Students Who Come from Broken Family Assignment

Students Who Come from Broken Family Assignment Words: 2125

The behavior of children can also affect by the relationship of their family. The children who come from broken family will have different behavior on their social well-being. The parents have a special role in the behavior of their children. Some of the CAB students in New Era University come from broken family. Many of them feel sad. Sometimes they can’t explain to their self or to others why they feel that way. When they saw a happy family they feel depressed moods seems to arise from within. They depression feels unpleasant, inconvenient, and unacceptable.

In United States of America, most of them also are students who come from broken family with a single parent. Because the marriage there is allowed to divorce or be separate. This research helps the reader to understand the role of good relationship of parents on the behavior of their children. Broken Family can affect the behavior of their children. But the students who come from broken family have different behavior and different principle in life. It also show us the different ways of the respondents on how they overcome their situation.

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How do their situation affect their life? 4. How do the respondents deal with others? ASSUMPTION The proponent posted the following assumptions: 1. All data gathered are valid and reliable. 2. Each respondent have different family backgrounds. 3. Each respondent have their own behavior in dealing with others. Have different behavior. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 4. They The research is significant to help the students who come from Broken Family, to accept and acknowledge that not all of them has the same behavior and principles in life.

The research will help the respondents to overcome their problems and situation. The purpose of this research is to find out the common behavior of children who come from broken family. It will help the respondents to deal their social well-being. For the CAB students to realize that not all of us come from happy family who can support them financially and morally. For the teachers to motivate their students to study hard and show them the moral support that they need from you. For the guidance counselor to know the feeling of students who come from Broken Family.

To give them the best advice. For the future researcher who find that these is a need to replicate the study. SCOPE AND DELIMITATION This study dealt only with the students’ behavior who come from Broken Family or with single parent. It is limited to the common behavior of CAB dents in New Era University enrolled on the second semester of the School Year 2011-2012. Common social behavior is delimited to the effect of having a broken family. Serious Psychological test to proponents will not be a part of the study.

DEFINITION OF TERMS For further understanding, the following terms are defined: Behavior is the way on how a person acts on several things and situation. Broken Family is separation of one family. Consider is how a person think or accept the situation. Deal is how a person will handle things or situation. Depression is a feeling of sadness. Overcome is the way on how the person face the situation. Prevent is the way to stop or to hinder something. Proponents are the person who conduct the research. Unpleasant is something which is not a good feeling.

Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter reveals some basic facts and information’s and related studies considering behavior of individuals with relation to broken family or single parent. LITERATURE Literature contributes to the better understanding of the topic under investigation researcher. These are ideas, opinion contained in urinals, books, magazines or any publications on the subject. Local. Gamma (2002) stated that love of parents is essential for a child healthy development. Children cannot live without love.

In a book by Castro, she revealed that the body turmoil in the adolescent is both profound and unexpected, this is also concerned chiefly with working satisfactory relationship with peers and with gaining control over the immediate environment and over self, this is perfectly normal and necessary step in the gradual emancipation of a child from the emotionality’s that bind him to his home. Castro, 1993) In some instance, and individual remains in the stages of development and becomes permanently attached to other members of the same sex.

These are due to the following reasons: (a) Absence of the same sex role models in the family. (b) Traumatic experience, (c) Reinforcing behavior (Castro, 1993). The absence of father presents no male image for the son. Brothers also play a vital role on the development of a child (Mended, 1984) the amount of time she spends with the children is not important, but the kind of the relationship between them Cruz, even said, that the mixture of sys and girls will be determined in part by the relationship of each child to their father or mother, each parents attitudes towards him. Cruz, 1984) Foreign. According to F. Rice, from the book The Adolescent, the common assumption has been that boys raise by their mothers and who therefore lack on effective father figure are more likely to score lower on measures of masculinity, to have masculine self-concepts and sex roles orientations, and to be more dependent less aggressive, and competent, in peer relationship than those whose fathers are present (Rice, 1983). The younger the boy is hen he is separated from his father and the longer of the separation the more the boy will be affected in his early years.

The older a boy gets, however the early effects of father absence decreases. Rice pointed out that the absence depends particularly on whether boys have male surrogate models. Father – absent boys with a father substitute such as an older male sibling are less affected than those without a father substitute. Young father – absent male children such the attention of older males and are strongly motivated to imitate and please potential father figure. The effect of ether absence on daughters Seems to be just the opposite.

Daughters are affected less when growing but more during adolescence. Their lack of meaningful male – female relationship in childhood can make it more difficult for them to relate to the opposite sex later on. (Hooch and curry, 1983). The children develop sex roles concepts, attitudes, values, characteristics and behavior by identifying with their parents, especially with the parent Of the According to (A. Sock et. Al, 1 982) from the book The same sex. Adolescent.

Usually, young boys and girls identify more closely to the mother o as a result, young boys are often show more similarity to their mothers than their fathers. This is one explanation of why males are often more anxious than females regarding their sex-role identification, so then if the father is absent from the home the male child has the greater difficulty because of the lack of masculine influences. Nowadays, there has been a steady increase in the member of families that is headed by a single parent.

During formative years of child he or she is need of a person to identify with as their role model. Another reinforcing cause in the alteration of sexuality of n individual is the failure to have someone to identify with, in terms of gender sexuality or identification, but beyond are these details lies the fact that most children want and need two parents. The absent of one parent is a source of distress and however they adapt, the loss is not easy to compensate (Bigger, 1979).

STUDIES Studies contribute to the better understanding of the topic under investigation researcher. Local. In a study made by Dry. Roberto R. Sucking, He said that the growth for the teenager brings new problem and new adjustment, this rapid physical change plunges him to a strange world here he feels inadequate, embarrassed, self-conscious, and even unhappiness. Even though he has attained bodily maturations. He has yet to strive for the emotional maturity.

Sucking revealed that the adolescent is confronted with confiscations need for independence as well. Foreign. In a case study of father – absent girls often filled with details of problems concerning interactions with male. In a study made by Michael Router, He found that the nature of family interaction was much powerful predictor of problems than family characteristics bearing labels such as broken family or father – absent. As Router and many others however pointed, when looking at the effect of the family on children regarding to the sex of the child.

Boys generally have a more difficult time adjusting to their parent divorce than girls do, at least as evidence by their overtly disruptive behavior at home and school. In fact, conflicts between mothers and sons are still common even after separation, while most mothers and daughters have adjusted fairly well by it may be specific to the fact that most boys typically live with their mothers after the separation, and evidence for the latter hypothesis comes from studies that suggest that boys tend to adjust better when the father is the custodial parents than when the mother.

Furthermore, child early dependency on parents normally leads to a close emotional attachment, the children then may learn that some mothers are soft, warm and gentle, that they are affectionate nurturing and sensitive. And mothers may learns that fathers are muscular, rough or loud, and it could also be in vice ? versa. They pointed out also that the important is, children listen, adopt, observe and internalized how each parents behaves, speaks, reuses and acts in relation to the other parent or to the people outside the family.

Theoretical Framework Separation, family problems and misunderstandings from the family are the major causes of single – parent or broken families. In all these experience there are common factors that affect the well being of everyone involved. The most important, perhaps, is the way the parents felt about each other before the separation occurred. Unresolved feelings resulting in loss of love, in anger in loss of self – esteem can plaque both parents, specially in the part of the children.

This research is made to mention of theories that may help elaborate why there are differences in sexuality and what causes this differences, in the part of the child. First, there was Flatus’s Classical psychoanalytic Theory – in which he discussed the subject of identification may be defined as the method by which a person takes over the features of another person and makes them corporate part of his or her personality. The child learns to identified with his parents because they appear to be omnipotent, at least during the years of early childhood. Hall, 1978). A child ho grew up without a father figure can identify or acquire masculine traits of her father. Children who find themselves in one – parent situation can tensions and anxiety when relating to peers, with the stuff he or she hears that may or may not inculcated in his or her mind during his or her developing years. As a part of their coping mechanism with the tensions and anxiety they feel, they find solace in the idea of identification with other people whose accomplishment and interest are similar with that of the child.

More often than not, the mother or father are the one who are readily available to become child’s model figure and no doubt, the most important and most influential identification in annoys life. (Hall, 1978) Second, is Erik Erosion’s Psychosocial Theory of Development in which it covers the stages of a person life from birth to death. The means specifically and psychologically maturing organisms. Erosion’s mentioned the third psychosocial stage of life corresponding to the genital locomotors stage of psychologically. (Hall, 1978). This stage involves playing, explorations, attempts, failures and experimentation.

In addition to physical games, it realizes to some degree hat it is like to them. Children imitate people who they see often than others they seldom see. Erikson also refers to identify formation as the primary psychosocial crisis Of adolescent. (Bigger, 1 979) The formation Of identity in this crucial period requires the understanding of so many roles which assumed in life can take in the future. Human sexuality a factor in identity formation is one way or another, begins to mold even prior to the onset of the period and problems such as identity formation surfaces as soon as sex roles are on its beginning of assignments.

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