Advertising Assignment

Advertising Assignment Words: 1805

Survey was adopted as research methodology with questionnaire as a data collection instrument, two local spot joints were randomly selected from ANNUAL. The eye spot and the everybody Joint while 120 respondents were chosen. The analysis of data gathered showed that majority of the respondents have the view that alcohol advertisement contribute highly towards formation of social views on the youths and that these advertisements should be banned. However, It was found that most of those respondents are non-alcoholic drinkers.

As a result of the finding, the research should be conducted by using comparative tidies of alcoholic and non-alcoholic advertisements to embark on responsibility activities. This will enable the larger youths to know more about their positive contribution to the youths. Conclusively, the project work could still be useful for further studies by whoever wishes to develop him/herself more on the topic. Advertising Is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services.

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Most commonly, the desired result Is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a immemorial offering, although political and Ideological advertising Is also common. Traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media commercial, radio such as websites and text messages. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through “Branding,” which involves the repetition of an image or product name in an effort to associate certain qualities with the brand in the minds of consumers.

Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items there than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Nonprofit organizations may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as a public service announcement (AS). Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 2010, spending on advertising was estimated at more than $300 billion in the United States and $500 billion worldwide.

Internationally, the largest (“big four”) advertising conglomerates Some of the most universally cited and accepted definitions of advertising include the following. Advertising is defined as: The non-personal communication of information usually paid for & usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods & services) or ideas by identified sponsor through various media. (Earners 1996) Any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea from an identified sponsor. Belch & Belch 1998) Paid, non-personal communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade influence an audience. (Wells, Burnett, & Mortality 1998) The element of the marketing communication mix that is non personal paid for an identified sponsor, & assassinated through channels of mass communication to promote the adoption of goods, services, person or ideas.

Use the “DACCA” formula: Get their Attention Give them a reason to be Interested in what you have Make them Desire what you’re offering Prove your Credibility Compel them to take Action. Some people recommend Just the “AID” formula, but I’m convinced the “Credibility” factor is so important it cannot be ignored. Many ads Just say “Here we are” without promising the reader any benefits. They say “Established over 10 years”. Does that mean they’re any good? Do they have any satisfied customers? Have they got what you want?

Here are my top five advertising rules: RULE NUMBER ONE: If your advertising isn’t working then either STOP IT or CHANGE IT! People sometimes run adverts because they feel they have to, whether it’s profitable or not. Maybe they’ve always done it, or it’s what their competitors have always done. You may need to be somewhat brutal in killing off some of your warmongering’s ads. RULE NUMBER TWO: The only purpose of an advert should be to persuade the reader that you have what they want and to ask them to contact you – NOW.

Large corporations can afford “awareness” or “brand” advertising. We can’t. If it doesn’t pass the ‘so what’ test, get rid of it. Look at every part of your ad. If any element could be challenged with “so what? ” then it’s not compelling enough. Not explicit enough. Not worth keeping. Change or remove it. Apply the same rules to all your advertising in the following media: Directories Newspapers Magazines Magazine inserts (loose or stitched-in) Door-to-door leaflets Copycatting can be fun.

It’s not Just the preserve of the advertising agency. You can write your own compelling ads. Remember the four key elements: HEADLINE. Draw them in with the biggest benefit you can find. What will the reader gain from your product or service? State it as a “you” message, not a “me” or “we” message. Remember your USPS (Unique Selling Proposition). This should appear in the ad somewhere. It may be appropriate for the headline. BENEFITS. Keep your sentences short and punchy. Spell out what the reader can gain by using your product or service.

Don’t dwell on the product features unless they are vital in your line of business. PROOF. Tell them what you’ve achieved, not how long you’ve been around. If you can’t offer proof, offer a risk-free trial instead. Ideally, do both! ACTION. Make it easy for them to respond. Call the Persephone number. Send the coupon to a Freeport address, no stamps required. RULE NUMBER THREE: Advertise on a right hand page. In newspapers or magazines your eyes favor the right hand page as you browse.

A right hand page potentially gets twice as much “eyeball” as a left hand page, many of which aren’t scanned at all! This can make the difference between a profitable campaign and an unprofitable one. Never, never, never (and I repeat, never) pay the “rate card” price for advertising. Publications will ALWAYS negotiate. Again, if they can’t accommodate YOUR rate this week/month they will always let you know when they do have space available at that rate. Demanding an acceptable rate can make a HUGE difference to the profitability of your advertisements.

You can often negotiate a 50% discount (or more) on the standard It’s also worth knowing that an advertising agency would take 10-15% of the standard rice. Therefore your starting price should be 85-90% of the standard rate if you’re booking direct, rather than through an agency. The closer to publication deadline, the better deal you’re likely to get. This can yield fantastic discounts, but may also have the risk that there is no space available. RULE NUMBER FIVE: Don’t follow the herd! Just because your competitors advertise, don’t assume they’re making a profit.

BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Most manufacturers believe that advertising as an element of marketing is required to achieve marketing objectives and goals Dada Susan (1986:18). Advertising receives is one of the communication elements in the marketing mix, the others are publicity, personal selling and public relations. In general, these are two ways of delivering sales information, through the support of scale force on advertising. Most consumer goods manufacturers rely on advertising to PULL the customers for their product through the distribution outlets.

Advertising is thus used to build demand Homo Drama (2002). The ultimate goal of any consumer goods manufacturer can be achieved through the positive effect of advertising. In view of this, manufacturers all over Nigeria are always concerned with the effectiveness of advertisement campaigns. Harnessing every means of doing this becomes the order of the day in the manufacturing circle. On the part of the advertising agency, the effectiveness or the influence of advertising on consumer goods determines the standard position or creativity capability of the agency.

These contending positions additionally make the task of using advertising as a tool to increase sales volume as a motivational concept not the least easy. Generally, the issue of advertising as an effective marketing tool had been subject of serious scrutiny over the years with experts as well as other stakeholders striving assiduously to determine the importance or otherwise of advertising to marketing. In this respect, two main views have appeared on the issue with one which is less popular advocates that advertising is not really important in marketing.

One of the key proponents of advertising is the respected economist, John Maynard key-ones who stated thus: “There is a need to consciously develop marketing and advertising techniques to create required demand and expand the market. The contribution of advertising is ITIL to sales” In the same view, Cornelius ATA (1984:26) said “the diversity of taste to be catered for, the numerous alternative choices of goods and services that are available; competing for the scarce resources of the customer, and the rapidly changing nature and content of these goods and services, thanks to technology, that have made advertising a necessity.

From the foregoing, it cold be rightly said that the importance and usefulness of alcohol cannot be overemphasized, on the other hand, people like the renowned economist, John Kenneth Gibraltar, in an undisguised dislike and to get money from it. Advertising tempts people to squander money on things they don’t need. Advertising is a profound subversive force. It is both intellectual and moral pollution. It trivialize and manipulates, it is insincere and vulgarize” There is no doubt about the fact that this view and other like it would have adverse effect on the degree of attention devoted to advertising by various business concerns.

Therefore, this study seeks to find out the effect of advertising on purchase of consumer goods in the Nigerian economy. In advertising, there has been a controversy over the effective measurement of advertising on a product because of other variables that contribute to the purchase of goods by consumers. Such variables include interpersonal communication, publicity etc. Therefore, this study is an attempt to examine the role of advertising in marketing and stimulating demand for alcoholic beverages such as Gulden.

It also seeks to find out the factors that influence the purchase of beer and the role that advertising plays as a communication tool in creating awareness in the consumer’s market. Accordingly, specific and clearly stated research questions will be investigated. The research work is embarked upon by the researcher with the aim of bringing to the fore, some techniques or strategies that could be used to bring a positive effect of advertising on purchase of beer.

The work is targeted at pointing out the various considerations that should form the basis of effect of advertising on purchase of beer. The work is also intended to bring out through empirical comparison, improvement that could be achieved through the effect of advertising on beer complete with its essential ingredients.

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Advertising Assignment. (2020, Aug 22). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from