Marketing and Small Relative Market Assignment

Marketing and Small Relative Market Assignment Words: 667

For the Normal market, the company should maintain or increase its investment, as it represents a big slice of their sales (18,44%), and, if they disinvest, there could be a decrease in sales of this category, thus perhaps losing their position as the second biggest in the market (31 On the other hand, since the market is decreasing for this category, there would be an amplification of the decrease that is happening to L’Orealal. With a raise in investment, there could be an Increase In sales, stealing market from their main competitors and coming the market leader, which would make this market a Cash-cow.

This is, assuming that P wouldn’t respond with a more aggressive strategy, which could make investments Irrelevant and even lead to a decrease of sales. If the analysis was that P&G would respond, the best strategy would be to maintain investment and keep the market share, which is close to the leader’s (difference of 9%). For Antiaircraft, there should be a maintenance of Investment, as, even though It represents a relatively high percentage of the company’s sales (9,37%), it has a small relative racket share (1 5% compared to 57% of the leader), making its position a very fragile one. Undeserving of a great Investment.

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For Greasy, L’Orealal should proceed to disinvest, since it possesses a small relative market share and it also represents only 2,86% of the company’s sales, being in a market that is decreasing in size. The company would then proceed to reducing Its costs with advertisement and for this category, since it would not bring enough revenues to cover costs and make the company competitive. Secondly, there is a group of categories in L’Orealall’s Hair Care portfolio that are In the Problem Child quadrant, which have a small relative market share, but are in a market which has above average growth rates.

The categories included in this group are as follows: Kids and Color. Problem Child normally are called cash users, as high growth rates require higher Investments, but are not able to generate substantial cash to cover these. Kids is a category where there is a great dominion of the leading company Monsoons and L’Orealall’s product is the second cost sold product. The difference between them Is still quite large (16%) and the market is growing at a good rate, with 10% growth in the period analyzed.

The company should increase its Investment in this category, making use of revenues from other categories, to try and Increase Its sales and decrease its competitor’s sales. The company must take advantage of the market growth and be able to make as much of a market share as possible, while there is still “free space” on which to grow As of Sleek, we may see that It Is one of the categories which has the greatest Roth rate (9%), and in which L’Orealal has a strong position, though it is divided in two products (Live and Fruits), while competing with P&G’s Pentane.

This means toy 2 in order to be able to create a stronger perceived image for customers. Thirdly, there is a group of categories that are Stars in the BCC matrix. These have high relative market share and their markets present a high market growth. Products in this quadrant are usually cash neutral, being able to provide enough cash to cover their expenses in investment, due to being leaders in their markets. The categories that L’Orealal has in this category are: Color; Dry & Break; Shine; and Sun.

Dry & Break is a category that deserves an increase in investment, due to it being a market which has high growth, in which the company has a high market share (35%) in comparison with its largest competitor (22%). This investment should be made so that the company is able to maintain its superiority in this category, or even increase it, so that when this racket matures, the company has a cash generator (Cash-cow).

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Marketing and Small Relative Market Assignment. (2020, Feb 01). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from