Homosexuality: Choice or genetic? Assignment

Homosexuality: Choice or genetic? Assignment Words: 831

Homosexuality has become an important issue in our community creating much controversy. The liberal citizens of our country congratulate those who have made the hard decision to “come out. ” The decision to be openly homosexual Is hard for some because of the rare acceptance that they receive. Society has made It so hard for homosexuals to be accepted, given the delectation and hate crimes against them. The rights that have been taken from homosexuals, such as marriage, have led to a quest for knowledge on the question of whether homosexuality is biological or imply a choice.

Researchers and scientists have been working diligently to find the answer to this question. If homosexuality is proven to be biological, many doors could open for the homosexual community. The government and other institutions would not be allowed to discriminate on many issues because the fact that someone is homosexual is not his/her fault. Through my study of current research I believe that homosexuality is biological in origin and is not the decision of the individual. Physical genetic traits are one reason I believe Homosexuality is biological in origin.

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Homosexuality Is linked to the genetically determined finger length ratio. In people with homosexual preference, there is a tendency for the ratio to be lower than In heterosexuals of the same sex. Marc Broadleaved, currently the Barnett Rosenberg professor of neuroscience at Michigan State, found no difference between the straight and gay men’s finger-ratios until he separated the men by birth order. Then his team found that gay males who had two or more older brothers had slightly lower ratios than those with no older (Sigmund).

The probability that a man has nonsexual preference increases with the number of older brothers he has. Each older brother increases the odds by 1/3 – 1/2 (Pease and Bull). This effect focuses on the mother progressively building antibodies against an unknown male protein, more so with each son. By this criterion, homosexuality is associated with oversimplification (Pease and Bull). Furthermore, Dennis McFadden, Isabel Smith Professor Emeritus In Psychology at the University of Texas, Austin, found that gay males have slightly deferent OWE frequencies (sounds that our Inner ears make In espouse to stimuli) from heterosexual men.

The direction of the difference supports an oversimplification of gay men. The differences found in genetically determined physical traits supports my belief that homosexuality is more than a choice. Simon Levee’s work on the anterior hypothalamus is the most widely discussed and debated research in the area of sexual orientation and neuroscience. He discovered a physiological difference between the brains of heterosexual and homosexual men. Leave examined post-mortem tissue from forty-one subjects, and his research found correlation between brain structure and sexual orientation (Ran).

Leave found a significant difference in the size of the part of the hypothalamus in heterosexual men and homosexual men. This region was two to three times larger in heterosexual men than In gay men (Ran). Such a deference could hardly be due to individual choice. Homosexuality has not only been studied In human beings, but In animals also. There have been animals In the wild that have been found mating with the same sex of their species. Male gorillas court and couple with each other, grizzly bear families eared hedgehogs have oral sex (Baseball).

These animals are in nature forming these relationships with other animals of same sex and are not forced to make these bonds through unnatural human interference . The species include primates, marine mammals, hoofed mammals, carnivores, marsupials, rodents and insectivores, waterfowl and other aquatic birds, wading birds, shore birds, perching birds, Songbirds, and other birds, on every continent and ocean (Baseball). The 400 plus species that are found to be homosexual are not making the choice to do so; they are operating from natural instincts .

These species were born a certain way that attracted them to the same-sex. Animals that are homosexual are presented with enough mates of opposite sex; however, they choose to mate with the same sex. Psychiatrist Judd Marmot states in her book Homosexual Behavior: A Modern Reappraisal that homosexuality is far from being “unnatural” in the statistical sense. It occurs in all higher species, even when members of the opposite sex are present and presumably available for mating (Marmot).

Homosexuality is a topic of concern or many, and individuals have taken actions for and against it. The basis of homosexuality origins is a subject for the world of science. Is homosexuality biological or is it by choice? Researchers such as Leave have diligently worked in this field to come up with an answer: Homosexuality is biological and through valid scientific research, this assertion is proven. Once citizens of this country accept the scientific conclusions for the origin of homosexuality, I feel we, as a society, will be able to grow in a positive direction of unity.

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Homosexuality: Choice or genetic? Assignment. (2018, Sep 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/art/homosexuality-choice-or-genetic-assignment-45036/