571

Brew-Master needs to make sure that they use proper infrastructure with basic technology and tools so that the audience are able to use it easily and to its full potential. These sites with links to other sites are known as Cybercaf??s. A vertical cybercaf?? will be used, which means that one site will have different brands of the same thing. When one looks on the internet for different alcohol, Brew-Masters website can be a link to click on. This will benefit the organization as it saves time and money for the organization and no traveling is needed.

People are able to visit the site, order the whiskey and there are no complications. Another application that can be used is online market research. This is where the consumers opinion matters. The organization needs to set up a customer profile on their website where nonusers are able to give feedback about the product or their services to Brew- Master. Brew-Master can use this opportunity to better any negative problems received from the public and build relationships with loyal customers.

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Customer service and support line could be used to encourage two way communication with the consumers. Consumers are able to get the help they need instead of Just giving up on Brew-Masters website. The organization needs to keep in mind that they therefore must respond. Consumer’s will not stick around with the product if they do not receive the help they need. Quick replies are essential. Another tool that can be used is email marketing. Brew-Masters website should create an option where consumers can have the option whether to be on a mailing list or not.

That way, Brew-Master can send information on new stock as well as promotions that will happen in the future to their consumer’s. In order for this to be successful, no spam should be sent out. Brew-Master must make it an option on their site for people to decide whether or not they want to be on the mailing list. The last application that Brew-Master could make use of is known as SMS marketing. This is a more personal way of contacting their consumers as it is fast and sent to each individual at a time.

It is important to therefore have an option on the website where potential clients can send their cell phone numbers if they want to. There are many disadvantages that Brew-Master can struggle with when dealing with online marketing. Many people are not necessarily able to gain access to the internet all the time. This creates a limit on the potential consumers that Brew-Master can obtain compared to traditional marketing techniques. Another problem that could occur is that many people prefer o have personal communication with the provider and have the product in front of them before purchasing it.

This could lead to a decrease in sales online. Brew-Master can integrate online marketing by pushing their consumers to using online methods. The organization can do this by doing TV commercials telling the public about the corporate web page. If TV advertisements do not fall in the budget, then advertisements in publications can be used where the new bottle, Readably, could be advertised with a quick phrase that will grab the consumer’s attention, have check our online site for more details” printed on the advertisement too.

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Marketing communication Assignment. (2018, Aug 28). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from