Drama Assignment

Drama Assignment Words: 3914

Research Report To find out what the best solutions will be for Westwood Hockey Club’s systems, in a group we investigated the requirements for each type of system and we documented these sources of information. A system to store and process club members’ records For this research I found a spreadsheet for Beamer Bridge United Junior Football Club’s member records from Ross the manager. This is how the club keep track of all their members and their details. It has columns for Name (for which the surnames have been deleted for privacy), Phone Number, Email Address, Address and

Comments. It is useful that it stores information such as Phone Numbers and Email Addresses because then the club will have ways of contacting parents if there is a need to. The Comments column is also very handy as it includes things that may affect the children health wise (e. G. Asthma) and arrangements made in regards to their safety. It is set out in a simple organized way which is easy to read but it lacks some information that could be helpful. For example the Age of the children could be added; which team they belong to (e. . Under ass); Parents’ Names and when they tend club meetings if there is different days to go. This would make the club more organized and it would make it easier for them to run. Although for the most part the spreadsheet serves its purpose, the information could be better stored in a database as databases have certain features that are valuable for storing this information that spreadsheets don’t have (e. G. An ID Key automatically assigned to each member which would be beneficial for sorting it).

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Person M interviewed Ross the manager for BLUFF about the spreadsheet he created that is shown above which he kindly gave me a copy of. The interview shows what Ross, who has to use the spreadsheet, thinks about it and also why he decided to store it that way. This source gives greater insight into the spreadsheet. Ross finds that the spreadsheet is useful for what the club needs it for but that it could be improved by having a way to search for particular members. Searching for particular members can be solved by using the query function that databases have. This allows the data in the database to be sorted.

This source is informative for us because it shows us how useful it is to an actual working club and allows us to evaluate its effectiveness. The spreadsheet is effective for BUFFS but there is ways of making it better which can be solved by using database software. Person A has found the database for Turning Point Theatre Arts which shows the records of the members they have. It is very neatly organized and easily displays records. It has columns for automatically assigned ID, Names, Gender (which may have restrictions on which classes they can attend), DOBB, Address (including Town and Postcode), Phone numbers and Guardian.

This gives us ideas on what data needs to be inputted into Westwood solution. It includes lots of useful information such s the Guardian column which is important as the person in charge will know parents’ names and be able to properly address them and it will make it easier to send out letters as they can be sent to the guardian rather than the child. The Emergency Contact column is helpful as guardians’ contact details at different times may differ from their home phone. The ID key is convenient for finding specific members in the database.

Currently, Turning Point Theatre Arts do not have any queries to find members with certain details but this would be advantageous to the company as the members that fit a certain criterion (e. . The town that they live in) would be grouped together under that particular query in an easy to find location Oust to the left of the database). With the addition of queries, a database such as this one would serve the purpose for Westwood Hockey Club’s member records system. My solution for Westwood is that they have a database (made using Microsoft Access) to store and process member records.

It will effectively store all information that the club needs to keep a record of and it will be simple to find specific members due to the ID key column. The members can be processed using the query function the footwear includes which can be easy to set up and then it will be straightforward for searching for specific members. Databases are effective as you can validate the information (e. G. Validation can be used so that in the gender field only male or female can be entered). The information in the fields can easily be changed if needed to be.

This is the best way of storing records. A system to manage the subs and finances of the club and to model the level of subs to maintain the club For this research I found step-by-step instructions from a website for which the link is below. This would help people who need to make a spreadsheet about what they spend (maybe for a club) who don’t know how to do this. It helps us to understand that a spreadsheet is the best way to manage finance. This is useful for us to get ideas on how to layout our spreadsheet as it suggests an easy and convenient way.

It also shows information we may want to include such as a monthly income row which would help the club to see if they are spending more than they are earning. It helps to explain some of the terminology associated with creating a spreadsheet to track finance. It talks about important security issues such as naming the spreadsheet with a name you will not forget and saving it in an easy to locate place. This source is useful for learning how to create a simple spreadsheet but there are many more functions such as drop down boxes which would make the spreadsheet more efficient and stop the need to input everything manually as the source says.

I can use this source to help me set out the spreadsheet for Westwood Hockey Club. Http://budgeting. Thinnest. Com/create-monthly-budget-spreadsheet-4317. HTML Person M found a spreadsheet on the internet for a school’s athletic budget. This shows us a working solution for financing what a school spends on sport. It is an interesting and an appealing to look at spreadsheet. It displays the relevant information in a convenient and inventive way. It uses Potables to display the Expenses and Revenue, Budgeted, Actual and the difference between the Budgeted and actual columns.

It allows them to see where they have over spent and where they saved money. The graphs are a different way of showing the information in the tables which makes it easy to compare the data. I could use color to make it more appealing and to make certain things stand out. This source is useful as it demonstrates the use of more advanced features that Microsoft Excel offer. Person A found this spreadsheet from somebody at Turning Point Theatre Arts. What it shows is a similar to a receipt for what classes a family has taken. I could use color to make it more appealing and to make certain things stand out.

This source is useful as it demonstrates the use of more advanced features that Microsoft Excel offers. Person A found this spreadsheet from someone at Turning Point Theatre Arts. What it shows is similar too receipt for what classes a family has taken. It shows which classes have been taken and how much they cost per week, then it shows how many weeks they have done it for and what the total for that class is. Afterwards it shows any discounts they may have received and any additional costs. All of these have been added up to give the total at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

This might be handy for managing the subs that have to be collected to maintain the club. It would be useful especially if amounts couldn’t be paid every week and then Joe could keep a track on how much they owe the club. Although it is useful for the layout and information that has been entered, it only uses basic features such as ??SUM (which adds multiple things together) where more complex ones such as VILLOUS could have been used. My solution for Westwood is that they have a spreadsheet (made using Microsoft Excel) to manage the subs and finances of the club.

I will format it so it is easy to read and understand. It could include graphs so that it is more visually appealing. It could use a receipt like layout to manage the subs. For the main financing there could be a column to show the difference between what they budgeted and what they actually pent so Joe knows what areas the club can spend more on and where they need to cut back. I could use drop down boxes to select the correct piece of information where relevant, to save time on manually imputing information.

A system to show the performance of other teams in the league For this research I found the Barclay Premier League Table from the BBC Sport website. It shows all the football teams in the league and how many matches they have played (P), how many they have won (W), how many they have drawn (D), how many they have lost (L), how many goals scored for them (F), how many goals scored against them (A), goal preference (GO) and how many points they have (Pets). When winning 3 points are scored, drawing 1 and losing no points are scored. This is informative as it shows a layout for a real league table and the information that needs to go in it.

Formulas on Microsoft Excel can calculate the points for each team from the information entered into W, D and L columns. Although the goals for and against don’t contribute towards the amount of points each team has, they are useful as they give insight into how good each team is at scoring and saving goals, which a team may want to know about money they have to play in the future. Http://www. BBC. Co. UK/sport/football/tables Person M found a list of fixtures for different I-J hockey leagues from the internet. This shows when different teams are playing and who they are playing.

This doesn’t tell us how the teams are performing so this source is not that beneficial to help create a solution for the club. It could be useful for Joe to have a list on when each team are playing though as it may help her to use it in conjunction with the league table to assess how Westwood are likely to perform against them, though this is not ally necessary. Person M also asked BUFFS about how their club keeps track on the performance of other teams in the league. It shows that this person uses a spreadsheet and thinks that this is an effective way of storing the information.

According to BUFFS, storing league table information on a computer is better than on paper because the points calculations are more accurate and you are less likely to lose the data. As BUFFS said, it would be worthwhile to use color to make certain bits stand out. Excel) to track the performance of other teams in the league. This will be done by aerating a league table, which will also show the performance of Westwood, which shows how many matches each team have won, drawn and lost and how many points they have overall.

Color can be used to make certain bits of the league table stand out and could maybe be used to highlight the team that Westwood next have to play. I can use a filter so that the team with the most points is at the top of the table and the rest following in descending order. A system to send letters to every club member For this research I found a case study about a school in Leisure, Northern Ireland here they have used a system called Parental to send emails to all parents the letters concern. This allows organizations to send out emails to multiple people on the same topic.

It shows how the use have Parental has improved the school’s efficiency and communication with parents and also how popular it has been. This would be a useful form of communication for Westwood hockey club as it would allow them to send out bulk emails to all the club members. This would require registering and may require a payment from Westwood for them to use the system. It would also deed them to re-input member details into another system. Mail merge can be used with the database created to store the member records to put details onto copies of the letter that needs sending.

This would be a more useful method for Westwood to send out information as it would use the data already entered into the database. Design Stage Target Audience In order to do this task successfully, each of the four systems need to meet the target audience’s criteria, which in this case is Joe. This means that all the systems will need to fit JDK criteria so she is happy with them and what they include. What does each system need to do? – System 1 – A system to store and process club member’s records. It’s important because Joe can easily access what she needs to know about a particular individual member.

She can also store their contact details, so it also a health and safety element, so she can easily contact their families if there is an issue or problem whilst a member is playing at the hockey club. Joe used to write it all in a book, it isn’t efficient because the book will get messy due to mistakes and also it would have been a bit annoying to have to carry around a big book. This exact system would have o be able to search for the members so Joe doesn’t have to sit scrolling for ages until she reaches the correct member she is looking for.

Overall the system Just needs to be able to store every piece of data which Joe has stored in her book; it must be able to find an exact person on a search piece also so it is easier, since Joe has never used a database before. System 2 – A system to manage the subs and finances of the club and to model the level of subs to maintain the club. For this system Joe would need to record the exact budget Westwood Hockey Club started with at the beginning of a new term/season/ ear and it will have to be able to add and subtract costs that Joe or a member of staff have spent or gained.

It would also have to be able to record every time they get a sponsorship off brands or local alliances, and it would need to be able to monitor the amount that the members or Westwood hockey club pay each term/season/year. It must also have to work out how much money they would need to get back to budget if they happened to go under. System 3 – A system to show the performance of other teams in the league. This system needs to have a fixture sheet so it can show the upcoming fixtures so Joe is Lully aware when an extra practice is needed for upcoming matches.

I think it is important for the team so Joe can clearly see who they need to ‘beat’ and the current ranking of the clubs, it is very informative I would say and a key to success. The league table needs to be aware of the other teams in the league as it is important that Joe or the other members of staff can see who they need to ‘beat’ and the ranking of those clubs, it would be very informative and help Joe a lot. The spreadsheet needs to store the club names and also the points they achieve, it must also show who is errantly at the top of the league.

It must have all the titles at the top so Joe can see the number of games played, won, drew, lost, scored by, scored against and goal difference of each club in the league. It also much work out the sums at the end for the total number of points, so Joe or another member of staff does not have to use a calculator and possibly make errors. System 4 – A system to send letters to every club member. This system needs to include a title, first name, last name, address line, postcode, town, county and country.

Mail merge will be used for sending newsletters, for publicizing events such as school concerts and closure reminders, and from other previous uses from other companies it has already made significant savings when compared to paper-based communication. The text/email systems would enable immediate communication at short notice. As a web based service, Joe would be able to log in remotely to contact parents easily even when away on school trips, and sports fixtures could be cancelled direct from android/phone making the system very convenient.

There is no other way to notify parents any quicker. User requirements – System 1 – A system to store and process club member’s records. This system must have a level of password protection included, this would not only help the safety of any documents she will have stored in the database, but it will also help so nobody except Joe and her co-workers have access to the database. It must include a query for medical situations. It must include a query for contact information. Level of subs to maintain the club.

This system must have a level of password protection included, this would not only help the safety of any documents she will have stored in the spreadsheet, but it will also help so nobody except Joe and her co- errors have access to the database. System 3- A system to show the performance of other teams in the league. This system must have a level of password protection included, this would not only help the safety of any documents she will have stored in the spreadsheet, but it will also help so nobody except Joe and her co-workers have access to the database.

Hardware and software – System 1 – A system to store and process club member’s records. I am going to be using Microsoft Office Access 2010 as this is what I have used throughout my time at school and I think it is the simplest system to use. Joe will need a Computer which includes a keyboard, mouse and monitor. Level of subs to maintain the club. I am going to be using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 as this is what I have used throughout my time at school and I think it is the simplest system to use.

Joe will need a Computer which includes a keyboard, mouse and monitor. System 3 – A system to show the performance of other teams in the league. I am going to be using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 as this is what I have used throughout my time at school and I think it is the simplest system to use. Joe will need a Computer which includes a keyboard, mouse and monitor and a printer as then she can print out the league tables every so often to show the rest of the team their progress and what they need to achieve by the end of the season.

To complete this task I am going to use Microsoft Excel 2010 and Microsoft Office Word 2010 as this is what I have used throughout school. Success criteria – System 1 – A system to store and process club member’s records. To be classed as successful this system must: Hold records which contain fields like name, age, DOBB, contact information and any medical situations. Process each record at a time, it must be able to find any members record easily and quickly, it must also be able to update easily when any new information is sent in by a hockey member.

Look up a specific member of the club or a specific age range. Each query should be presented in a report which can be printed. Be clear and able for anybody to read. Look professional. Be able to save and open for any further use. Level of subs to maintain the club. To be classed as successful this system must: Record the exact budget Westwood Hockey Club started with at the beginning of a ewe season, it must be able to add and subtract money in which Joe or any other member of staff have spent or received.

Record every time they get a sponsorship off brands or local alliances, and it must be able to monitor the amount that the members or Westwood hockey club pay each season. Be clear and able for anybody to read. Make accurate graphs and charts based on the information received from Joe. System 3 – A system to show the performance of other teams in the league. To be classed as successful this system must: Include a fixture sheet, it must be aware of the other teams in the league and their regress as well as their own, it must store each and every club name and how many points they gain or lose.

Show who is at the top each week with the titles “played, won, drawn, lost, scored by, scored against and goal difference. ” Be in order so that the team with the most points is at the top of the league table and the team with the least points is on the bottom. Add up the total number of points after each entry. Be clear and able for anybody to read. Make accurate graphs and charts based on the information received from Joe. Be able o save and open for any further use.

To be classed as successful this system must: Timescales – Database Input Processing Output Member details into member form Validation applied to reject data not acceptable Data is saved into member table Image of hockey sticks Edit image by cropping and reconciling Image saved as Jeep and inserted on member form and menu Firsthand into query to search this member Database searches for this member in the member table Query results displayed in member details report Click a delete button Member in deleted Member table with member deleted

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